Ok, since I'm also not totally satisfied with the AI, I'll just state my oppinion here.
I'm currently stuck in the Saboteur Mission where you have to sneak into the enemy base and blow up their tanks, this is where the Problems with AI are most noticeable I think:
1. Kills with one shot as discussed here are OK, but I agree with the statement that a soldier should take more time BEFORE shooting at all, the guards in that mission are not wearing NV-Goggles and it's about 2 am, but somehow they can see -and IDENTIFIY- me in about 50 till 100 Meters in range and trigger the alarm. How the hell do they do that??? I mean, if you have ever been out in nature at night, you might still be able to see far and walk around obstacles if your eye is used to darkness, but you have trouble to exactly tell if's a rock, a piece of wood or some psycho who is going to shoot or rape you
The AI soldiers in game only need one sec to know that I'm NOT some kind of object (thats ok, cause I'm moving), that I'm NOT an animal and that I'm NOT one of their own guys.
Thats unrealistic I think, in reality a soldier would see a movement in the dark, get suspicious, look closer (wtf???) and IF he can be sure it's a foe, aim and shoot.
I hope you got my point: seeing is one thing, identifying another one.......
2. I'm using a silenced M4, with a patrol of 2 guys passing by at about 80 meters. I aim, shoot twice, and the first one is dead.
I aim at the other one, he aims at me as well, he shoots first and i'm dead. He knew I was there, dispite the silencer which also makes my muzzle flash invisible.
I'd assume that in reality a soldier whose mate is shot in the dark would be shocked and run for cover as he whould NOT know WHERE the shots came from.
3. I noticed, as well as in OFP, that triggering explosives by remote detonator gives you position away, this is something that really needs to be fixed.
Great game anyway although I loved the Cold-War-Plot in OFP