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Everything posted by Marccom

  1. Hey guys, i just closed the inbetween quite old thread in ARMA-Forum. I wont do any further work for ARMA. sorry. Well, but here i am. But i am really unsure. I have ARMA II now and it is quite good though some is still quite bad, but the point is: 1. What to do, what do i have to wait for and what do i have to collect to begin my work for ARMA II? 2. is Oxygen 2 still usable or will there be a new, better version? 3. how long will it take till new bohemia tool packs will be published? what of the old is still usable? Who of your good informed guys can tell me something about that? What is new, what is old? I actually cant find the right answers in the stuff that is actual in the new forums here. I hope somebody can and will answer my questions. links to other threads would be helpful, too. Can be that i am getting blind ;-) What do you think about the possibility to realize some major wishes from the old terminator project?...like redview, individual voices, better anims like onehandled weapons, woundtextures, ...? I hope all the guys from the last thread are still interested in and maybe some more. Greets Marc
  2. hi, by myself i used the bases as *.3ds ph00nix used *.wings. important is that the files are importable in O2. So the best is *.3ds or *.obj or you make a work direct in O2 and so as *.p3d But i have to say that i am doing nothing on this project since few month. Lost contact with ph00nix and couldn't find any motivation to go further here. Greets Marc
  3. thanks for understanding....thats nice
  4. Hi, i am sorry but the project is stopped again. Phoonix seems to have no time at the moment and i have not too. I will give a hint here when we are working again
  5. Ph00nix is on holidays for a week and i am working on the model to make it adaptable on soldier-bodies. I thought this is not so interesstant to make regular news about that ;-)
  6. there´s nor bad meaning, but all kind of thematic can be discussed to its death. Jimmy meant it good, i guess and ph00nix will find his ways to optimize his model.
  7. Hi, ph00nix sent me an updated version of his HK Tank now and i just ported it to O2. I think all is looking good now and proportions are correct. All i can say is: Nice work.:cool: Greets Marc
  8. hi, nice...but track width is a bit to much now, i think *safeplacesearching* :-) and someting is wrong with the head. it is high in the back and the line is falling lower to the front. you made the arms now...very nice. keep an eye on the facecount and manifold mesh, please. Greets Marc
  9. :-)) The infiltrator version is not from desk. just like with the Harley Fat Boy its creation is one of my maintargets. a little above in this thread i am talking about my plans and "wishes" that Terminators should be able to make body-to-body-attacks. Hitting down walls etc. should be part of those functions. full agreement. Would be nice somthing like this were possible. Greets Marc ---------- Post added at 11:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ---------- @ph00nix i guess i know what max power means. we can talk about it in detail internal. Nevertheless of some constructive critisizing and improvement-suggestions that model stays very good. dont worry. Greets Marc
  10. Hi, i hope and think ph00nix is also reading in this thread and will think about your suggestions and apart from this it is a first concept sketch. Guess it will get many changes on its way. Stretching on some proportions will not be a problem. Maybe he will tell somthing about his further plans here by himself. Its the same just like with my t800-model. both only first, very early views. Stay tuned
  11. Hi again, just as i said... ph00nix just sent me a first version of his HK Tank. In my opinion this thing is looking very good but take a look by yourself: this cooperation really begins to make me happy. :-) Greets Marc
  12. Hi, thats no problem...you are not bothering. Till yet nobody went to death from little discussion. ;-)) Further your pic is not really uninterestent, because it is effectively showing what you mean. And you are right...in the first view the quality differences look very weak. An example like this would be very good possible with the t800-head, too...i guess At some points of the model i will use "tricks" like this (the one or other hole, dents, some "used-look-measures", eyes, teeth) but only at some points. For example the typical sinkholes in the chin will stay, just like the already mentioned foot- and handfingers and so on. Again the hint, that nevertheless the model will get some heavily changes in near future...and I guess it will loose the one or other poly with this. Greets Marc
  13. Hi, @crazy ace there is a terminator for OFP..that is not mine. For ARMA i released a beta package last year...when i am right it was in October...im not sure. take a look at armaholic, armedassault.info and so on and search for "terminator". you should be able to find something. @jimmy we'll try it...although my mainfocus is a bit on T II...in my opinion the best part. Longterm vision could be that we made models with a bit of all t-movies. @others above sorry...than i am definetly not a good modeller :-) what should not mean that you re not right, maybe you are. But i dont want to reduce this model too much and improvise all with maps. dont like it. there won´t be simple sticks with maps instead of feet and hands. low poly with shadow and normal maps will look good. and highpoly with maps will look better in my opinion. We`ll see what time will bring us
  14. Hi, ok....thanks so far. But i dont agree with many thinks. there maybe is still some detail that is unnecessary and can be reduced....some things will be made. small bumps and so on can be faked, ok...but it will never look such as good, as some nice details figured out additionally with normal maps! chest and arm parts and so on could be setted with more low poly...but it would definitly loosing visible some form. feet as sticks with normalmaps? No way that would be looking awful! also foursided cables...smoothing will never be that powerful...the difference would be detectable. the head is always looking silly in easy modelview without textures, because some details are not worked out so (f.e. dark eyeholes,...). nevertheless the MUST be heavily reworked because in this shape it could never be hided behind a normal human face. I never said that am going to make terminators workable for all systems. Quality is more important than quantity. I realized how souverain my middle class systems runs with 30.000faces-t800 in arma and just slwowing down with the same in ARMAII. So i realized ARMAII is not a game for under equipped or older systems...unimportant if with 40.000faces-models or without. Nevertheless, thanks for critizising. Greets Marc
  15. Hi, you won´t believe it but i just tried the new BI-Tools and made some progress. I got it to reduce my third t800-model to be usable in Buldozer without loosing too much "beauty" Who knows a bit my previous model (for ARMA; on last shown pics here...the second ARMA-Model was only converted to ARMA2) will realize that this model has more mesh details (head, upper legs, Cables, arms, chest- and back-armor) and is much less "squeezed" (hands, fingers, cables, feet, footfingers). the price is that we are very close on faces-limit (40.000) in 0.0000-LOD with a bit above 39.000. (old model a bit above 29.000). the model is not perfectly sizeadapted to soldiermodels at presenttime and has actual no textures and materials (will come soon, i know...hope....guess...wish ;-) ). So the bodyimpress will change a bit with next steps. i will also completely change the body-anim-layout and maybe we find a way to make some different move anims (slower walk, different fast move, one-handed-fire,...). I am not sure...but think i shortly saw some body-attack-anim-scripts at zombie-addons for ARMA. When I am right and we could find a way we would like to make it possible that different terminators are able to choke soldiers, brake arms or legs and/or throwing soldiers through the map...choosable over right-click-menu. Maybe it is possible. We`ll see. ph00nix told me that he nearly finished a first model concept for the HK tank. yesterday i saw first pics of the tank track devices and i was quite impressed. You will see it by your own soon, i guess. Stay tuned
  16. Ok, after this some less happiness producing news in last few days here comes something good, i think: I am very happy to present the information that my team is not longer a one-man-show. ph00nix will support my work in future. He has experience in modelling and texturing and just started some work on HK Aerial and tank.:coop: So my greets and thanks in advance to Andreas at this point and a toast to good and productive longterm cooperation. LETS GO!
  17. Hey Dude tahts really nice...more like that. but we schouldnt forget that some guys (tobor and marek) made some really nice bases for me. so they have to get that honor minimun as much like me. Marek worked about a year at his t800. you are really welcome. if you have for example an idea how to get a difficult model to less points and faces than 50.000 btw 70.000 without loosing too much of form and quality...that would help me for a while. why did i had to get familiar with stuff like this instead to stay out of things like this *sneef*:D
  18. @Drake3571 don't take it too much as an too close personal attack, because i dont know you. But i would prefer and ask you to stay out of this thread and not to do further postings here. It is not only the juristical manner and the forum rules that i am thinking about...it is further my thinking and personal view of justice and fairness. Yes, it would be fine to go to the supermarket, take some nice things and go home without to pay at the checkout Yes, it would be funny to take neighbours sportscar and drive some rounds with it when he is in hospital And yes it is funny, fast and easy to take files from other modders and games, make some changes and anims and to publish them...wow...that would save time and work and and and But i dont know how it is with you but i and i guess the most of all others modders dont like to do things like that and dont like that when others do things like that with them or their properties. And i dont share your opinion that moddingscene is nearly dead. Especially in touch with ARMA...open your eyes! Other modders are not that "lazy" like me. The real fact is that Modding as honest work takes time, is much work and not easy. Most important is that i dont want that i or my work or other work with terminator stuff for ARMA will get in touch with machinations like this. So again, please stay out of here and dont post further links and pics and other things here. @mods btw W0lle maybe it would be better to delete all links and pics and so on about salvation-game stuff here?...what do you think? @all others i know i am quite "lazy" and all takes very much time at the moment with my work. if there are modders who want to make some stuff for terminator...please dont wait for me and post your ideas and your work here. that is no problem. Also dont get tired to get in contact with me and offer your help. i know it is all a little slow with me...but believe me...i would appreciate that and am happy when i get pms or see that interested people are posting here. I promise i will try to get some time for making progress in near future.
  19. Hi again, sorry for being disturbing gameplay, but in my opinion it is impossible to use this files for modding. when that all are bases of models of commercial game salvation the risk is extremely high to get problems with copyrights. i dont know how it is with other modders here but i am not interested to get hot fingers with this files and prefer to do my own thing btw my thing with a regular allowedness of the basemakers (thanks again at this point). there is a german wise saying: Lügen haben kurze Beine! Lies have always short legs
  20. Hi, wow...nice things are going on here. Sorry that i have no time at the moment to go forward with my modplannings. I restarted to make a new better t800 model, but i have too less time at the moment. i actually have too much points and faces (70.000) and have to find a way to reduce them. Are this pics over there from bulldozer? whats about the data?...points, faces, memory? thats all looking hot. Greets Marc
  21. Hi, i am very sorry that i wasnt here a long time. i was on an military education journey for two weeks and came back today. before i left i made some tests in different manners and decide to use the old models from the beginning and to make some heavy changes at the model and the textures. please be a little pacient because i wont have so much time to work on this project. Greets Marc
  22. ok...this time something that have to do with my Terminators ;-) please dont be sour that here come only less news and progress. I am experimenting with the improvements of the model, rvmats, textures and supershaders. That takes much time. i made the textures all new and try to complete the 6 btw 7 stages in the rvmat do activate supershaders. Further i am experimenting with new shadows. but just like at A1 here are the possibilities very limited,too. I am trying to make aczeptable nice shadows without coming with vertices, points and faces too high...not easy. Hope i can make some updates with pics soon. Greets Marc
  23. OK, i see some failures, but maybe you should start an own thread, because this is getting some confusing, i guess. i cant get a solution for my weaponsconfig, too. tracers and anims dont want to work, though i copied the lines from original config.bins. Dont know what should be the failure. i am making some improvements on my skeleton, textures and rvmats now. Maybe some pics later or tomorrow.
  24. Hi again, yes thats the name of the *.pbo (without stars "*") in my sit it is f.e. "MMS_T800H" Greets Marc