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Bad Pilot

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Everything posted by Bad Pilot

  1. Bad Pilot

    I'm blind, this is impossible

    1. start the mission 2. go afk for 8hrs 3. voila: daylight! In fact, aren't there time-skip controls?
  2. Bad Pilot

    Help with multyplayer

    everyone is a bit lost with all the new stuff so it's going to take a bit of time (wait until UK release date) before non-germans know wtf is going on. I'm in the same position but I know it's temporary. your money was not wasted! :)
  3. Bad Pilot

    Lag when flying fully loaded Heli

    An empty heli is local to the server and the server broadcasts it's status to all relevant clients. A piloted heli is local to the pilot's computer and the pilot's computer has to keep all the passengers updated. This is why passengers often have a laggy time in vehicles whilst the pilot is zooming around barrel-rolling in the tree-tops. If you're having lag yourself whilst flying, it could be network but it's more likely to be down to your view distance and gfx detail settings. The further you climb, the further you see and the less fps you get.
  4. Bad Pilot

    Computer shuts off while playing

    Mine did that and I know why. My setup is using an old, cheap PSU and I calculated the wattage was very marginal. At certain times, lack of power to the mobo triggered an instant-off in Arma2 (never before this game). I've now got my video card's supplementary power coming from a hot-wired PSU sat outside my system box :D and I was immediately able to get on with the overclocking which was impossible before. - PS my system runs ice cold on air cooling
  5. I'm also having trouble with 5.1. I _think_ the volume is ok for distance at least some of the time, but I'm damned if I can tell where things are. Seriously, I even put my 5.1 headset on backwards to see if left/right were switched over. I have been told to ensure Windows is set to "headphones" and that this might help with stereo output. I haven't done it yet because I thought I was 5.1 rather than stereo. Windows 7 RC1 Medusa 5.1 USB headphones X-Fi Gaming PCI-E just for microphone
  6. Bad Pilot

    Joystick Setup for Helicopters

    usb bike! cool!
  7. Bad Pilot

    Grass layer gone?

    I just played on a server where a guy was prone in full view on a hillside which I knew was supposed to be covered in knee-height plants. Luckily for my conscience, I was killed before I could shoot him.
  8. I am an HDR lighting, motion-blur and post-processing fanboy. The screen display simulates your avatar's vision. If those were your eyes, you wouldn't be able to pick up fine details on anything as you spin around or sprint down the road. You might as well complain about a lack of shooting accuracy whilst running. Turning blur off will be CHEATING against ppl with it on. The head-bobbing is nuts and I must remember to turn that down somewhat. Sometimes I jig my head left and right just to keep in step with the bobbing.
  9. Bad Pilot

    Installation Problems

    Friend had similar. I advised changing the SATA cable and that worked. Have you got a laptop or something u can isntall on and then copy files across?
  10. Running on my Win7 RC1. Also works with the beta 1.01 game patch. RC1 is not beta any more than Arma2 1.00 is beta :D
  11. love this game. look and feel is very well tuned. camouflage works.
  12. Just a thought for the devs. I wonder if my steering wheel's pedals are bugging in the control dialogue. After I chose them for left and right pedal, they kept popping up for subsequent control assignment operations and I had to delete them. Stopped after about ten more assignments (all but 3 of my keys are custom assignments - took a loooong time :))
  13. Bad Pilot

    Freetrack ?

    NaturalPoint have encrypted the driver traffic, breaking FreeTrack. I don't know if there's a hack or workaround. Haven't made my headset yet so haven't looked into it much. Don't buy TrackIR - it's a rip-off
  14. sorry, I have heard from a mate who saw my registration email and says his is different to mine. mine didn't mention having to wait for a key.
  15. Bad Pilot

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    just had my first play - it's gorgeous!
  16. I had a game freeze clicking next in change key dialogue. I wasn't brave so just clicked ok after each control assignment after that.
  17. I had the same 'problem' but if you read further down the email, the key is there ;)
  18. AFAIK dedicated server installs are free
  19. I can't wait to try Arma2 so have brought my download copy to work to test it on my laptop (I don't get any time at home until tomorrow morning). I'm concerned because Securom wants to connect to an activation server. Never having seen Securom before, I don't know what it's going to do to me - and I dread having to get technical support in German if it subsequently won't let me install on my game PC! Advice, please!
  20. I'm interested in using something like this. Keep working on it for A2 :)
  21. I'll just have to be patient. Have uninstalled from laptop - ain't risking it. For Arma 3, I'll have myself sedated until I have the optical media version in my hands.
  22. First time I run the game I get: Bearing in mind, I had to type in my serial number to get the game to install in the first place... Click "Next"... Suspicious now, I unplug the net and do what it asks. Then there's an error because it can't talk to it's Nazi master server. I am disappointed. :mad:
  23. I have Windows 7 RC1 and have Arma2 - but I'm busy until tomorrow morning :(. Then, I will try Arma2 on my game PC and report back here. Currently installing it on my work laptop just for a laugh
  24. Bad Pilot

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    And to you. Late starting as just got home. :bounce3: