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About McGhee

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  1. McGhee

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    Well everybody was a noob at the beginning so no problem to ask a question like this. Â 1. You have to create the Init.sqs by yourself. How to: Go to the ArmA Editor, create a mission and then save the mission Now in your ArmA Profile folder you got a Foder with your mission name open this folder and create a file ( With Notepad or Chris's ArmA Edit ) called "Init.sqs". ( The Init.sqs is a simple .txt file ) But to use ArmA Group Link 2 Plus! you simply can use the Init.sqs of the Example Mission simply copy and past or drag and drop the Init.sqs from the Example Mission to your Mission folder and you should be fine. Â Having a problem with it still. I put everything needed into my mission folder, When I put the game logic on the map and put the init code in the field and start the game, it says the GL2PLUS script isnt found. Help???
  2. McGhee

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    Hate to be a noob with a question like this but how do I get the entire script to enable and where do I find the init.sqs of my mission? Im sure its simple, just need a little light! thanks.
  3. McGhee

    ArmA Group Link II Plus!

    Hate to be a noob with a question like this but how do I get the entire script to enable and where do I find the init.sqs of my mission? Im sure its simple, just need a little light! thanks.
  4. Found it, thanks alot bud! Now this will add more of a realistic atmosphere to my missions! GLII
  5. I have been looking around for a script that attaches a sound to a certain action, like having the "Reloading!" voice attached to the reloading action and doing it each time that action is used. Or "Man Down!" when a unit is killed in the team. Thanks!
  6. McGhee

    Mando Heliroute ArmA

    Is there a readme or installation guide for this perhaps?
  7. Nice, these look great! Good work on the textures. Just a thought - Are you going to add a desert skins?
  8. Awsome work guys, these addons will be very useful! Keep 'em coming!