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About Mahatma

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Mahatma


    Hi.I have been playing now for a few weeks,and I've notived that the recoil in weapons (for example m249) is greater when using "scope" then not.You know:the ironsightview.When using that,it is wildly uncontrollable,but when not using it it is controllable.Is this a bug,or. . . .? Hiope for some answers:)
  2. Mahatma

    My sincere Thanks

    I am extremely frustrated:( ,but you're right: I shouldn't really take it out on you guys.I think that my PC is partially to blame.I just found out Joint Operation (which previously ran just fine) doesn't anymore so. . . . . I think I will stick around since I loved OFP,and (when it ran) really liked arma mp:) maybe the dreaded format&install Thanks for being patient.I retract most of my post.Hopefully things'll get better PS:About the gfx:This game does not look as good as GRAW in my-and others- opinion.The light to dark switch in particular they could remove.I haven't experienced going from day to almost night and back again in a few sec depending on view:(
  3. Mahatma

    My sincere Thanks

    I would like to give my sincere thanks to those who released this wonderfully buggy game!50% of the time I try to play online,it crashes to windows with no explanation.Brilliant that Also out of this world to release two versions of the game which does not communicate!What PR person came up with that idea? Promote that person Can't wait to see what ideas they have for the second installment of operation flashpoint.Are they aiming for even more bugs?Maybe they will get the game to a standard GFX wise which the rest were at '06 Do not hesitate to mail me if you need more of my money to sink into this dissaster.Glad to help out so I don't see you needing (anymore) hand-outs
  4. Mahatma

    An Odd mix of Realism and Arcade…

    Hi.I haven't read all the replies here,so if what I'm saying is said before I apologize.I would wish that maybe the graphics might reach a point where it is good enough for a longer timeline than what we're used to by now.I think this type of games rely less on gfx than-say- HL,doom,farcry,etc. games.If so,the developer of armed assault-or affiliates-might develop let's say a flightsim,helicopter sim and tank sim which all interlock with the same world.That way the person which flies a jet,get's the physics right and are able to either help or prevent forces in the same "universe" as they who play as infantry,helicopters or tanks.The same aplies to tanks and helicopters too (ofcourse infantry too,but that is simulated so very good already in ofp/aa). I personally would buy those sims seperately (maybe downloadable where one buys it online).I think most of hardcore ofp'ers would too.The only thing downside might be the kick-ass server one would need to run it;) Just my thoughts:) PS:I know this is doable because the makers of falcon 3.0 had the same idea 12-13 years ago.
  5. Mahatma

    Helicopter flightmodel

    Hi.I've read in posts under first impressions that the flightmodel for helicopters are twitchy.My complaint of OFP was the lack of flightmodel if you know what I mean.It wasn't very accurat. What I'm asking is:Is it more realistic as accounts for reports of "twitchyness",or is it just plain awful?Does it work better to fly helicopters with joystick with throttle and rudders? Can't wait to get my hands on the game
  6. Mahatma

    Don't need all the eye-candy!

    I agree with you.Gfx helps with immersion of a game,and that-to me-is very important.But for AA to work (like opf) it will be the package that will matter,so I guess we will see improvement in all departments. The community for opf is very nice,but I for one finds the mods for the game severely degrading my ability to play it online I hope that the game-like ravenshield-enables people to download necessary files from the server.Although that may be either unrealistic,or puts limitations on mod'ing. Is there a site which have the 'addon' folder with all the community files in it for download? I know it would be HUGE,but it would simplify things:)
  7. Mahatma

    Terrain, my main concern....

    If rivers are added,I hope for grunts who can swim.Is that so difficult? Never understood why-if one landed in water-one can't swim to the shore in OPF.I agree that carrying a heavy assault weapon,RPG launcher+enough ammo to win a small war would seriously degrade your ability to swim for any great lenght other than measured in singledigit inches;)But why not have the option to ditch your weapons if in deep water? I also prey for join in progress,and laid-back players out there
  8. Mahatma

    Character Ragdoll and more

    How long it is since I saw the guru critical error message!Does take you back doesn't it
  9. Mahatma

    Character Ragdoll and more

    I liked the death-animations in rogue spear.Agree,they were alittle theatrical,but oh! what fun
  10. Hi.I have a question for you seasoned online-FPS campaigners out there Is it possible to implement voice-over-net in AA?Like roger wilco,so people can communicate with each other?It would be cool to have different voicechannels in AA-like with text-which one can set up individually-so one can team up with another guy in a game and only he hears the com.Also global,to the officer over radio-and maybe in virtual world so you have to be close to the person speaking.If there is a bandwidth problem,maybe that could be solved in low quality,but-ofcourse-understandable sound.
  11. Mahatma

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I don't see your problem.If you have 56k modem at your house,then I'm sure there is some internet cafes where you can download it,and burn the files on DVD.Ofcourse if one has to download it everytime one has to install it then that would be most unfortunate.... But it was only suggested to get around a problem of distribution which most likely isn't a problem
  12. Mahatma

    Body Armor

    As far as physics go e=m*v*v,so it makes more sense to halve the weight of the bullet and make it go twice as fast,than double the weight.But I would guess that the body armour is strongest in the MOST vulnerable part of the body (ie the chest,head). Anybody read about the englishman in iraq who had four hits in his helmet,and still lived?If one of those were direct hit-and it is highly likely that it was a 7.62mm-then the helmets must be incredible! Just my 2 cents:)
  13. Mahatma

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Let's not get carried away
  14. Mahatma

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Do I detect frustration creeping back into these forums? Remember the saying: Good things come to all those that wait! I'm sure we will here something more from BIS fairly soon, I can feel it in my bones! - Either that or I've got rumatism again! Personally I would just like it to be released when it is properly ready, rather than full of bugs and half baked content. I am abit frustrated,so taking it out on you guys helps somewhat But I'm with you on the quality control issue. I hope they're not stalling because lack of distribution.Why not release it over the web.Let people download it after paying online? Instead of one giga large file,put in managable packets so one can download it in installments. I also hope the makers listen to the community
  15. Mahatma

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    For it to be released;)