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About MadTommy

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. You said you were using the beta patch right? If so look in your Arma root folder for Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch short cut and try that to launch Arma. I have the same issue and this shortcut is the only way i can launch the game without getting this error. As someone posted above, this is often a short cut issue. Good luck.
  2. Can you shoot a bolt action rifle accurately & quickly with a gamepad? I consider that impossible, couldn't hit a barn door. I think you'll get badly owned.
  3. oh dear.. point scoring is it. :rolleyes: The difference should be obvious to someone of your experience, the difference is the end goal. But i'm not going to get it to that, the goal of PR has been stated so many times i won't waste my time trying to explain it to you. According to your argument every game since the 1st FPS has ripped of it's predecessor in some way or another. PR are very aware of the similarities.. it works well so why reinvent the wheel, they wanted a similar HUD so they made one from scratch, you should take it as a compliment. ;)
  4. Just wait and see. But PR is NOT an addon pack..being offered to the community to be used as it desires. Its a gameplay mod, there is a massive difference. There are 1000s of great addons for people to use as they wish, i suggest people use those rather than getting their panties in a twist about not being able to use PRs assets.
  5. I heard that the mod will remove the ability to play vanilla Arma or any other mods. Once you install it you'll never be able to play anything else. My cousin's sister's friend snogged UK_Force last week and he let it slip. :eek:
  6. That is what you missed.
  7. PR is fundamentally a gameplay mode for player vs player, well actually team Vs team. Not coop. As such the mod itself will simply not work as SP. Whether you can use individual PR assets alone in SP or Coop is somewhat irrelevant as they alone are not the mod.
  8. MadTommy

    Double-Click not working

    Hmmm Ok I've been having this issue a lot at the minute.. yes I have TrackIr.. i'll look in this direction. Thanks. Its very annoying. Running latest CO version patch 1.57 (not steam) and TrackIr Version 5.1 beta 02.
  9. LOL kind offer indeed! :) It appears to be exceptionally hard to say anything in this thread without annoying some sensitive soul who appears to be the centre of knowledge and all things wonderful. I very much hope those who play arma and wish to play in a PvP environment with no AI will embrace this mod, and give it a fair crack. I can't wait to try it with 99 odd other humans.. with no bloody AI dicking about :bounce3: Bring it on.
  10. Deano is the lead Developer... :)
  11. I hope the big WIP in red on the screenshots would answer this.. it is simply work in progress. :)
  12. I've managed to read most of this thread... the one thing that springs out to me is...the apparent assumed isolation of each community. This is simply not the case. I know for a fact there are many like me who enjoy both games, and have done so for years. I'm just bemused by the division many seem to see. Both games enjoy and benefit from the same player base.. we all enjoy 'realistic' fps games, and will continue to do so. Long live Arma with its diversity of addons & mods & long live PR with is focus on PvP teamwork 'all in one' approach. What a happy collective they will make. Choice for all wants. :)
  13. MadTommy

    Project Reality Development

    It would go against what the pr team stands for.... i know that they started with an very gaming arcade shooter with the ambition to make it far more realistic, i'd eat my hat if they planned to dum down the realistic elements of arma2, quite the opposite is expected. You don't have anything to fear in that regards. The pr community and dev team love their realism. :)
  14. MadTommy

    Project Reality Development

    All you need to do is keep abreast of this section.. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f380-project-reality-news New news will always be on the 1st post so you wont need to troll through the forums. But i'm sure the important news will filter through to this post... finding it amongst all the tat may be hard though. Its a shame the views on both sides appear to have been polarised by a few idiots... that's the power of the interwebs i suppose. The fanboys should meet behind the bike shed and have it out. :)