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Everything posted by MichaelCHProd

  1. MichaelCHProd

    Will not recongnize my joystick or rudder peddals

    MS Joysticks are single controllers in Windows so I don't think this is the same issue. Can you get the X and Y axis to work in ArmA?
  2. MichaelCHProd

    Joysticks. A question for BIS.

    ColonelSandersLite - Thanks for the plug brother
  3. MichaelCHProd

    Will not recongnize my joystick or rudder peddals

    Schmidt - Your CH USB controllers can be "combined" into a single device in Windows very simply. Use the CH Control Manager software that came with them to "merge" the controllers. Â This will allow them to be seen in Windows as a single device, thus allowing games with single controller limitations to see them both. Â If you like you can always download it for free from our web site HERE In fact you can merge as many CH USB controllers as you would like into a single controller for ArmA Chris Death - You are right... it is up to both software developers AND hardware manufacturers to do their part and make sure that the integration of both product lines is a simple as possible. Â That was my excuse for installing the ArmA demo on my work PC