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Everything posted by Millenium7

  1. and its a huge number, depending on the sound frequencies. Obviously the closer they are the harder they are to seperate but even noise is better than hearing nothing but the reload sound
  2. Millenium7

    5 buttons mouse is not supported

    posted before and the general attitude was its too hard to implement so shut up and deal with it. Dunno what input system BIS uses but mouse clicks should be 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 for buttons 1-5 and they add together (LMB+RMB=3). So it would take maybe a whole 10 minutes to implement the 5th click unless its controlled by something seperate. Afraid your going to have to use a program to map the 5th button for now
  3. Millenium7

    Strange behavior with SB X-FI

    If you have a low-medium sound system you probably won't notice any difference in sound quality in which case you can leave it in game mode. If you have a high end system then entertainment mode provides better audio quality and clarity even when the settings are the same. So test it for yourself before you go missing out on any potential gains However EAX effects (and some others) take a hit in entertainment mode so when a game supports it it will sound and play better in game mode
  4. Millenium7

    How to enable true HDR

    what are you smoking? even aside from the occasional graphical glitches with HDR in ArmA HDR implementation is PATHETIC. Its better than nothing but its like getting a steering wheel and a tyre instead of the whole car. Your not really blinded by lights you can still see soldiers/planes/birds/etc, the effect doesn't last very long, the effect isn't strong enough, it can adjust textures to the point of making them look retarded but haze, blur and glare are weak. Light adjustment is too aggressive your screen shouldn't go from bright to dark just looking around, it should be a gradual process. Forests for example they should appear dark from the outside and it will take you a minute or so after walking in to adjust and we should be seeing haze like this http://www.rosengren.net/photo/washington/large/Img0013c.jpg through the trees
  5. Millenium7

    Hand Grenade Delay

    you misunderstood what I typed, read it again. Using line of sight to stop grenades from blowing you up behind a wall has the problem of not knowing about penetration, so if you are behind anything no matter how fragile you will not be damaged. This is where penetration comes in and can be done a few ways. The quickest, simplest and quite sufficient ways to use in ArmA are either 'wrapping' (so the explosion radius wraps up against walls instead of going through them, and would be the better method for environment simulation) or line of sight both with penetration values to simulate shrapnel among other nasties. It won't tear through a stone wall, but it would tear through a door or box with reduced damage edit: line of sight with penetration would just be a predetermined radius lets say 5 metres, player1 is 2 metres from the explosion behind a box, player2 is 1 metre from explosion behind a stone wall. Line of sight ignores all objects with a pentration value < 1 so player2 is not even checked and won't be harmed player1 is, a 2nd check determines if there are any objects between him and the explosion, there is a box with a penetration value of 0.2, so apply damage / distance - penetration
  6. Millenium7

    Hand Grenade Delay

    stopping explosions from going through a wall is very simple, its called line of sight. I think OFP/ArmA does a radius check and applies damage to anything in the area thus hurting you through walls. Whereas it should either 'wrap' the radius up/down walls or check for a line of sight between all vehicles/soldiers in the explosion radius. This does not work very well though with destructables, if you place a grenade behind a box or a door you would not be hurt even if your right up close, but its better than what we currently have. This game is supposed to have bullet penetration isn't it? well so far its craptacular you can't even shoot through tin but if they fix that they could simulate grenades pretty well with a 'wrapping' explosion radius that breaches areas (doors, windows, boxes, barrels etc) depending on penetration values. You might be slightly hurt if your crouching directly behind a door but severely hurt if your in the same room crouching behind a box, or standing in front of a window As for throwing different distances well there is 1 simple quick system I can think of but not sure if its possible to implement in ArmA. You throw a grenade depending on where you are looking If you look at your feet and throw a grenade then you will roll it (who pegs a grenade at their feet anyway ) Look at the ground and you toss it a couple of metres Looking ahead will throw with a flatter trajectory and moderate range Look high and you throw it with a high trajectory as hard as you can While they are at it bring in a crosshair that indicates how you will throw the grenade
  7. Millenium7

    Found a cheat :/

    you do move at the same speed diagonally (if its programmed a little more complex than X+Y, say X/2+X/2 ) but the problem is just you don't run out of breath as stated. And if running/sprinting is the same in ArmA as in OFP then why do people hold the button down? sprinting out of breath is EXACTLY the same speed as running, AI is a little smarter than you think as they sprint in bursts which is much faster if you do it properly
  8. Millenium7

    Hand Grenade Delay

    its not a technical limitation its an artificial limitation that has been implemented. You CAN have a smooth transition between 2 different animations since bone animations, which was before operation flashpoint I'd like to see the grenades 'reload' much quicker, if it means cutting off a couple of keyframes so what. I'd also like the fire button when held down to play half of the animation so you have the grenade in your hand and you simply release to quickly throw it. And isn't armed assault capable of playing multiple animations on 1 object at the same time? moving while preparing to throw and throwing your grenade would be good, same with a lot of other animations such as reloading and changing weapon. Animation queue'ing is just clunky and annoying
  9. Millenium7


    I'd like to see working sunglasses as an equipment selection alongside binocs/nv. And glasses in the face selection menu that do nothing, if you choose sunnies as equipment then they are temporarily replaced so you know who's wearing actual sunnies
  10. Millenium7

    Crosshair issue

    heavy machineguns are FAR more useful without using the ironsights, as well as not having to deal with head bob you can also just aim with the tracers whether the crosshair is on or not. Definately needs fixing both crosshairs and tracers
  11. Millenium7

    64bit and multithreading

    While programming native multi core support is difficult it could be possible to emulate it to an extent. If BIS could write a dedicated server which communicates with other dedicated server programs you could have 1 running on each core (or seperate computers) to form a single server.
  12. Millenium7

    Night Vision = only green

    yep its a brightness/gamma issue. I think HDR is being applied to the current brightness rather than HDR then brightness over that, so anything much higher than 1.0 will result in solid green night vision
  13. Millenium7

    Please let us lock our vehicles!!!

    very easy to do in the mission editor no need for it to be coded in. Of course private or addon servers filter the crap quite nicely
  14. Millenium7

    How to 'compile' a selfmade mission?

    What exactly doesn't work? just the respawn? cause i've been using export to multiplayer for a while now and it always works perfectly, even includes custom music, sound and scripts. And yes respawn works as well
  15. Millenium7

    Night battles rather unspectacular?

    yep I agree it does need a lot more attention. Also lights while they do blind you a bit its not enough you can still see soldiers in the light, same goes for the sun you can still clearly see birds/planes/whatever. And your eyes don't focus very realistically, if you stare at a light then look away it only takes 1 second or so for your eyes to adjust (except with night vision but thats still too fast) The biggest problem and such a major disappointment, nay insult is ArmA still uses that crappy lighting system that was in OFP. Lights aren't projected they are just blobs on a matrix which never work properly. This is just barely forgiveable in OFP, but in a DX9 game.. this was solved way back in what DX3/4/5?
  16. Millenium7

    Soundblaster x-fi problem

    Correct this happens when EAX is on, but since EAX is pretty lousy in ArmA atm I just turn it off so I can use entertainment mode and listen to music in all its clarity
  17. This is a feature. It blurs things up close and occasionally something in the distance, if you have any grass or obstructions in your view then your view goes blurry I'm hoping we get the ability to zero in our sights so it blurs everything except at that range +/- 100 metres or so
  18. Millenium7

    jumping - not there???

    Jumping is a definate no go zone But I would like to see climbing like in hidden and dangerous 2. There are a few animations that are used depending on the obstacles height, 20cm you'll just step up on to it, a metre you'll use your arms to pull yourself up This shouldn't be too hard to implement it could even be modded, just give objects of different heights an action to play the animation then move the player on top or over. But if BIS could implement this to automatically determine heights of objects and you simply tap a climb key rather than use the action menu then all the better. Problem is getting the AI to use it but they have far greater obstacles to overcome at the moment
  19. Millenium7

    who like the lean left and right for infantry

    the lean is fine leave it in. But what this game really needs is bullet penetration, so far it doesn't work at all or only works on stupidly thin material. And supressive fire so even if only their head is exposed you can still shoot them through the concrete/brick/whatever its made of, and whether the bullets hit them or not wouldn't matter as their aim should go right out the window forcing them to retreat and recover.
  20. Millenium7

    Quick Map to show friendlies please

    there is a MASSIVE difference between uniforms (and theres the player ID if the server has it on) even for a noob its pretty hard to not tell the difference. Adding a radar is a bad idea, I don't care if the 'others' don't play this game. the current fans will and the player base is much better than the 10 year olds screaming at everyone over mic you get in most other FPS games. Occasional friendly fire is a GOOD thing, just like not having a weapon that shoots 100 player seeking rockets in 1 second is a good thing.
  21. Millenium7

    Waypoint can't be moved!?

    this happens when you place a waypoint directly on an object or unit and is not a bug. Though I would prefer if you could get to the unit underneath. Currently you have to delete the waypoint to alter any properties of the unit or object
  22. Millenium7

    Shooting on the Run?

    That isn't my experience, Â nor I suspect that of the others participating in this thread. Each time you fire a burst the character stops moving. It's not such a biggie with the M16 and M4 rifles that have a 3 round burst sear since the halt is momentary, but it gets more noticeable if you want to cabby off a longer burst (from one of the "special forces" suppressed M4s for example). Anyway, I don't really regard this as a very serious issue. ah yes my bad, well with the M4 you can fire fast enough in single fire for it to basically be full auto. Close enough. But not being able to move and shoot with full auto only weapons is a bit of a problem.
  23. Millenium7

    Shooting on the Run?

    Try firing on the move with the M4 aimpoint, you can no problems. Try with the m249 and you can't. Its weapon dependant nothing to do with the animations
  24. Millenium7

    Even farther view distance possible?

    Yeah the fog is too thin at high view distances so you can't actually see that far. 10k view distance only lets you see 3.5-4.5 due to fog. You can set the view distance higher. I tried setviewdistance 30000 and it works. You should be able to manually edit the config in your profile folder to get a higher viewdistance
  25. Millenium7

    Shooting on the Run?

    There are a few things for overall accuracy. Weapon sway is far too little when standing, too little for most weapons when kneeling and is too little when prone without a bipod but acceptable as a trade off for not having that feature. Recoil is JACK you should be fighting with weapons when firing whilst standing. Same with kneeling but to a lesser degree and a little bit when prone. Currently you just click and move the mouse ever so slightly. The recoil should be practically uncontrollable on the M240/M249/M24 and some others when standing. And the view should not return to where you were looking. Add in suppressive fire that greatly increases your recoil and weapon sway as more and more bullets land near you and it has my approval.