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Everything posted by ManieX

  1. ManieX

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    Ok guys. If you have trouble with start the demo you see only checkbox and nothing more. I have to you help. Me too i have this problem today i format my disc C: and reinstall windows then i install new dx new gfx driver and OpenAL. Than i install demo and ITS RUN!!!
  2. ManieX

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    that same problem like me and you have only that same procesor amd other i have diffrent my amd 3200+
  3. ManieX

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    I download 3 times from other source and instal more times and that same problem all the time. In RPT file i have this == C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA Demo\ArmADemo.exe ===================================================================== Exe version: Sun Dec 24 14:04:48 2006 Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_RESTART_NEEDED
  4. ManieX

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    ok I see moderator interest this thred. My problem i download demo instal and i see only in windows checkbox then nothing change only arma demo.exe in proces. I download all drivers on this forum read it install dx and gfx ioa all and nothing Athlon 3200+ Kingston 1GB Ram 2x GeForce 6600GT SLI ASUS mainboard I read this thred on start and i see nothing help on my problem. PLZ answer me what i do wrong i wana see this demo i not to buy full game when that same problems are
  5. ManieX

    Demo Troubleshooting thread.

    I have that same problem and nothing help i think buy or no full version.