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About MouldyCrust

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  1. MouldyCrust

    Addon Research Topic

    that might help you: http://www.pixagogo.com/6759724243 I could kiss you! I found some pictures like these earlier tonight, but not in those resolutions! You sir are a star!
  2. MouldyCrust

    Addon Research Topic

    Also does anyone have any RPG-7V side pics? I need a high res one and also soem high res PGO-7 sight pics from all angles
  3. MouldyCrust

    Addon Research Topic

    Looking for blueprints/any other images for russian KA 31 helicopter contact me if you find anythign better than i can Â
  4. MouldyCrust


    Hello all! I will essentially be basing the models/mod on the Imperial Guard! Starting off with the Thunderbolt Multi-role heavy fighter, then moving onto the Lightning and so on and so forth. If anyone can help me get my O2PE working then I could actually make a start! Once the models are done then I shall need some help doign a small campaign/few missions with the IG fighting a rebellion (Easier to do rather than making half of the forces in the WH40K universe! ) -Will
  5. MouldyCrust


    After being away from Ofp editing for so long, Ive decided to come back (I was previously under another alias ) Rekindling my love for making models Ive started up making Warhammer 40000 models again. However, I have one or two slight problems. 1: Trying to convert my blueprints into .pac/.paa in textview it doesnt do it, it well the file isnt touched by O2 2: Trying to even open anything in textview view File-Open causes it to crash, any help on that? Once ive got these hiccups sorted I can start off my work again and show a few model pictures in a few days (Or weeks seeing as Halo3 shall be on my door in a few days ) -Will