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Everything posted by MilitiaSniper
Thanks All! I hope my wife and daughter gets to come home tomorrow! Taking care of my son is easy! But.., It sucks I can't be in two places at once! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Well here's my beautiful little girl! Here's my son and his new little baby sister! I just want to shout for joy! I also hope that.., I can raise my two kids to respect all people and be GOD fearing! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Hey Phil, I think this will be your finest work to date! As you know.., I've been a fan of yours since your first beta! Congrats on this! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Just wanted to say.., "Happy Thanksgiving!" Even if it's not a holiday you celebrate. I also give thanks for the following! God! My son, "Sean" (6 yrs. old.) My beautiful wife, "Alane." Family and Friends! Having a decent job! A nice townhouse on Martin Lake! And on the 29th of Nov. my newest member of the family will be born! My daughter "Alexis" will be her name! She is schedule for a C-Section. So HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Why can't OFP play with alot of action like other shooting games? Ex: "Call of Duty Their Finest Hour" Just good heavy combat! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Call of Duty is (and all other CoD titles are) too hollywood, just looking at the pre-rendered trailers makes me not want to play it, its just too fast-paced. They claim it to be realistic, but I think they are confused between realism and exaggerated stereotypes. In conclusion, what I can say is this. If you were someone who played games like Call of Duty, and thought that it was a good representation of war, you would most likely lose your mind if you ever had to fight in real life, that is if you lived that long. For people playing games like OFP, you would at least have a valid set of expectations and a proper sense of, and reaction to, your situation. Being a very logical, concrete person (with an interest in sciences), I like to be realistic, so I favor games which bring me a good sense of realism in all aspects. Everyone that experienced war. May experienced something different. Some were on the frontlines, while others may have been in the back. But they all experienced the same war. Take the beach storming of Normandy. (Intense) The landings on the Isle of Iwo Jima. (Intense) But there were also battles that weren't so intense. But.., "I" enjoy sometimes that intense, in your face fighting! Sometimes.., I like that scoot and shoot sniping type missions. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
No. we can't. We should enhance the game more maybe but not make it into a scripted arcade game. I'm not talking a making a OFP version of, Call of Duty. I mean so much action. That if you stick you head out from cover.., "BAM! " Alittle more intense feeling. Call of Duty, was just an example. Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Mr. Burns is always wise as how he puts words together. But can we make OFP alittle more like Call of Duty or something close? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Ok all. It's done! I will be making a Russian version to this mission real soon! "Blood Oath" Mission [im]http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/1652/preview11bz.gif[/img]>100kb The Story This is a campaign I am working on slowly but truly. It's a, "What If..?" campaign. About Germany secretly making a deal with the Americans and British fighting the Soviet Army. To drive them out of Berlin, Germany and to put a stop to communism once and for all! As most of you know Rommell was implicated as one of the high officers that tried to blow-up Hitler. And Hess flew out of Germany to Scotland. Gen. Patton wanted to take the U.S. Army north to Russia. While the Brits thought about re-arming the Germans. Rommell and Hess both secretly met and sent messages to Churchill and Roosevelt. Asking for a peaceful way to have Germany surrender. But as long as Hitler was in power. They both knew that Germany would not surrender. Stalin which was probably the most paranoid of all dictators. Believed that something was going on with the Brits, Americans, and possibly some of the Germans high officers. Stalin thinks the best way to end this. Is to get to Berlin first, before the Allies! In which he does! But now with the secret deal on the table. Americans, British, & the Germans now fight the Russians. With Berlin under control of the Russian control. High ranking German officers are regrouping their forces. And The Americans and Britsh allow the German army to be re-armed. In this mini campaign. You will get to play all sides of the campaign. (Russians, Germans, Americans, & Brits.) I also am looking for a few decent mission makers to help me continue making this mini campaign! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper PS. Any sites can mirror the download if they like!
Jeez Louise! Yes..! I know it's a freaking sim! But if it's gonna be a SIM! (Real life action! How come we can't get alittle bit more action? Like a game? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Not a whole lot of downloads! But.., I would love some feed back! Just be nice it you didn't like it! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Dang it!!! SpongeBob, stole my two favorites! "Paint It Black" Rolling Stones "Run Through the Jungle" C.C.R. How about: "Piece of My Heart" Janis Joplin "Nowhere To Run To" Martha and The Vandella's (I Think?) Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
So what does everyone think so far? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
The only thing I hate about this Mod is.., I can't play it. Cause of the suggested requirements! I was really excited to play it. But I love the screen shots! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Ok guys it's released! But I'm gonna leave this thread open for discussion and updates about new missions! "Blood Oath" Mission for "The EAGLE vs. The BEAR" I hope you all enjoy it! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
You know Gen. Patton wanted to invade the Soviet Union after WWII. He never trusted the Russians. So what if, Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt listened to Patton. And had the U.S. Troops invade north after the fall of Berlin? I'm glad we never found out. But WHAT IF..? I'm thinking about making a WW2 style campaign called: "Eagle vs. Bear" The What If campaign. I'm wanna use Lib. 1941 Mod. and 101st addons. What I need is a good Island and good WWII U.S. tanks. Maybe I could get a couple of good mission makers too! I would like to make 2 of the same missions. This way you can play as either side on the same mission. I figure 10 missions for each side! What do you all think? Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
I found another download link for the 101st & U.S. Weapons Pack. 101st and U.S. Weapons Pack I hope this helps! I also wanted to give thanks to BIS and CodeMasters. Thanks for the best game I love to play! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
That's not a banner. But a rough draft picture! Ok I need at least 2!!! BETA Testers! First come first serve! After the 2 Beta Testers. I will post it! Please send me a Private Message if you REALLY wanna Beta test this mission. I will need you feedback A.S.A.P.! It's about a 8-10 minute mission! You will need to think about how you are gonna play the mission. (Cause you have radio commands. And will have to use them, when you think you need them! YOUR.., decisions will affect the outcome of the game! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
I was hoping to have it done the other day. But the overview pic. isn't working right. So I'm gonna wait on releasing the beta mission. Until I get it the way I want it to! I hope soon! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
I'm looking for a desert style map. That can be used for a Iraq mission I am working on. Cat's Afghan Island is great! But Iraq is alot flatter. My nephew is over there. And he is gonna give me his story! So I want to turn it into a mission! Any help or ideas would be most grateful! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper   Â
Ok it's done. All I gotta do is find a site to post it to! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
I am trying really hard to have the first mission done TODAY! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
Sick-o! LOL! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
I'm just trying to find a way for a long battle. With out causing lag! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper
What I need now is.., some sort of good script that keeps Russian troops keep soldiers attacking! Sincerely, MilitiaSniper