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Everything posted by MADcows

  1. MADcows

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

    I love this game and I love you BIS. BIA can watch, but its going to cost $100
  2. MADcows

    RH weapons

    Time is only money when you have a job and dont live in your mothers basement. Try again. More thread related. Oh lord please dont put your CS in my arma, the last thing I need is people bunny hopping around thinking they're cool.
  3. MADcows

    Let's talk about VOIP in 1.09

    If I throw a cake through my microphone will in game VOIP pick up on this cake and proceed to broadcast as if my in game dude was eating delicious delicious cake? This is a one hundred percent real question and it is imperative that it be discussed as there is a great market for cake dLIEvery that I feel isn't being capitalized on. Really though I can not wait for this to come out as it will make for more shenanigans not only against my own team but yelling at the other team as well.