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About Mike99

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Mike99

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Can any body tell me how I can turn off the ejection seat thing because i cant make an Airbourn mission with this because a hole bunch of seats fly up in to the air.
  2. Yes there is already a CTI CW in process im not the creator but if you look throug the post there is one.
  3. I had the same problem with the Bull run Capaign also. Also there is a train already out but its not a steam train thoug.
  4. Ok, It will take a lot of work to complete this thoug because you will need to know all the unit names, ware to put spawnpoints on the map ect.... I would help but I am still working on my campaign.
  5. Hey Combat-Agent. Zeus 1.2 CTI never herd of Zeus 1.2 CTI, If you can send me a link to it, because I have played Cti44(using ww2 addons),MFcti(using regular ofp addons) and CTINam(using vietnam addons). But I have never herd of Zeus 1.2 CTI.
  6. How do I make a ext. file
  7. Hey How do i add my own music to ofp, i have some good battle music for the CW mode, It might be british and french battle music but I am still looking for som U.s Music
  8. Damn I have to go to school so I wont be able to play it yet.
  9. Yes those soldiers are spaced out with out a group If you cant do this because the second row keeps moving away, then All you need to do is in the editor grab the second row and move them in front of the first row then it will work. I tried having three but didnt work I will practice some more on how to do this.
  10. these are Just some if you want more I will get more.
  11. Also how do I post images.
  12. How can I take screen shots for ofp because I have a very perfect line battle to show every body.
  13. Yes I have played those I found all I need. But I do agree with you that not a lot of peopel make missions. But here is a suggestin to the mod. When the next patch come out would it be possible to make a Invisible line vehicle, So whare you can put Ai in and then they are in a perfect line and when the Gunner fire it will shoot every bodys gun in the line Vehicle (but not all at once).
  14. Hello, realy do like your mod a lot ive been playing for awhile. But when I went to your forum I saw that there were 33 pages of posts, So I decided to sceam through some and found people making missions. Can somebody pleas point out all the mission that people have made for this mod.