Hey guys, I’ve been playing ArmA on and off for the last month or so, usually trying to do the SP campaign, which is going… somewhat slow. Therefore, I figured I’d try out the online component, and what better way is there than getting involved with a group of likeminded people right?
I’m 18 years old, and have been gaming for some time. I have a lot of flight-simming experience (Il-2 primarily, online of course). While this doesn’t directly relate to ArmA in any meaningful way, it has taught me a lot of team work that I would imagine help on the ground as well. I also used to play Day of Defeat in league play which reinforced the value of strategy and team play. Technically, I have a more than decent machine, a legal copy of ArmA, TrackIR, a working microphone, and a broadband connection. I often play between 0000 UTC to 0900 UTC on weekdays. For weekends basically anything but 1100-1800 UTC is fair game, unless something comes up, in which case I always try to give fair warning if it is appropriate.
What I’m looking to join is a US based group that plays with realistic tactics, preferably in a combined arms environment, rather than focusing solely on infantry. I suppose a coop based group would allow for a greater degree of realism, but I am unfamiliar with the online component of ArmA, so this is more of a personal viewpoint rather than any sort of requirement or need.
Thanks for Reading!