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About MT4K

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  1. MT4K

    Armed Assault videos

    What's with the helo NOT exploding in the end? no idea it just didnt , blame the game engine lol
  2. MT4K

    Armed Assault videos

    a small video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmm1TAkf9Tc
  3. hey, is there a way to create a script or some code in a trigger or something to detect and tell you who activated the trigger using the radio altha, radio bravo ect so that it comes up on the screen and says IE: MT4K called air support thanks for any answers
  4. MT4K

    Reloading while walking

    how about something in between then? you can reload while moving but only at walking pace to make sure you dont drop the magazine, so dashing to cover and then reloading would still be a good idea, aswell as the ability to reload on the move, albeit at a limited pace, would be ideal for the situations where you just want a full clip
  5. MT4K

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    this is great because at the moment you need a sickbag with you when doing that :P
  6. there are some girls/women who enjoy these types of games too, they are rare but if you have one, you are one lucky bugger lol, could always try to convince them its educational in some level, or perhaps "i have to play it cus its work related"
  7. MT4K

    grass? eye candy?

    ok i been following this game and forum for awhile ok so before anybody thinks im just some silly new twit posting without knowing anything can be aware that i am pretty upto date with everything goin on here, i know there was a thread about the grass before and ever since i saw that and the screenshots and stuff this ha sbeen on my mind since and i aint been able to find the old thread either so apologies for this new one anyway to the point in the screenshots and everything the grass is brilliant, sure, but it goes at further distances to the old ofp style right where its just like flat terrain.... well, the whole prospect of hiding in the long grass kind of becomes impossible and more of a negative than a plus as you will have long pieces of grass in ya face while the terrain around you will be as empty and flat as ofp and you will stick out like a sore thumb to an enemy, so why make the grass so graphicly appealing if it wont serve any real purpose apart from eye candy?, i might have missed something sure, so i fi did please fill me in, but its been playing on my mind for awhile now and just wanted to see if i missed something or what anyone else thinks, feel free to flame me call me names or whateve ryou people do :P love ya all anyway lol
  8. MT4K

    ArmedA Soundtrack

    I wouldn't expect rap in ArmA... Just listen to the OFP soundtrack, add a little more southern vibes and modern feeling to it and you'll get the picture. nah i dont mean like rap or anything like that i just meant like the lyrics go well with the game and stuff, and maybe have a proper song with lyrics to suit arma, obviously in a more ofp arma theme :P anyway gtg
  9. MT4K

    ArmedA Soundtrack

    hey i know this song was done by somebody for the game americas army but ide love something similar to it done for like main menu or something for arma http://www.soundclick.com/bands....1329207