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Everything posted by Madus_Maximus

  1. Madus_Maximus

    Sound disappearance

    Try starting it with the " -nomap" command. (without the quote marks obviously... Oh and leave a space before the - from the last bit of text.
  2. Madus_Maximus

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    I was bored, so decided to take some pics. Keep low! Flyby of a small village. Addons: > Falklands Mod AH-7 Lynx > BAS Tonal (Pic 2)
  3. Madus_Maximus

    Hardware suggestions?

    FX Cards are only crap if you get anything BELOW 5700. Anything above is sweet! It's like the MX and Ti range of the old cards... MX being 5600 and below and Ti being the 5700 and above. Also the faster models are good for overclocking, most manufacturers give you the ability to auto clock it so it sets safe overclocking speeds for your syste.
  4. Madus_Maximus

    Addon and missions carryover

    Hopefully they could make a little tool that converts model sections (the defines things) into the newer instructions. That way if they implement a new physics/animations system you'll still be able to use them after using this programme that redefines the selections for the new engine (I'm sure that makes sense to people who've used O2... infact maybe that could be included in the new version of O2 they release, or whatever modeling tools they decide to give us)
  5. Madus_Maximus

    bullet penetration

    A ballistics system like in Hidden & Dangerous 2 would be great, with richochet's and stuff aswell as penetration! It's fun shooting some bloke in the chest then hitting his mate behind him in the helmet from the round bouncing off the blokes bones then his heltmet flying into someone else injuring them.
  6. Madus_Maximus

    Operation Flashpoint/Resistance Creators!

    It's the one game you keep on coming back to. However many new games you get and however long you play them, you ultimately get bored and come back to Flashpoint! The only think that can ever surpass it will be OFP2.
  7. Madus_Maximus

    My list.

    I'm sure they will. Can't see them leaving things out that have become a staple part of the gameplay added by the community.
  8. Madus_Maximus

    My list.

    You can do several of these things already. Timed grenades for example are already in WGL and ECP. The gunner on jeeps is fixed by limiting the rotation in O2 (I think, like you can with fixed weapons). I think Aeon worked out the tracer thing too, every 5th shot or so and they were more "blob" like like real life. The lack of fighting environments is nothing to do with BIS either, it's island makers. The thing is heavily built up area's (even moderately built up ones) can cause lag, which isnt fun, especially in MP when everyone has a better PC and you're left lagging with both your ping and comp! OFP2 will have the same kind of optimisations as VBS1 has, only better. So performance wont be a major aspect if they go the same way. You can use bayonets, UKF DPM troops use it, someone else recently released a bayont using addon, you can also smack people with your rifle butts. It's an animation more than anything else. It's possible to have several animations for each thing, but it'll take a LONG time to complete each one that each perfectly play into the next one.
  9. Madus_Maximus

    ORCS Effects and Back-pack addon

    Simple answer... try it!
  10. Madus_Maximus

    How many MB or GB do you have

    4gb exactly! But then I did just reinstall the other day, so I'm sure that'll rise dramatically over the next week or two.
  11. Madus_Maximus

    War Quotes/Sayings

    "Si Vic pacem, para bellum" - Vegetius, Roman General Someone said it already in English. That's the latin version. "To live in peace, prepare for war" "Come home with this shield or upon it" - Spartan woman equiping her son for war. (Rome is great for quotes)
  12. Madus_Maximus

    Long live EA!

    EA MUST DIE A HORRIBLE HORRIBLE DEATH! Be funny if they get sued over each of the sports monopoly's they own. They'd lose truck loads mwuahaha! I hate how they make some crap and then loads of money cos they own the lisence to put a famous name on it. Look at Battle for Middle Earth... load of shit, it's Generals with LOTR units that dont look like LOTR units! (look at the "Orks"). They also f'd up the campaign map and put locations in the wrong places haha! How'd they manage that? You can get a damn high res map if you google!
  13. Madus_Maximus

    Unpleasant implications for the gaming industry

    Some company was going to patent the human genome when it was completed, but a rival decided "ah, let's make it freely available" and they used the internet to publish updates every week. You can now download the genetic code for humans freely from the net. It also took much less time than originally thought because other labs around the world worked together on seperate parts and submitted their findings too, then they collated it all and bob's your uncle! That's one way to get around it, but then again you need to beat them to it too I suppose. Oh, and isn't it federal law that you have to defend your companies patent's/copyrights in the states? Even if you don't want to and they're not actually making any profit or financial gain from using it. Valve have also copywritten the name "Half-Life", and the "Lamda logo"... great huh? How the hell are physists going to explain atom decomposition and do equasions without writing a long winded explnination down? (lamda is an an ancient Greek letter and is now used as "wavelength" in physics)... honestly it's like copywriting the letter "b". It's fecked up.
  14. Madus_Maximus

    new at mods

    Gamezone is you're best bet my man. Search for something you're interested in and it'll most likely be out there for your downloading and playing pleassure!
  15. Madus_Maximus

    Remote validation for games.

    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" Sorry I had to say that. I remember when OFP came out, then when it came out in America nobody even knew what it was and I had to tell a few people (I'm in England by the way, ah the wonders of the internet) and I got them really excited about it, then it hit the shelves and they lapped it up. Sadly only the poeple who knew about it got it and it wasn't one of those "oo this look great, never heard of it before, I'll buy it" kind of things. I think a decent advertising campaign wouldn't go a-miss, especially in America, which is the biggest market. OFP got quite a lot of coverage, at least here in the UK. It didn't have any TV ads or anything but there were full 2 page spreads in mags and trailers on their cover discs and the like. I hope they do the same (only more because of the success of OFP 1) for OFP2 but in each country they sell it in.
  16. Madus_Maximus

    Argh! The island is white!

    If you have the BETA drivers then I'd get rid of them. I tried them and whilst they seem to boost performance a little, they're a bit iffy as they made the bottom left of my screen fuzzy in Flashpoint. Use the latest digitially signed drivers.
  17. Madus_Maximus

    Argh! The island is white!

    Oops, need me readers on. I was doing several things at once when typing that hehe.
  18. Madus_Maximus

    Argh! The island is white!

    Aren't Catalyst for erm... ATi cards? You need nVIDIA drivers seeing as you have an FX 5200. Look on www.nvidia.com then go to downloads.
  19. Madus_Maximus

    Air temperatures

    This could make the engineers a hell of a lot more useful! "Fix Engine" or something.
  20. Madus_Maximus

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    You'd think your name would give it away eh Avon? That and he's been around since 2001 according to his profile hehe.
  21. Madus_Maximus

    Remote validation for games.

    I'm waiting for someone to hack Steam and add a virus to one of the "auto-updates" that make Valve (and other devs) think "Woah! Maybe this isn't such a good idea! We can't pay these legal fees of angry customers when we promised our protection!" Steam is a crock, it even connects to a server even if you select "Start in Offline Mode", I've tried it (I tried it with the net disconnected but modem on, then again with the modem on but the phone line physically removed from the modem, and it said something like "Steam cannont start due to not being able to connect to a server" or similar)! They should AT LEAST add an option for optional downloads of updates, so say they release a patch, they should tell you when you start Steam then give you the option to download and install it or not, aswell as the auto-update and do not auto-update options. What made me extra mad was the fact the case (poorly designed, has a screenshot from before the beta leak over a year ago, think its from the 2002 E3 demo actually) had nothing in it but the dvd and a crappy referance card! I want a proper manual, maybe a poster or something, if it's something like OFP maybe poster sized map's of the main islands. Like keg said, these things make you prefer to buy the proper game, and make you think "I've actually got something for my money!". I almost went back to the shop to say they give me a box without the manual, but the fact it was in plastic wrap gave away that that's all you got! I hope BIS make a CD & DVD version, (Valve just made DVD for the European release I think, at least in the UK) so that means you NEED the net AND a DVD-Drive too! My friend got it and he has dial up, it took him 2 hours almost to install it, decrypt the files, update steam, then the game itself, then to finally get into the game and play! Then when he got to a loading place it crashed because it couldn't connect to a steam server because his connection time had run out! In short... BIS! DO NOT make anything in any way shape or form like Steam or Valve's authentication system! IT SUCKS MAJOR LOVE NUTS!
  22. Madus_Maximus

    OFP2 - Rainbow Six

    They were up until Ravenshield when Ubi shat out something aweful and stuck the R6 name on it to make it sell. I hate Ubi for that.
  23. Madus_Maximus

    Gravity gun for OFP!

    Isn't HYK also in BOH?
  24. Madus_Maximus

    2 copies of different OFPs on one machine

    I don't think it can be done, and if you do FADE will most likely activate. Methinks this should be in troobleshooting by the way. If I were you I'd just make sure I had all the addons and so on backed up then reinstall. It wont take too long.
  25. Madus_Maximus

    OFP2 - Rainbow Six

    Same if you get shot in the chest and everywhere else, it's always the same leg even if you were shot in the other haha. Ravenshield is a pile of crap, Ubi really screwed up the Rainbow Six series, and for that I hate them. Give it back to Red Storm is what I say! (look in the RvS credits, all Red Storm made were the cinematics).