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Everything posted by Madame69

  1. Madame69

    2 questions

    Thank you very much, I'll follow your advice about the comref
  2. Hello, I need help for 2 little things First, I need someone to explain me how to make 'list' IE: a list of all US in a censor, and then, everytime a soldier from the list die it does something the second thing, I need an event or whatever, that occurs when X is killed, IE: I name a civilian called Dude, and if he get killed by dude2 it says something that's all I guess
  3. Madame69

    Random Crash

    First of all, I don't visit often this forum but I still checked everywhere I could, and didn't find anything. Now let me explain. Im using the Mob Liberation 45, I was making some random Deatmatch mission. First, I made one where everyone starts with MG (Name doesn't matter, it's just an automatic) I had no problem, I played on the map with a friend for an hour without crashing. Then, we wanted to do the same with Rifle, so I changed whole mission (addweapon, addmagazine) to Rifle's var, but since then OFP randomly Crash, can't play more than 10 minutes. Yes, I could spawn with the rifle, ammo. And so could all other AI. Im aware that im very accurate, but eh.. what else to say? as I suck at scripting, I made it through.. captor? (Heck, the thing that is on F3 in editor..) with a check, If alive soldier, then run a scripting removing weapon, adding rifle. Here is what is says in Flashpoint.rtp (it logs Error there right?) Yup that's all.. any help is welcome.
  4. Madame69

    Your Best Shot

    My best shot was a random one, My friend was in his UH 60 flying around me, I was a specops with a glocks 17, I decided to annoy him a bit and shot at the copter, one shot and guess what ? I got him in the head ><, pity the UH 60 crashed on me Another one, random too in multiplayer on a CTF I was beeing the bodyguard of the guy carying the flag, as I run to the base I see a guy AIMing at me with his G36, I think Wow if I stop Im dead so I started to randomly spray and made an headshot from the first shot, I couldn't believe it
  5. Madame69

    Cast Away

    If you get bored, force yourself to continue working it will get worse but still force yourself, thats what I do when I get bored of VB coding
  6. Madame69

    Umm Qasr

    Black foot
  7. Hey, i need a script that would let you spawn with a random weapon, I looked everywhere and I cant find one. Not that I suck at scripting, But I cant figure it out.. so I hope you'll help me Madame69
  8. Madame69

    Little request

    I think you didnt understand ( Maybe I havent asked clearly? ) well, Im making a MP Mission, a DM one, and I want that every time you spawn, you get a random weapon, get it ? A friend made me a script that worked perfectly, but I deleted it by error.. Btw Peanut butter Ofp time  Edit: Ahh Nevermind I figuret it out myself  <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; *************************************** ; Operation Flashpoint Script ; *************************************** _Unit = _This select 0 _RandNum = (Random 7) ?_RandNum < 1  && _RandNum > 0: Goto "W1" ?_RandNum < 2  && _RandNum > 1: Goto "W2" ?_RandNum < 3  && _RandNum > 2: Goto "W3" ?_RandNum < 4  && _RandNum > 3: Goto "W4" ?_RandNum < 5  && _RandNum > 4: Goto "W5" ?_RandNum < 6  && _RandNum > 5: Goto "W6" #W1 _Unit AddMagazine "M16" _Unit AddMagazine "M16" _Unit AddMagazine "M16" _Unit AddMagazine "M16" _Unit AddMagazine "M16" _Unit AddWeapon "M16" Goto "Exit" #W2 _Unit AddMagazine "M21" _Unit AddMagazine "M21" _Unit AddMagazine "M21" _Unit AddMagazine "M21" _Unit AddMagazine "M21" _Unit AddWeapon "M21" Goto "Exit" #W3 _Unit AddMagazine "6G30Magazine" _Unit AddMagazine "6G30Magazine" _Unit AddWeapon "6G30" Goto "Exit" #W4 _Unit AddMagazine "HK" _Unit AddMagazine "HK" _Unit AddMagazine "HK" _Unit AddMagazine "HK" _Unit AddMagazine "HK" _Unit AddWeapon "HK" Goto "Exit" #W5 _Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag" _Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag" _Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag" _Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag" _Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag" _Unit AddWeapon "Steyr" Goto "Exit" #W6 _Unit AddMagazine "M60" _Unit AddMagazine "M60" _Unit AddMagazine "M60" _Unit AddMagazine "M60" _Unit AddMagazine "M60" _Unit AddWeapon "M60" Goto "Exit" #Exit Exit Just need to Add _unit selectweapon "weapon" everywhere and its ok
  9. Madame69

    Igla or Strela missile launcher

    Damn you are a kewl person