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Everything posted by MrWho

  1. Can anyone help to point me to a script to set multiple spawn points per side? This would be very helpful with the type of maps I make. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
  2. Ok, I'm lost. I'm learning how all this stuff works and for the most part have been able to understand the code and get it to work for what I want. Looking at other maps I found a map that plays music at the start, but when I look in the description.ext file I see no mention of a music file nor do I see a music folder when the pbo is unpacked. How is this possible? Thanks for your help.
  3. MrWho

    Artillery Support

    I have tested this several times. Yes it works on perview and when self hosting, however on MP on a dedicated server, the object only fires at the markers to the west of the map. I'm at work therefore I can't remember the markers. But the shells drop right off the cost into the water to the west of Arcadia. I even put the orginal pbo on the server and it didn't work, again shells dropped into the water located in the lower west of the island.
  4. Sorry to ask the stupid question, what is the inti line code to call up the script? I know the script is saved as BWPP_fTopOf.sqf but not sure how to work out the line code.
  5. Is there a command to add all weapons to ammo cases? Also looking for the code for the mk12. Could not find it on it here:http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Weapons
  6. YES, YES, YES! Thanks satexas69! Also thanks fasad for the item code! Â Â
  7. Thanks guys, that's what I have been doing. Â So I just cut and copy from one map to anther. Â Also the ReadMe doesn't mention the mk12 at all. It shows up in the standard ammo cases, but wanted to all more and add them to other objects. So first problem solved, now just need the code for the mk12.
  8. Hey need to ask a question. Â What are the steps for adding para drops? Â I saw one map where you walk up to a heli pad, and then your dropping from the sky to a set point on the map. Thanks for any pointers. Â
  9. That's it m8, the same thing!!!!
  10. Sorry to bump this but does anyone know if this can even be done? Would like to have several spawn points for each team that the players can choose from for a MP mission. This does two things, allows players to pick a point that may need help, and to also get away from TK'ers.
  11. MrWho

    #exec ban ID doesnt work

    Frantic, did you find an answer? I would like to also get this working. You might want to look into this: A website is now underconstruction to be the home of the ARMa Global Ban list Project ( ARMA GBL for short). Hopefully the list of banned teamkillers will grow quickly. www.armagbl.net Dudester, I too think this was wasting the time of other. Please stop highjacking posts.
  12. Thanks to you both. Â You were correct and everything is work on all pop-ups! Â Thanks again for your help! Â Â Â Â Â
  13. I'm so close to getting this to work!!! Can someone please help me over this hump? I can get this script to work, but on one object only. If I have two targets it only works on one. I need to use this on about 30 pop-ups. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~.5 ?_target animationPhase "terc" > 0: goto "end" _target= _this select 0 _timedelay = _this select 1 _i = 0 _timeto = _timedelay * 10 ;_target setdammage 0 #loop _i = _i + 1 _target animate["terc",1] ? (_i == _timeto) : goto "end" ~.01 ;hint format [" i= %1 timeto = %2", _i,_timeto] goto "loop" #end _target animate["terc",0] this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] Pop up delay demo
  14. This works as a random spawn. Does anyone know if you can even write a script to choose a spawn point.
  15. Platoon_Patton and mr.Flea, Thanks for your reply. Â YEs, I added <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] Â To each pop-up. Â I will try your suggestion of <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["hit",{[_this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] If I understand your other suggestions, the downed.sqs should look like this? Â The third line was changed to your suggestion?? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~.5 ?_target animationPhase "terc" > 0: goto "end" _target= (_this select 0)select 0 _timedelay = _this select 1 _i = 0 _timeto = _timedelay * 10 ;_target setdammage 0 #loop _i = _i + 1 _target animate["terc",1] ? (_i == _timeto) : goto "end" ~.01 ;hint format [" i= %1 Â timeto = %2", _i,_timeto] goto "loop" #end _target animate["terc",0] this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}]
  16. I would like to file an official complaint about Metaboli, a distributor of your product.  I'm sure you have seen several complaints throughout these boards about their customer service. I have send in several request for reactivation of the game.  When you update you have to reactivate each time.  If there is a problem with the install, it eats up one of your three installs as well. Hard drive crash=1, Re-installed game=2, Problems with english patch=3, updated to 1.05=4 and couldn't use. Now it has been 6 days since the release of 1.05, and I can not play the game.  I posted an email containing the original email from Metaboli with every piece of information they needed.  Instead of emailing me the activation information they blow me off by asking what email address I used to purchase the software.  It was in the original email!  Now 6 days later and 6 days after the release of 1.05, I have still yet to play! This company with limited access to customer service, and disappointing customer service with what they have, should not be allowed to distribute this outstanding game! What am I to do now?    Â
  17. MrWho

    Re Spawning?

    While we are on this subject, how about setting spawn point that one can choose? Let say we want to have 4 spawn points for each team in MP, and I want the player to choose where to spawn? BTW, thanks for everyone who helps others with these scripts. I see lots of people working together to help make AA a better game. Cheers to you all.
  18. WORKING!!!!     WORKING!!!! Here is what to do to make it work: Add this to the int line of the Popup target.  Where you see the 120, this is the delay time.  Only change this here!  Do not touch the bottom code. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] Open word pad, and copy and paste the following code in a text document.  Then rename your text document to downed.sqs   Now place this tex document into you mission dirctory you are working on.  Done, you are all set. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~.5 ?_target animationPhase "terc" > 0: goto "end" _target= _this select 0 _timedelay = _this select 1 _i = 0 _timeto = _timedelay * 10 ;_target setdammage 0 #loop _i = _i + 1 _target animate["terc",1] ? (_i == _timeto) : goto "end" ~.01 ;hint format [" i= %1  timeto = %2", _i,_timeto] goto "loop" #end _target animate["terc",0] this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}]
  19. WORKING!!!!     WORKING!!!! Here is what to do to make it work: Add this to the int line of the Popup target.  Where you see the 120, this is the delay time.  Only change this here!  Do not touch the bottom code. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] Open word pad, and copy and paste the following code in a text document.  Then rename your text document to downed.sqs   Now place this tex document into you mission dirctory you are working on.  Done, you are all set. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~.5 ?_target animationPhase "terc" > 0: goto "end" _target= _this select 0 _timedelay = _this select 1 _i = 0 _timeto = _timedelay * 10 ;_target setdammage 0 #loop _i = _i + 1 _target animate["terc",1] ? (_i == _timeto) : goto "end" ~.01 ;hint format [" i= %1  timeto = %2", _i,_timeto] goto "loop" #end _target animate["terc",0] this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] Pop up delay demo
  20. Sorry, here is what I did. I cut and pasted the code into a text doc and saved out as downed.sqs  then added the next code into the int line of the object.  still was not able to get to work.  Any ideas? Please help Obey 1, your my only hope. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["hit",{[this,120] exec "downed.sqs"}] <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ~.5 ?_target animationPhase "terc" > 0: goto "end" _target= _this select 0 _timedelay = _this select 1 _i = 0 _timeto = _timedelay * 120 ;_target setdammage 0 #loop _i = _i + 1 _target animate["terc",1] ? (_i == _timeto) : goto "end" ~.01 ;hint format [" i= %1  timeto = %2", _i,_timeto] goto "loop" #end _target animate["terc",0]
  21. MrWho

    official complaint to BIS

    I would like to file an official complaint about Metaboli, a distributor of your product. I'm sure you have seen several complaints throughout these boards about their customer service I have send in several request for reactivation of the game. When you update you have to reactivate each time. If there is a problem with the install, it eats up on of your three installs. I posted an email containing the original email from them with every piece of information they needed. Instead of emailing me the activation information they blow me off by asking what email address I used to purchase the software. It was in the original email! Now one week later and one week after the release of 1.05, I have still yet to play! This company with limited access to customer service, and disappointing customer service with what they have, should not be allowed to distribute this outstanding game!
  22. I have looked on Biki and through the 1st 10 pages here. But still looking for code/script to limit player types to vehicles. IE pilots to air craft, etc. Any help would be appreciated!
  23. Ben, Thanks for your help.
  24. I too have the download verson, had a very hard time installing the patch. After the 5th time uninstalling the complete game and then reinstalling it worked.... well sort of. Now when I start the game I get an error stating that my CD is not in the drive! HELLO!!! it's the pay for download verson!! Anyone eles with this problem??
  25. MrWho

    Key board layout

    Hello all.... purchased the game by download, and now I'm looking for a printable/download a default keyboard layout. Anyone know if any links?