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Everything posted by Mohadib

  1. Mohadib

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.6

    Hey Sanctuary, first i will give you an big Honor for your great new Animations.Good Work  But i´ve got one ....öhm....or two Questions. First....the Patrolanim: Is it posible to use those Anim seperatly to the Anim with the Gun on the Back?Just like,when the Soldiers Wolk on a Way or e Field that the Soldiers doesent look like the same.For Example: Ini: this exec "Animpatrol.sqs" (big sry for my terrible English.....German  ) Second.... Carrelesanim: I´ve made a Intro with Soldiers who stands in carrles Position. Some of them doesent turn into this Anim.I can do what i want....it doesent seems to work....why?(oh i´ve used the Soldiers of I44). Ok.....i hope you´ve understand what i mean with this english Words i wrote.......(shame on me  )
  2. Nice Work...but your Marder and LKW`s are better then those Soldiers The Norse is missing the Head.....i can only see it from the Distance. The Legs are to short and to smal to the rest of the Body.Sry for that terrible English. I´ve made some Screenshots to show you what i mean,but i dont know how to load it up. I know that you can make it better
  3. Mohadib

    RBVV Wiesel 2 pack

    Yap........the complet Colection of MMP is installt.Nothing happends.
  4. Mohadib

    RBVV Wiesel 2 pack

    I´m allready instalt this Addonpack (Wiesel),but it doesent seams to work?!Whats wrong?
  5. Mohadib

    New Anim pack for replacing Anim.pbo

    it doesent work.I´ve changed the rth´s like you.The only thing that happends is that the men wil sink down in the ground to the Helf of his Body. have you also replaced the original 0.pbo with the one that comes with the download? that is the only other thing i did and it works fine. Jay....i´ve changed tho O.pbo to......i´ve followed the orders in the Readme.....so...dont know why it doesent work.I´ll give it up now. i think,that it´s stupid to bring out some god new Things without a correct Readme that explain People they do not know  so mutch about it how it works. I´ll delete that exelent new Addon.
  6. Mohadib

    New Anim pack for replacing Anim.pbo

    it doesent work.I´ve changed the rth´s like you.The only thing that happends is that the men wil sink down in the ground to the Helf of his Body.