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Posts posted by MMP-Locke

  1. Hi!

    I've got a few problems with a soldier-addon, and I hope someone is able to help me

    1.) medic has no medic-picture (just normal soldier-picture)

    2.) from the third-person-perspective you cannot see the binoculars the soldier should hold in his hand; first-person-perspective-binocular-watching works fine

    3.) currently I use "TimeBombs" for my unit; but as soon as i replace it with "PipeBombs", the game crashes while loading

    4.) female medic does not have a female voice

    Thanks for your help,

    Locke / Helifreak

  2. BW-Mod goes unisex!

    All of you long awaited this moment to see what we are all the time working on and what is the reason, that we postponed the release of our Basic-Pack v2 again and again. And again.

    Now Schakal has released the first official pics of his latest soldier-models for you. As you can see we've got kinda girly-power in the troop. I assume to know which soldiermodel will be the one all of you are gonna play with till OFP-2!



