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About Majorp52

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  1. Majorp52

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    maybe someone can help... i have been playing arma since it first came out. i have had no problems until just a few days ago. i orginally download from morphicon because us version was not out. i now have load the us version patched it and played it for several weeks. i went to build a mission and now all of sudden the game stops running. it gives me a microsoft screen that reports it can load the game. it loads all the way up through the briefing, i reloaded the game clean several times. i have ran reg. mechanic several times and it continues to crash at the same spot every time. my system ran the game great.... amd 3200 ati 800 pro 1 gig of ram... i am puzzled and hope some one has an answer. the game goes to the microsoft error right after the screen that gives the briefing and map.
  2. or you can ignore the errors. so i have encounter no problems.. it has to do with the english patch.
  3. Majorp52

    After patch 1.05 can't start ArmA

    try the serial number instead of the cd key.
  4. Majorp52

    Chopper Insertion Problems

    also i have used a a whole squad with the getinnearest command to board a chopper. the chpper pilot will spool up and stay on the ground until all are loaded.. i built a mission where two blackhawks lift off with two ai squads and it works well. but it takes some playing around.