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About Mefiu

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  1. Mefiu

    Armed Assault videos

    Hi there people! I made some Arma movies with funny bugs. Check this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v....search=
  2. Mefiu

    Bugs Movies :)

    Hi there people! I made some Arma movies with funny bugs. Check this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v....search=
  3. Mefiu

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Ingram Photography is very good .I like watch his work
  4. Mefiu

    OFP videography

    You hear Przemo? Speak only English Te cwoki nie rozumieja naszego pieknego polskiego jezyka Ich strata :P Nie dzialaja polskie znaki tu
  5. Mefiu

    OFP videography

    I dont understand you.. plz speak english, ok? PS Tak jak pisalem na flashpoint.pl, calkiem ciekawe, ale ruchy żołnierzy pozostawiaja wiele do zyczenia. No i ten granat ktory rozwala cały oddział
  6. Mefiu

    OFP videography

    Nice movie Rainbow