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Everything posted by Madus_Maximus

  1. Madus_Maximus


    Try the "mission editor"... amazing little wonder!
  2. Madus_Maximus

    Korea... next?

    Didn't NK say they'd use nukes if they were attacked? They'd just nuke the DMZ to clear the mines and break through, or use fuel-air-bombs which would have a similar effect minus the radiation.
  3. Madus_Maximus

    Weapon animation

    You can animate all those things right now, you just can't physically remove the mags and so on unless you use the drop command to replace the model and then show it in the hand and so on and so on... Anyway, I'd like to see it so the animations for holding the weapons are also defined IN the weapon rather than the unit using it, so you can properly hold all weapons, like ones with verticle grips you actually hold the grip and so on. Now you can only set one animation per unit and its stuck with that till you manually change it in the editor or something.
  4. Madus_Maximus

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Here's my little contribution... a little different than the others. Amazing what you can think of when bored and have Photoshop open. The Pic Edit: Whoops forgot the addons used... (and added link) HKY Infantry Combat! M113 <span id='ME'><center>placebo slaps Madus_Maximus, you also forgot to check the filesize, no images over 100kb</center></span>
  5. Madus_Maximus

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    'Tis true. They just happen to be an infantry branch of the Navy, that's about the only commonality (besides the name) they share. Oh and these things look uber! Can't wait to waste some French infantry with my pointy stick addon! I mean bayonet, ye thats it, bayonet (the UKF one) *whilstles*.
  6. Madus_Maximus

    Basically what ofp 2 needs to be like

    Why would they? They'll just improve on the current system. Apparently we'll benefit from the Xbox controls too with less commands to mess up squad actions.
  7. Madus_Maximus

    Basically what ofp 2 needs to be like

    Most modern squads have a small personal radio each, I know the British military do, it's called "sabre" and allowes the squad to communicate upto 50m from each other which enhances their ability to spread out. Good in sand storms and bad weather too as you can keep in contact even if you cant see them, and if you cant, you know you're more than 50m away from them at least. That'd be a nice feature, short range radio! Like voice, you could implement both, just up the range with the personal radio systems.
  8. Madus_Maximus

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    Nobody accepts blame anymore, it's always down to something or someone else, it's never the fault of the people who commit the crimes or those who are supposedly responsible. If anything the parents should be punished for letting their children play or view material which has been deemed too old for them, maybe that'd set an example and make others care more about what it is they're actually doing.
  9. Madus_Maximus

    For Hard-core RTS fans only

    I liked the drummers and bag-pipers (for the English) in Cossacks and the way you had to have one and an officer to make a formation. I hope you can play the British Grenadiers as you charge the French mwuahaha! "Fix.... bayonets!"
  10. Madus_Maximus

    Spetznaz MVD

    Hope you find who's to blaim for this. When I saw the news at first I was like "who the hell are DRF? And how come they have Laser's/RHS's textures?" I ruled out they were Lasers in any way because of the poor models the textures sat on, and I didn't bother to get them as to me they just looked pretty poorly made. Also I'd seen everything they were made up of before on RHS and ORCS stuff (as they're Laser's stuff, so no surprise there lol). Oh and addon stealing is older than you think, it's just a lot more obvious and foolish when they take things already released or which have a large following already, such as RHS's work.
  11. Madus_Maximus

    Just Add Water

    Do you mean like the fountains in the original game and Resistance? If so then I think its just a see through texture with a particle effect to simulate the splash (like a little white/blueish dust cloud).
  12. Madus_Maximus

    Rpg/law effectiveness

    Maybe not out of the box, but many mods such as WGL have done a VERY good job at making it much more realistic. BIS didn't make it uber realistic because of balance issues, each side has an almost equal counterpart, and in most games that's required, especially in multiplayer. Although in WGL you must use more strategy and all to beat the better equiped or stronger side, which is actually very fun with a few good players. Anyway, RPG's are cheap, easy to produce, can fire a huge number of warheads and relitively easy to get. Because of this they out-do LAW's as they tend to be fixed to just a few warheads and aren't as easy to get. Also early LAW's had poor warhead shapes and bounced off things.
  13. Madus_Maximus

    Britain to slash military jobs

    Not to flame bait here, but I'd like to see some of you lot try and run the country and juggle the budget's and so on.
  14. Madus_Maximus

    Britain to slash military jobs

    One force is benefiting from all this by the way... the Royal Marines, they're getting better funding now and they see them as the future to engagements, as they're generally the first force in anyway.
  15. Madus_Maximus

    Britain to slash military jobs

    The Jaguar's need replacing anyway. BUT, I think they pushed it a little too soon, they should have at least waited till we had some Eurofighter squadrons at full operation level before even thinking about it. The JSF won't be here untill around 1010 either so we have a long wait, it's not even 100% certain the things will go into full production, but hey, let's let the Americans use their money instead on the testing and so on lol (although they're being made by Lockheed Martin which is owned by BAe systems... is there any military contractor they don't have a slice of?) As far as I know the army isn't getting massive cuts, only in administration area's, as 3 or 4 regiments are being merged into 1, so I don't think army "soldier" numbers will be affected. I don't want to sound bad here but I think we're turning into America, depending more on technology than the skills of the men on the ground who have to do the real work. That's one thing that makes the British armed forces renouned around the world for the quality of it's men on the ground and their experience. The British Army has been in combat every sinlge year since like the 1600's apart from a year in the 1960's (think it was 65). Anyway in short, the cut's = bad, but in the long run I think the better equipment that will replace some of the personnel will help in at least modernising. I don't understand why we're getting rid of the frigates and cruisers though. They have a good 10 years service left in them so I'd have thought they'd keep them there for another 5-6 years at least for when our new carriers and cruisers come into service with the JSF.
  16. Madus_Maximus

    ability to destroy firearms

    The LGB's WILL explode though, (unless you somehow stop them with a script or whatever). BUT, the soldiers may not die when they hit the ground, thus it needs more CPU time to detect if their damage is sufficiant to kill them. Also bullets are used as each shot isn't a 100% garentee'd kill so the engine has to detect if they've recieved enough damage to be destroyed. P.S. AI infantry laggs more because each one individually has a process and an animation to play.
  17. Madus_Maximus

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    I became bored so fired up good ole' Flash and took these pics. Pic 1 Pic 2 Addons: Tonal, Combat! M113 Pack, Combat! M2 Bradley Pack & Combat! HEMMT Pack (unrelased). Oh and llaumax Sky 2.0
  18. Madus_Maximus

    OFP Freezing, Crashing

    Most people I know with ATI cards have issues with Flashpoint, like random CTD and invisible units (quite comical in mp games when u see them run into enemies posstions). I'd suggest a GeForce FX, anything OVER 5600, the 5600 and below are quite honestly not worth the money, they're like the MX range of the GeForce 4 cards. Look on www.ebuyer.com, they generally have some nice prices for cards and other hardware. I have the same board as you also, although I've never tried it with an ATI card, just my GeForce 3 (meh it still works, methinks it'll be replacing time soon). I hope you fix it, if all else fails or you can't wait till you've got the money to get a new card ask your friends if they have an old GeForce or something lieing around they're not using, then at least you'll be more sure of it being an ATI issue.
  19. Madus_Maximus

    History lessons anyone?

    Then drop a 5000lb bomb on him. Just for target practice of course
  20. Madus_Maximus

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

    Me and Rogue had a similar person when playing the Ground Control 2 MP demo. A few days later the guy was found out on the forums (he'd apparently cheated in many games) and someone sent him a virus which nuked his hard drive. We laughed haha. Serves his ass right.
  21. Madus_Maximus

    Game physics

    And people who use the ammunition contractict the doctors and Army officials. Just recently in Isreal (I think), anyway where-ever it was, some guy was killed execution style with an M16A2 point blank range in the head. 2 shots had to be fired, 1 caused some nice damage, but did not kill him, the second was fatal. Now, a 7.62 would literally blow his skull apart (sorry for being graphic). Also in Iraq, soldiers often report of having to shoot people 5-6 times to drop them with their 5.56 weapons. They're currently fielding 6.8mm in some companies to see its effects, and they're much more promising than the 5.56. 5.56 was originally designed for huting small game such as birds and deer, it's a civilian round. The US military used it in their AR-15 (became the M16) because it was readily available. All the people I know who have weapons training (I have friends and relitives in the army) say the round is totally inadequate. Back on topic, methinks ragdoll (only with stiffer joints so you get no stupid limp limbs when your killed and fly into the air) would be a nice addition, and a similar physics system to Far Cry with collisions and so on.
  22. Madus_Maximus

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Only one thing will sufice *plays Ode to Joy*
  23. Madus_Maximus

    BAS Tonali SF and BTR-T

    Mullers pack had it, it blew off when the rest of the APC blew up. I think there's a script error somewhere along the line.
  24. Madus_Maximus

    BF42 is the most realistic military game

    It's deomcracy gone mad! Battlefield is like cartoon violence "realism". Saying it's realistic is retarded, fun and fast, maybe (for a short time... capture point, hold, kill, lose point, die, respawn, capture again, hold, kill...). Some of the mods are realistic anyway. They should have ranked them on what can be done with the game, something OFP would beat pretty much everything hands down.
  25. Madus_Maximus

    MARFY : I need to ask you a question

    Or Marine/Navy Huey's if they have no Seahawks close to hand.