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About Narler

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Narler

    Constructive criticism

    Something else I would like to comment on is the Ammo levels. Mainly relating to LAW's, RPG's and AA's. If I have a RPG and only 1 round of ammo showing on my gear screen. Why is it that when I load the RPG, the gear screen still shows that round of ammo as using inventory space, when infact it's not using any inventory space as it is loaded IN the RPG ?. If this could be addressed it would mean you could effectively carry 2 rounds of AA stinger ammo, one loaded, and one using 6 inventory slots. I can't see how or why a weapon that is loaded, has the ammo it's loaded with using inventory space. That defies logic. Thanks. Narler
  2. Narler

    Constructive criticism

    As many have already mentioned, not giving players enough (or any time) to collect weapons before missions end is annoying. Also previously mentioned, I to would like a list of all weapons taken at the end of a mission, under the statistics screen where it shows all your kills. It should also show all team kills aswell... Also here's a few other things on that same topic that I find tedious: On the mission where you meet the boat and get a stack of new weapons, including AA's. The next mission starts saying you've now driven to the desert, and as I checked the contents of the truck at the end of the mission, I would have thought all would still be there, but NO. In this desert mission (which is destroy the helo's at the airport). The truck was empty?. Why don't we have an option to EQUIPE truck, just like we do to equip the team? it's seems pointless in having the darn truck, especially when a single round for the AA weapons use 6 inventory slots, and you can't get other team mates to carry ammunition for weapons they don't have? I don't see why I can't have someone else on the team carry additional ammo, and operate as support. Like in WW2 with belt fed weapons, you'd have a loader who would carry additional ammo. Other annoyances I have with collecting weapons and ammo during missions: On a few missions, hold base, or attack camp etc. There are trucks in the camp, Yet when I tell a soldier to take <item> (by using the action menu) I can't tell where to take it from?.. the action menu does not list where it is, and on most occasions they end up taking the item FROM the truck, and not from a dead soldier?. Also on the action menu, I can't see if telling a solider to take <item> will cause that soldier to drop another <item> they are already carrying, (other than the obvious like taking a PK when they are carrying a RPG). It's completely insane, to tell each soldier individually to put <item> to truck, when you have 10 soldiers, that's a LOAD of commands that have to be issued. Why oh Why can't we have an action menu option, that says "PUT SELECTED WEAPON". but as it is now if you select more than 1 ai soldier, just about all the action options (if not all) disappear, even if each solider has identical weapons ?.. why can't i select all soldiers who are using AK74's and tell them to put AK74 to truck with a single action command?... Lastly I waste so much time having to select a weapon, in order to put it to a truck?.. If i have a Ak74, but only want to put a RPG to truck, i have to select the RPG before i get the put menu option?.. and the instant my character puts the RPG to the truck, i have to wait while my character automatically selects the Ak74 ?.. ARGHH wastes so much time. Especially when you take for instance, using the climb up (or down) ladder commands, you start off with the weapon in hand, but when you go up or down a ladder, you have to manually put weapon back in hand?.. so WHY the inconsistency?.. one action command forces weapon in hand, yet another action command does not?.. Thanks for listening. Narler.
  3. Narler

    .can\'t see where I am on the map

    If you are in control of another soldier, you can cheat a little bit, get the soldier to return to formation ( menus 1, 1), then give him the report status command (menu 5, 5), and he'll give you his position, and a small icon will appear on the map. As that soldier is standing beside you, that is a good and quick way to see where you are. If you don't have a soldier to command, then you have to do what everyone else has suggested and keep track of the terrain, roads, landmarks etc. The best way I have found, is take a good look at the map before you start the mission, so you can see exactly where you start, which direction your objective is etc etc. that makes it considerably easier to re-orientate yourself if you do get confused during the mission. If you can't do either of the above, and there are enemies around, you can use them to workout where you are. ie use your Target ID key, find a enemy, and hit that key, if it was an enemy that was unreported, you will hear a radio call from yourself reporting that enemy, that enemy will now get a icon on the map. so that will help you pinpoint where you are. It's ironic really, that if you see an enemy you can use the radio to report his position? but there is no equipment that you have which can report your own (until you get into later missions, then some do give you a device that keeps track of your grid reference, you see this when in map mode if you have it.) Lastly if there is a armoured unit around, get in it, and on the map you'll get a box [ ] with vertical and horizontal lines that traverse the whole map, where they intersect is where you are. Hope some of that info is helpful. Cya Narler
  4. Narler

    05 Heavy Metal?

    I noticed the lack of commands as a driver also, and I posted a message about it HERE Suma replied stating Yes, you have to take position as commander (even for just a second) before you can give orders. So probably the best thing to do would be to restart the mission, and when you get to the base to repair your tank, get out then get in as commander, then order your crew to get in, that way you have control of your tank, then at the rally point as others have mentioned, get back in as commander once you're ejected. The mission probably ejects you so that you will get in as commander, as that is what you are ordered to do, it must assume that you are still the driver, and as you've found out, being the driver is a serious limitation. So I think the Ejecting is their way to get around this problem. Hope that info helps cya Narler
  5. Narler

    I\'m Stuck in a mission who can help me??

    After being captured, I was transported by Hind to a base / town. when the Hind crew got out, I waited until the chopper had almost spun down the rotors, then I ran to that, jumped in as pilot, turned on manual fire, and shot everything in sight, 3 bmp's, 3 shilka's, 1 T80, 1 T72 I initially stole the BMP, but that's a bad move as the T80 comes along and yer toast, not to mention all the troops start lobbing grenades at you, and the BMP doesn't cope with that to well. The mission ended when I exited to the right of the base / town that I was taken to. (for orientation the green tents were on my left just behind the half demolished building.) I couldn't even see the moon as it was day light when I did the mission, there was nothing in the sky to see ? cya