hey i am not sure if u know but the vc used to use scalfs as sort of a way to identify which unit they were from, this is when they were being funded and we an actual military instead of a bunch of farmers. so u had local vc and main force vc
will you be using the same model for all infantry units? for example a machine gunners uniform (ie load out/kit) would be different from a soldier or officer or medic or grenader. i would like to know if these will all be different for differnt classes of men
i know who have allready said the fal is your main weapon but what about the 5.56 hk g33? its cheap and used by alot of countries, also the 5.56 would fit in with nato, even maby for like speacialist teams maby, i dunno but consider it
hey just a question you said earlier you are going to use the bis model for the remmy as you sniper rifle? well if you are the remmington model in bis made it a left handed weapon and seeing how all of the people in opflash are right handed it looks stupid.
Also would you be having like a marks men like a man attached to a infantry squad with a pilkington pocketscope? the brits used to do that.
Also are these ppl going to be part of nato?