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Everything posted by Marzi

  1. Marzi

    To the Frontlines!

    So, I tend to play Warfare as a singleplayer experience. I have been happily hacking much of the work you fine people have been providing to include many many more bots, harder resistance, and other weapons. I will probably try to port Victor's North Warfare over to Skakah Al Jawf here soon. (And no, I would not dare try to release any of these without expressed and clear consent from all the various authors). All this played with a combination of various mods like TrueGameplay, SixPack1, SixPack3, and VFAI combine for a fairly good single player experience. But the reason why I do it is for the wonderful fun I get from being amidst a large battle of bots, bullets flying everywhich a ways, and you are just a small part of it. Best single mission that really encapsulates that is the demo mission that comes with the TrueGameplay mod. Unfortunately, after the first battle or two, it becomes harder to be part of that seeing as how your travel time and the bots travel times are so different. What I would like is to add an option 'Transport me to the Front', or 'Add me to this Squad' and ZAP you are among this squad, where they are, just about to enter a town and take it. I think you should be able to change places with any bot on your team on the map. Now I know this would vastly change the multiplayer experience, and I don't think it would be fun in that case, but for me playing Warfare as a singleplayer, I think it would quite entertaining. So, I'm an engineer by trade, I'm not going to get thrown by tech talk, no need to spoon feed me, but I am just now getting into the world of hacking on Warfare. Can anyone suggest a starting place, and maybe some other mod code out there that I can look at that does something akin to this? thanks! -marzi
  2. Marzi

    To the Frontlines!

    Yeah, that looks what I want. Now I need to just add a gui element to make it happen. Thanks! I should be able to play with this some tonight and I'll give up the results here when I'm done.
  3. Marzi

    xr server

    colligpip, What's different about their version?
  4. Marzi

    To the Frontlines!

    I can't really release it without asking all the various authors for permission. But, since we are all hacking on warfare, let me tell you how I did it. So first I get the warfare for Sakakah Al Jawf: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3269 Then I unpbo it with Kegety's tool. I drag the resulting folder into 'My Documents\Arma\Missions' folder. Then I edit several files. First edit InitMission.sqf, look for these lines: eastTeams = [Group EastSlot1,Group EastSlot2,Group EastSlot3,Group EastSlot4,Group EastSlot5,Group EastSlot6,Group EastSlot7,Group EastSlot8,Group EastSlot9,Group EastSlot10,Group EastSlot11,Group EastSlot12,Group EastSlot13,Group EastSlot14,Group EastSlot15,Group EastSlot16]; westTeams = [Group WestSlot1,Group WestSlot2,Group WestSlot3,Group WestSlot4,Group WestSlot5,Group WestSlot6,Group WestSlot7,Group WestSlot8,Group WestSlot9,Group WestSlot10,Group WestSlot11,Group WestSlot12,Group WestSlot13,Group WestSlot14,Group WestSlot15,Group WestSlot16]; //Advanced squads eastSlots = [vehicleVarName EastSlot1,vehicleVarName EastSlot2,vehicleVarName EastSlot3,vehicleVarName EastSlot4,vehicleVarName EastSlot5,vehicleVarName EastSlot6,vehicleVarName EastSlot7,vehicleVarName EastSlot8,vehicleVarName EastSlot9,vehicleVarName EastSlot10,vehicleVarName EastSlot11,vehicleVarName EastSlot12,vehicleVarName EastSlot13,vehicleVarName EastSlot14,vehicleVarName EastSlot15,vehicleVarName EastSlot16]; Change them so that there are 24 instead of 8 or 16, name them accordingly. Edit Descripton.ext and change: class Header { gameType = CTI; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 32; }; to be class Header { gameType = CTI; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 48; }; Then I edit each of the files in Server\Config\Config_*Town.sqs and wherever it says stuff like: _t = _t + ["DefaultTeam"] _t = _t + ["DefaultTeam"] _t = _t + ["ATTeam"] _t = _t + ["ATTeam"] I just add a few more lines so the resistance numbers are about twice as many. I also look through all the files for the 'SetSkill' and change it to '1.0' Then, lastly, I start ArmA and I edit the mission. You will notice that there are two groups of soldiers, set as 'Playable' and each one has a unit name. Copy and paste more soldiers for each side until there are 24, make sure each one of them is marked 'Playable' and name them just like you named the units in the arrays in InitMission.sqf. Then save it, move the folder back into Arma\MPMissions. Get rid of the original pbo, and play! Now, again, the author's name here is Loki, and I hope he will not mind me describing how to just hack up his work. I think it is important for us to give props to the authors and not release anything that is derived from their work without their expressed and explicit consent. But I think it is great to share knowledge. have fun!
  5. Marzi

    To the Frontlines!

    Thanks for the lead. That's exactly what I was talking about. I'll try to go hunt down Doolittle's work.
  6. Marzi

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    Well, I have to chime in. I don't post a whole lot, but I have been reading these forums and watching various people's work for a long time.. getting in editing more and more recently and using various mods. I have, in fact, tried out just about every mod that has come along as it did, just to see how it changes the games. With that in mind, I can say that there is not a mission out there I love more than playing Warfare hacked for 48 players and three times the resistance on Sakakah Al Jawf! It can be SO intense, and beautiful. First you take the outlying little camps/towns, and then you plunge into the city, fight through the resistance til you hit the enemy, and then it is time to do some helicopter work, but it isn't easy.. you can't hardly rain down hell into the city for fear of hitting your own men, so you have to discover the trail of enemy forces entering from somewhere hidden off map. The map runs smoothly on my system, even with HORDES of enemies, and provides alot of different play. Best single player experience I've had yet. Optyrex, I salute you for what you have provided us. Your work is absolutely singular. And I guess I hope your dedication to perfection guides all future work. Thank you.