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M. D. Geist

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About M. D. Geist

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. M. D. Geist

    XP vs. Vista

    Silly question.
  2. M. D. Geist

    AI disaster + tanks

    Not quite. Something as complex as human behaviour cannot be concieved with mere programming. You simply cannot forecast every possible problem/question that might come up. I'd would say its the other way around. Robot engineers are now moving from CPU assisted decision processing to pure hardware processing. AFAIK, these programs are merely storing data in strings/integers/arrays and loading said data on demand. Imagine how many strings/integers/arrays you need to create/allocate in order to achieve any decent level of 'intelligence'. This, IMO, is a very dangerous approach due to the high possiblity of memory leaks (especially if you're using pointers). This danger can of course be eliminated with garbage collectors (i.e. managed code (ex. C# but who's programming AI in C#?). On the other hand, managed programming languages are slower than unmanaged. I'm not an AI guru, but I can see a lot of things that can put you in a world of hurt. Half-Life 2 has close to 150,000 lines of AI code; and most of the AI is actually scripted on level-basis. You can multiply the lines by ten for non-scripted, dynamic AI, and still not get anywhere near the level of sentient life. Hardware is not dependent on software. A simple robot consisting of a few transistors already equals 1,000,000 lines of code. In fact, its even superior. Not only can it make decisions in a fraction of CPU processing time, it can also learn and "remember" an incredible amount of decisions. Conditional statements and conditional programming (procedural/structured programming) are two completely different things. Before OOP came along you only had the conditional/structural approach. Nowdays you won't find it anywhere but at the lowest level. No, that's completely false. Again, completely false. http://www.robotroom.com/RBFB.html No its not. Software engineering is too limited. Simple transistors are already superior.
  3. M. D. Geist

    AI disaster + tanks

    Conditional programming (if, else) is a lazy mans approach, and has no place in the modern world of OOP. Not to mention the CPU load such code would cause. Unfortunately, software programming has reached its limits; its impossible to design software that can emulate sentient life. IMO, the only solution to our AI problems will be AI cards (similar to graphic or physics cards); emulating a human brain.
  4. M. D. Geist

    1970 vs 2010

    Russia and low tech , give me a break. A few examples of "low" Russian technology: AN94 T-95 -arguably the best tank in the world Su-3x (Su-30MKI (4.5th gen.); superior to all F-1x variants, and probably the EF Typhoon as well) MiG-39 -5th gen. stealth fighter Mi-24/28/35 Ka-50 It was a Russian scientist who developed the first generation stealth formula, which later Lockheed picked up and built the F-117. Russia also had the HMS (Helmet Mounted Sight) system some 20 years before the USA recently adopted it. And also had thrust vectoring way before the F-22 got it. Anyway, personally I would like to see Europe vs USA set in 2010.
  5. M. D. Geist

    Any place where I can find quality coop missions?

    Had all the quality missions from ArmAholic already. Thanks anyway.
  6. M. D. Geist

    European Marine Corps

    <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>The recently formed European Marine Corps are looking to build a strong community of MilSim enthusiasts!</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>The EMC stands for a number of things; realistic, serious and fair gameplay, professional behaviour, teamwork, real-life military tactics & maneuvers and proper combined arms combat.</span> <span style='font-size:9.5pt;line-height:100%'>Features</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Chain of Command: combat revolves around the proper use of the CoC; high rankings entail the ability to properly command other players on the battlefield. Academy: the academy serves the purpose of training and developing players. One of the most powerful servers out there!</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Ranks Based on modern military ranks. Although not as "hardcore" as other clan’s rankings (i.e. gaining ranks every few months). Instead, ranks in the EMC are gained through battlefield performance. Activities: Training Exercises (e.g.: large scale operations) Tournaments Missions played: Coop, TDM, SC, CTI Server(s): European Marine Corps #1 (Main), European Marine Corps #2 (Training/Exercises)</span> <span style='font-size:9.5pt;line-height:100%'>Join Now!</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Available Positions:</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Officers/Management</span> – <span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>at the moment we are looking to extend the management; that is strategists/tacticians, writers, admins, web designers and modders.</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Officers</span> - <span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>officers with leadership abilities.</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Special Forces</span> - <span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>the elite.</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Crewmen/Pilots</span> - <span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>full-time servicemen.</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Infantry</span> - <span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>our bread and butter.</span> <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Requirements: 18+ European Citizen Mature Teamplayer</span>
  7. M. D. Geist

    Forming a mature community on the EMC server

    Age doesn't matter. Everybody except TK'ers, cheaters, griefers etc are welcome.
  8. M. D. Geist

    Bandwith Tweek For Player & Server

    You can remote control the server via NX or a similar system and run the program on the server "locally".
  9. M. D. Geist

    Forming a mature community on the EMC server

    Mature: Of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical
  10. Hey, Just a quick heads up! The European Marine Corps server is up and running. Maps being played: everything except CTF. Community: mature, teamplayers Regards
  11. M. D. Geist

    More Armor to Abrams

    Does it really matter what tanks we have in the game if tank combat itself, sucks? They have completely screwed up vehicle combat with that silly radar. And there are so many features missing that I've stopped bothering with vehicles altogether.