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About Mortarman

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  1. Mortarman


    Silly Soldier has found and downloaded Wilbur. Oppps. Now to get down to business and learning the program and how to convert the maps to something WRPEDIT can handle. Mortarman
  2. Mortarman


    I've heard of Wilbur. But then my next question would be....Where do I find it in order to download it? So far I have not been able to find Wilbur. It was in my search for a terrain generating program that I found Genisis II. Mortarman.
  3. Mortarman


    I need some help here. I have a terrian generater. It's Genesis II. Its a nice easy program where I can draw the contour lines. The program can export the map to the following file types: Ascii (*.txt) Autocad (*.dfx) Bitmap (*.bmp) Genesis2 (*.xyz) Pixel Greymap (*.pgm) UK OSPanorama (*.ntf) Terragen (*.ter) Vistapro3 (*dem) Now my big questions is how and which file types can be converted to use for Visitor2 or WRPEDIT? Sorry I'm not a programer. Just a simple soldier who likes OP Flashpoint. Mortarman.
  4. Mortarman


    Can anyone please help me find the BIS program Breathe to create islands for OP Flashpoint? I'm having fun learning how to create addons with oxygen, but I want to specialize in creating Islands to give fellow players realistic places to battle in all aspects of warfare. Mortarman