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Bad Pilot

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Everything posted by Bad Pilot

  1. had a look but i've lost the physx option in my driver... it was enabled, now it's gone :)
  2. The pilot could refuel it. I wish I'd thought of the faster fuel consumption idea when I was trying to limit range on an old, unmaintained chopper.
  3. Bad Pilot

    3D surround sound

    I've been playing with current 5.1 settings for about a week now. It's working OK but there's a bug if you have 3 screens and use the 12:3 aspect ratio. The increased fov is not reflected in the sound space: things you can see in front of you (on left or right screen) sound like they are offscreen.
  4. Bad Pilot

    problem with arma2 message

    Go into profile options. create a new one. delete the old one. yeah?
  5. Sure the installer is at fault but 2GB space on C:\ is cutting it pretty fine though. Time to delete some porn? <- that's the joke :)
  6. do pirates ruin the game or hacking dickwads ruin it? scriptshits are more likely to pirate the game just to mess up servers. Stop hacks working, stop pirates. Copy protection is a sure way to go to hell imho. In Arma1, pirated copied were easy to spot. just run #userlist every now and then and ban any stupid playerIDs. Was it after battleye came out that userlist stopped reporting PlayerIds?
  7. The sleep 0.1 means the script has to engage 10 times per second when the host cpu might have better things to do with its time. How about every 10 seconds?
  8. Borrow someone's Vista DVD or download and burn a Windows 7 RC1 DVD. Boot it and press Shift-F10 (can't remember exactly when, you can google it) until you get a command prompt. Then you can use diskpart command (google that) to resize your partitions, enlarging your C:\
  9. Bad Pilot

    Script gibirish

    Do you mean gibberish?
  10. Take the case lid off and see if it improves. The prime suspect is heat. Then power consumption used during cooling when temperature gets up.
  11. You can still open it in the text editor of your choice though if anyone knows what knocks a mission.sqm into that state could tell us, I'd be glad to hear of it.
  12. Bad Pilot

    Arma2 ripoff?????

    I have yet to die ingame. It's come as a shock to learnthat when I die, i won't be reborn as a seagull. this game is a ripoff.
  13. I thought we can open anything. I've got a mission which won't load in the editor but still works, but that's the only thing.
  14. Mate of mine's 8800 GTS went titsup playing arma2 a couple of days ago. This heating-up would explain my 8800 GTX fan making noise whilst in Arma2 menus (and nowehere else). I think this might apply also when I go afk from a sever and come back after a while to find a "session lost"/ "you were kicked" or somesuch message - the fan is rattling around again in the same way as the menu. I recently installed Kegety's software triplehead and have an incompatibility with Fraps now. I start the game with Fraps. The fps quickly shoots up to 170 or 172 and the display freezes.
  15. Bad Pilot

    AGP system

    IME, those gfx defects are the result of overheating of the gfx card. Take the lid off your case and my guess is that it'll stop doing that... Best purchase I ever did was buying a decent case for my Athlon 64 system. Your BIOS really shold have an AGP Aperture setting. Often it's defaulted to 64MB. Remember you 'lose' system RAM to assist with gfx with that setting, so setting the aperture to 512MB leaves you 1GB for the system and game. Assuming you find the setting, experiment with 128MB, 256MB and 512MB aperture - and don't put textures up high!
  16. Bad Pilot

    Out of memory

    Is the problem specific to the edited mission?
  17. About Arma coordinates.., for somereason I just can't get my head round them. I think it's because IRL I'm sat in a chair and I can't translate into game coords. gimme a place name or i'll dive into a hill!
  18. Bad Pilot

    Forcing MP players to eject.

    and those twats on the doorguns who shoot up the countryside before you get to the troublespot.
  19. Bad Pilot

    Arma 2 Weapon Ranging and Correction Tables

    This thread is a revelation. Thankyou very very much Daniel Malloy! I have never understood the first thing about the 'funny marks' in huds and sights in over a decade of gaming :D.
  20. Bad Pilot

    Arma 2 and win2k?

    I built an xp box for playing Arma which had 16 processes running during game. It can be pared down a lot! Arma1 said it'd work in W2K. Arma2 demands XP minimum.
  21. What's this "press space bar" about? I have the spacebar bound to something else so I don't know the command you're referring to.
  22. Bad Pilot

    Hold and Evolution games

    Evolution is cooperative. All the players work together (hahahaha) to clear the towns one by one. Points make promotions and unlock weapons and vehicles. Promotions allow you to recruit AI under you if you don't decide to squad up with other humans. Hold is a team game where you compete for control of target zones. I'm loving this at the moment, playing AAS32 ("advance and secure") missions. Both types of games have respawning. Evolution can last for hours whereas Hold is time limited.
  23. Bad Pilot

    A big "wow" !

    Yeah I noticed that. I was editing a mission but the enemy choppers full of paratroopers just wouldn't arrive at their destination. For debugging purposes I changed the spawn point to be 200m above my start position. Lo and behold, the choppers spawned fine. Then they dived straight into the ground and the paratroopers all bailed out to save themselves. After about an hour if this, I realised that I hadn't put the pilots in the choppers in my script... So once the pilots were in, I spawned them over me with orders to fly to the target. However, they seem to relish the opportunity to peel off and engage targets en route. Impressive.
  24. Bad Pilot

    3D surround sound

    I've worked out what my problem is I have 3 screens running at 12:3 aspet ratio. when a sound comes from outside of the centre screen, it sounds like it's 90-ish degrees out even though i can see it on my left or right screen which means it's somewhat infront of me. the thing causing the sound is out to me left at 45 degrees but is sounds like it's at 90 degreees