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Everything posted by McTavish

  1. McTavish

    Mouse lag

    Hey Stephend, had a frustrating game session tonight and am in real need of less lag. How exactly can you disable the post processing? I'm hoping you aren't going to say that it's only possible in 16Bit mode cus the night lighting is gorgeous...
  2. McTavish

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    Absolutely, positively NO. As a regular, honest player of Bvarious PB enabled shooters over the years I've lost count of the number of times I've been booted out of a game unceremoniously because PunkBuster decided I wasn't "compatable", forcing me to run their darn update program. It's inconvenient, it doesn't work as a genuinely inobtrusive background process and worst of all it has prematurely, and with no warning, booted me out of proper clan matches
  3. McTavish

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    It seems ArmA is one of those "stressful" games that comes along occasionally and exposes the weak spots in everyones computer I bought an X1950 XT to play it and all those pixel rendering pipelines mean I can throw as much AA/AF and post processing at it as I like. I've been struggling with low framerates though and the one change I've made that has made a realy worthwhile difference is the one recommended by HBK (thanks) above. My 256Mb card just cannot cope easily with Textures set to Medium or higher. I resisted and resisted (because that is one of the few settings I consider really important for games) but finally dropped it down to "low" and the framerate soared. I've added in "high" AF and the textures still look good to me so I don't feel like I'm loosing out too much, especially since I can enable Post Processing on high- I'm in love with that depth of field effect Moral of the story- everyones bottle-neck is going to be different so try everything.