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About Montaya

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  1. Montaya

    Quick Map to show friendlies please

    yeah i guess so, i myself don't have a problem much with distinguishing friend from foe but its getting fragged by my teammates all the time is the problem.
  2. Montaya

    Quick Map to show friendlies please

    Player tags only show at short distances though and on night maps its like freaking impossible to tell whose who.
  3. I can live without a little circular radar display at the top left or right of my screen but it would be so much more nice and better for all of us, noobs or not. Its a pain to pop the binoculors out all the time to identify others, and looking at the map in esc or by pushing the M key to check the situation. I noticed that a lot of kills in game are friendly fire and unintentional. Its also very confusing whose who when your in a town and you got people parachuting down all over you. I especially hate getting fragged by my own teammates because they are too lazy, dont bother to use binoculars or check the map or plainly just suck. I know you can push esc to see the map. but it doesn't even show friendlies on there sometimes based on the server and if so, they are huge blue boxes moving around. All i'm asking is to make our lives much easier and entertaining and do some sort of little permanent/somewhat transparent HUD radar that can show little dots or something identifying allied units and maybe something to indicate whether they are firing or not to see if they have encountered an enemy. This also i think will increase the popularity and attract more players to the game, especially when its released in the US. Main problem why OFP wasn't so popular with the masses of the gaming community was because people just don't have the patients for warfare simulators and adding HUD radar will greatly ease everyones pains once and for all.
  4. Montaya

    Gun view movement is "TERRIBLE"

    I noticed when i first had this game, then upgraded my X800 XL to a 8800 GTS the aiming got a whole lot easier, especially with M4 aimpoint.FPS (frames per second) and LOD (Load Distance/time) have alot to do with your aiming and how smooth it is etc. I believe if you dont have atleast 40 or so plus FPS your aiming is going to get tuffer as the FPS decreases. Also the more i messed with sensitivity and did alot og aiming it got easier. And the 7600 GT isnt the greatest either, especially for this game i bet you suffer some FPS issues on normal and above settings.