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About McLee

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  1. McLee

    What in the hell were they thinking..

    @ht-57 I also have a gaming keyboard Razer Tarantula. There is also 10 programmable keys, but I don´t know how to put them in use in arma. can u help me with this? McLee
  2. McLee

    How to Change your Name?

    thank you Kronzky! I was  because i couldnt edit my original profile, but now i can make new one without spending valuable arma time to bind all the keys again!! but still I dont want to have your children like someone in other topic  McLee
  3. McLee

    What in the hell were they thinking..

    Little OT, but since the topic is about keys in arma I would like to ask if anyone is using razer tarantula keyboard. I bought it and it´s great but... I have problem using the extra buttons. Arma does not Recognize these extra buttons. If anyone knows a solution for this it would be great!! McLee