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About McGlazd

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  1. The "_" is only a convention. It doesn't force this variable to be local. Actually, in this script _socom is the name of the created object. Not the object itself. Thank you for your remarks in your second post. I was blocked to the same point. I don't feel alone anymore ;)
  2. It is not stable. Sometime I can get the support menu from Communications but only briefly...
  3. @ENONIC I have tried to localy create a SOM linked to the player (here). It somehow works, I can get the support option in communication. But even by setting available supports from this SOM I have no option like artillery barrage or airstrike. You just need to make sure to call for the SOM addons. You can either add the module in the editor or keep "ca_missions_secops" in the class mission.sqm.
  4. Thank you, I'll give a try and send here a feedback this evening.
  5. Hello, I am not even sure if this is possible. But since modules are Logic class, they must have the same behaviour. I'm trying to find a solution to use SOM in multiplayer missions. To make the module local, I create it from a trigger activated by radio. And it doesn't work, that's why I'm asking for help! // creating SOM _socom = "SecOpManager" createVehicle (position player); _socom synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; hint "Init starting..."; // Wait until SOM is initialized waitUntil { not isNil { _socom getVariable "initDone"} }; waitUntil { _socom getVariable "initDone" }; // activate arty [["artillery_barrage"], player, [[ARTY, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; hint "Arty initialized"; I do get the message "Arty initialized", which means the SOM has been actually created. I believe. But for some reason it doesn't work. Maybe because of the synchro things, I don't know... :confused: Thank you !
  6. Yes, but obviously only the player hosted server can interact with the SOM like requesting support.
  7. I believe it behaves like a game logic. Then it will be local only for dedicated and player-hosted servers. Since you want your module used by some players, you need to create these modules for all of them. Not sure of my answer, I'm giving a try.
  8. McGlazd

    How to switch language ?

    That's what I noticed. There is a field about language in video settings. But I cannot switch to another language from the one of the key. I installed European ArmA on my son's computer with my first key, the German one. And impossible to benefit these two keys both on French installation.
  9. McGlazd

    How to switch language ?

    I have bought ArmA twice, in German by downloading and more recently in French in my favorite videogame shop. My problem is if I use my German key with my 505 games DVD I will get the game in German with no possibility to change the language in video options. I checked my arma.cfg file and it shows language="French"; Is there a way to make language switching effective on 1.04 version ?