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About ManiK

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  1. ManiK

    Sahrani Life

    I'm not exactly sure what's possible with Sahrani Life, scripting-wise, but sincidering the stuff that's in there now, who knows if my ideas are possible. Anyways I have a few suggestions on how to make the cops a bit less all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful. 1)The cops should not be able to see every civilian's marker on the map unless they've committed a crime in the past and been arrested/killed, if you want an explanation, I guess you could say they get a tracking collar put on them (which they could then pay to have removed). 2) In order for the cops to be able to find and arrest criminals without a map marker glowing red like a big unrealistic beacon of unlawfulness, maybe you could have a circle with, say a 100m radius of the town they are currently in, tagged with their name or something, and a last known position marker in that town if they're currently off road or en route to another town. Just a couple of suggestions that hopefully you take into account, since alot of the fun gets taken out of Sahrani Life by either cops acting like jerks, or the fact that escaping chases is basically impossible.
  2. ManiK

    Cannot create 3D device

    I'm not sure, where would I be able to check, I can't get into the game.
  3. ManiK

    Cannot create 3D device

    I know there's a post about this in the FAQ but it only applies to GeForce cards, I'm running on a Radeon 9200 and it's not the first time it's happened. Last time I had to uninstall and re-install, loosing all my campaign progress and downloads I did a search and came up with nothing so here's the message Cannot create 3D Device: Adapter 0 (Celestica Gold Edition RADEON 9200 128MB) Fullscreen Resolution 1024x768, format X8R8G8B8/D24S8, refresh 75 Hz. Error D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY