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Major Blood

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  1. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Hello again Back with an update (since the forums were down) All is fixed and working now. All the big guns helped me with this, so let me say, thank you. Here is a pic from a few days ago: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg137/missiongoal/low3.jpg Work continues and still alot to do. None of which would even be possible without the guidance and knowlege of the people on this forum and in this community. Thank you
  2. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Thank you everyone for your assistance and expertise. I truly do appreciate it. I have been working on this forever, and cant seem to adjust the position of the cargo view I can see the cargo view in O2, but there are no vertices to select. Any suggestions?
  3. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Yes, indeed very easy.  Issue resolved   Thank you I have gotten into trouble in the past "adjusting" the lods.  lol. Ok, there is something else going on.  Please have a look: No interior through back window. http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg137/missiongoal/shadow3.jpg Inside view: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg137/missiongoal/shadow5.jpg Triangle shading on driver and passenger side windows: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg137/missiongoal/shadow6.jpg I think some of this has to do with the cargo view lod, but not sure exactly. EDIT: I have also noticed the color of the truck has gotten VERY dark compared to the original color. It seems this happened after triangulating the model. Any thoughts on these?
  4. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Lol thanks, I figured it was something like that. Now, my question is what is the correct way to remove proxies from the shadow lod. lol. I have put together a number of units, but this is my first vechicle and have not had to do this before. Any help on this? Please.
  5. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Closing the shadow lod did the trick! Lol, now it seems after doing that I have a new problem: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg137/missiongoal/shadow2.jpg Are the cargo proxies now showing up as shadows???
  6. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Thanks for your reply Jackal. Â I have managed to go through each lod and set the edges to sharp for the tires, and have ensured that my selections are correct. Still no luck. Â all the faces are triangulated Can you explain this as well? Is this to be done just to the wheels? Â I am noober
  7. Major Blood

    Shadow help Please!

    Hello All I am trying to put together a few veichles, but I have this problem with the shadows of the wheels: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg137/missiongoal/shadows1.jpg Can someone help me with this Please!!!
  8. Major Blood


    Agreed Peoples tastes in sound mods are so diverse, I think it is a good idea. It sounds like a great start. Good luck in your hopefully continued work. Major
  9. Major Blood

    Other AddOns for Airwolf mod

    Wow!!! Cant wait to use these. I love airwolf in ArmA! Xpetit thank you soooo much for your work and the release. This one of the very few "must have" addons for me. Keep up the great work and thank you once again. I cant say enough about how greatful I am that you brought Airwolf to ArmA. Over and out
  10. Major Blood

    Simple Config Question

    Scars09: That got it done. I went into O2 and changed the named selection. It now works perfectly. Thank you all for your help.
  11. Major Blood

    Simple Config Question

    Hello again Thank you for your replys. Quote: Scars09 maybe its enough to delete the swap_hhl entry posted above. sure shot is to rename the selection in o2/your model. I have removed the "swap_hhl" from the config, but no luck. I am sorry I dont understand what you mean by rename selection in O2. The desired face shows perfectly in Buldozer, but is ramdom in editor. Quote: General Barron Urgh.... don't put CfgModels and CfgSkeletons info directly in your config; rather, create a model.cfg and binarize your model. Otherwise some users will get errors when they use your addon. Barron this is a random config that I found somewhere, and my first attempt at getting a unit in game. I dont have the knowlege required to understand your statment. I am complete noob and only do modeling and textures. Besides with this being my first unit addon, it will most likely be for personal use only. I am obviously missing something here. Help Pleaseee
  12. Major Blood

    Simple Config Question

    Hey Q Thanks for the reply. I dont understand your answer. I checked the link, but I dont get it. Can someone please elaborate. I have tried many changes in config, but nothing has worked. Like I said, this should be a simple fix, but I have no clue.
  13. Hello All I am creating a new unit, but I am having some trouble with the config. I need to define a custom face for this unit simply named: hhl_01_co.paa With this config the units faces are random: class CfgPatches { class IPD_operators { units[]={"IPD_operators"}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion = 1.05; requiredAddons[]={}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class IPD_operators { displayName="IPD_operators"; }; }; class CfgSkeletons { class Default; class Head { isDiscrete = 0; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] ={"neck","","neck1","neck","head","n eck1","lBrow","head","mBrow","head","rBr ow","head","lMouth","head","mMouth","hea d","rMouth","head","eyelids","head","LLi p","head"}; }; class OFP2_ManSkeleton { isDiscrete = 0; skeletonInherit = "Head"; skeletonBones[] = {"weapon","","launcher","","Camera",&quo t;","Spine","","Spine1","","Spine2" ,"","Spine3","","Pelvis","","LeftSh oulder","","LeftArm","","LeftArmRoll","& quot;,"LeftForeArm","","LeftForeArmRoll",""," LeftHand","", "LeftHandRing","","LeftHandRing1","","LeftHan dRing2","","LeftHandRing3","","LeftHandPinky1&quot ;,"","LeftHandPinky2","","LeftHandPinky3","&q uot;,"LeftHandMiddle1","","LeftHandMiddle2","", "LeftHandMiddle3","","LeftHandIndex1","","Lef tHandIndex2","","LeftHandIndex3","","LeftHandThumb 1","","LeftHandThumb2","","LeftHandThumb3",&q uot;","RightShoulder","","RightArm","", "RightArmRoll","","RightForeArm","","RightFor eArmRoll","","RightHand","","RightHandRing",& quot;","RightHandRing1","","RightHandRing2","&quot ;,"RightHandRing3","","RightHandPinky1","", "RightHandPinky2","","RightHandPinky3","","Ri ghtHandMiddle1","","RightHandMiddle2","","RightHan dMiddle3","","RightHandIndex1","","RightHandIndex2 ","","RightHandIndex3","", "RightHandThumb1","","RightHandThumb2","","Ri ghtHandThumb3","","LeftUpLeg","","LeftUpLegRoll&qu ot;,"","LeftLeg","","LeftLegRoll","",&qu ot;LeftFoot","","LeftToeBase","","RightUpLeg" ,"", "RightUpLegRoll","","RightLeg","","RightLegRo ll","","RightFoot","","RightToeBase","&q uot;}; }; class Flag: Default {}; class FlagCarrier: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[] = {"stozar","","vlajka",""}; }; }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr; class BI_PeopleMoves : CfgMovesMaleSdr { skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "1c", "2c", "3c", "4c", "5c", "6c", "7c", "8c", "1f", "2f", "3f", "4f", "5f", "6f", "7f", "8f"}; collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1, 3, 6}; }; class CfgModels { class Default; class flag_vojak : Default { sections[] = {"latka"}; }; class Head: Default { skeletonName = "Head"; sections[] = {"swap_hhl","hide_eyewear"}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class IPD_operators: Default { skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton"; sectionsInherit="Head"; sections[] = {"weapon","","launcher","","Camera",&quo t;","Spine","","Spine1","","Spine2" ,"","Spine3","","Pelvis","","LeftSh oulder","","LeftArm","","LeftArmRoll","& quot;,"LeftForeArm","","LeftForeArmRoll",""," LeftHand","", "LeftHandRing","","LeftHandRing1","","LeftHan dRing2","","LeftHandRing3","","LeftHandPinky1&quot ;,"","LeftHandPinky2","","LeftHandPinky3","&q uot;,"LeftHandMiddle1","","LeftHandMiddle2","", "LeftHandMiddle3","","LeftHandIndex1","","Lef tHandIndex2","","LeftHandIndex3","","LeftHandThumb 1","","LeftHandThumb2","","LeftHandThumb3",&q uot;","RightShoulder","","RightArm","", "RightArmRoll","","RightForeArm","","RightFor eArmRoll","","RightHand","","RightHandRing",& quot;","RightHandRing1","","RightHandRing2","&quot ;,"RightHandRing3","","RightHandPinky1","", "RightHandPinky2","","RightHandPinky3","","Ri ghtHandMiddle1","","RightHandMiddle2","","RightHan dMiddle3","","RightHandIndex1","","RightHandIndex2 ","","RightHandIndex3","", "RightHandThumb1","","RightHandThumb2","","Ri ghtHandThumb3","","LeftUpLeg","","LeftUpLegRoll&qu ot;,"","LeftLeg","","LeftLegRoll","",&qu ot;LeftFoot","","LeftToeBase","","RightUpLeg" ,"", "RightUpLegRoll","","RightLeg","","RightLegRo ll","","RightFoot","","RightToeBase","&q uot;}; }; class OFP2_ManSkeleton: IPD_operators{}; }; class CfgVehicles { class Land; class Man: Land { class ViewPilot; }; class CAManBase; class SoldierWB; class IPD_operators: SoldierWB { model="\IPD_operators\IPD_operators.p3d"; moves="BI_PeopleMoves"; accuracy=5; displayName= "IPD_operators"; nameSound = "specNas"; picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_SF_CA.paa"; Icon = "\Ca\characters\data\map_ico\i_komandos_CA.paa"; weapons[] = {RHS_AKMSf,"Throw","Put","Makarov"}; magazines[] = {"RHS_AKMrmag", "RHS_AKMrmag", "RHS_AKMrmag","RHS_AKMrmag", "RHS_AKMrmag", "RHS_AKMrmag","RHS_AKMrmag","HandGrenade","HandGrenade& quot;,"SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"} ; camouflage=0.5; vehicleClass = "IPD_operators"; threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.1}; class Wounds{ tex[]={}; mat[] = {"IPD_operators\data\swat.rvmat","IPD_operators\data\swat.rvmat","IPD_operators\data\us_soldier_sabass_body_wound1.rvmat","IPD_operators\data\us_soldier_sabass_body_wound2.rvmat","IPD_operators\data\merc_sc.rvmat","IPD_operators\data\merc_sc_wound1.rvmat","IPD_operators\data\merc_sc_wound2.rvmat"}; }; }; }; Can someone please advise on how to define a specific face for the unit in the above config? Sidenote: I am sure this is a simple fix, and its funny, I think most people had trouble getting random faces on the units, and I am asking the opposite. I am complete noob with configs and just learning O2. Any help is appreciated.
  14. Major Blood

    Multiple Units in One PBO

    Ok. So, do you name each version of the addon, then you actually have to rename all the texture paths for each version and then add it to the config using that name? Is this correct? Please let me know.
  15. Major Blood

    Multiple Units in One PBO

    Hello All I have a quick question: How do you add multiple versions of the same unit to one pbo? I made a unit, and there are three versions of this unit with different gear. How do I add all three to one pbo. Is this defined in the config? Would someone please tell me