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Everything posted by Madus_Maximus

  1. Madus_Maximus

    What can we expect from the new engine?

    I don't think it likes DX9 cards, seeing as its a DX8 game (DXDLL only added partial 8.1 support before you get smart assish on me about that!. Oh and apparently the engine has been pretty much entirely recoded. What do you think they were doing for these 4 years? That's why we didn't hear anything for so long because they wanted to get to respectable level before going public with it, and to please the fans with all the fixes and engine improvements we've been asking for for so long. I have faith in BIS, look at how nicely VBS1 plays compared to OFP1... and that's a more advanced version of the engine, with larger distance draw, higher poly models and can support masses more units with hardly any performance issues at all! If it's possible to improve it so much for a lightly modified (well in comparison) engine, imagine how nicely the overhauled engine will play! Oh and I don't think they're going for the "WOAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!" factor with Armed Assault. I see it more of a thank you to the community, and to gear us up for the way the engine will work so we can just jump right into modding the true sequel.
  2. Madus_Maximus

    Next Generation PC Game

    Me too! I just want money though, no particular reason mwuahaha! Anyway, as long as the name isn't totally retarded, and it explains what the game is roughly about then I don't really care. I'll still call it "OFP2" whatever they name it. And the Codemasters game will be just that... the "Codemasters game". And Ondréj! If you're reading this... you're handy work in the pics and vids we've seen looks as impressive as ever. When "OFP2" is all ready take a nice long break... then crack on with OFP3 or some addons! Mr. Workaholic! P.S. I hope you put some more little quirks in the AI that have your face, like the civilians now that come up to you, smile then run off.... which scares the crap out of me when they do it at night in the middle of a forest when I'm being chased by nasty men with big guns and tracked blocks of steel with a boom stick on it!
  3. Madus_Maximus

    Territorial Army

    Well he's asking people who've had experience in the TA... so I'm assuming those people would know what he's on about, or just British people in general.
  4. Madus_Maximus

    new houses?

    I doubt it. They're using proper physics and have fixed collision detection and so on in the new engine build, so unless it's a scripted thing I don't think it'll happen.
  5. Madus_Maximus

    1970 vs 2010

    Eh? Â Stealth works by reflecting signals skywards or to the ground, anywhere but to the reciever. Â The coat of paint absorbs the Radar waves energy, reducing the "echo" that gets reflected. I guess this sorta deals with how effective radar will be in the game. Â Well, I never thought about that point. Â That would have been a nice question to ask him. Â He's hoping to become a F-22 pilot so I'm sure he would have thought of it. But my uneducated guess is that if the radar dish distance is close, you can't help it when a stray wave actually returns to reciever, catching the interest of the AA personel. Â Now I don't know if that's true (no idea other from the conversation) but I just think that any technology is not totally perfect when it hits the battlefield. Â I read about some Pavelow pilot rescues during the Gulf War, but I can't remember how the pilot got himself in that situation... Maybe his engine failed and was forced to crash land? American helicopter engines are quite well known for their... kinks. I think more Blackhawks have been lost to engine failure than been shot down, which isn't a good record for something 80% of the US Military ride around in (well one version or another... Seahawk uses a different engine that copes with wet conditions better, and is generally a better engine). In Mogadishu they lost 5 Blackhawks that day. Two were shot down, and three had engine failures. One managed to make it back to base and crash land but the others went down around the edges of the city I think... ok they lost 4, 1 was repaired.
  6. Madus_Maximus

    Graphics Problems

    I had a similar problem, but it seems to have fixed itself oddly... It was something to do with Direct X, which became fooked up with a Windows update (peice of crap, Microsoft still can't code well), reinstalled DX, did nothing to help. Eventually I formatted the computer and all was fine untill I decided to upgrade to service pack 2 again... wow that thing HATES games, especially ones not made since DX9 came into existance. If you look around the net, even on the official MS knowledge thing their "solution" to a similar problem with THEIR game Freelancer is to play it in "Windows 98 Compatibility Mode" even though the game came out when XP was pretty common and ran fine on it before SP 2. Try Omega drivers if all else fails, they seem to be stable and give good performance and Windows likes them even though they're not digitally signed. Ironic considering the drivers that are give the most conflicts. Yey for Microsoft "quality" control!
  7. Madus_Maximus

    How bout ...

    You do know that engineers have prefab bases yeah? They'll bring along command centres on the back of trucks, field hospitals the lot. Anyway, you can already build sandbags and walls and gun emplacements and towers and so on... it's called CTI (capture the island).
  8. Madus_Maximus

    HKG36 v1.0 & HKMP7 v1.1 released

    It looks and sounds great! BUT! I notice one little thing... there's no muzzle flash. Apart from that top marks!
  9. Madus_Maximus


    Sounds great, realism all the way! And the "3 sec of flight" thing... would that be refering to the Blackhawk and it's tendendcy to have engine failures? haha! Anyhow, I think the current flight system is more realistic than M$ Flight Sim... in that you can do barrel rolls and loop the loops with 747's and crap. Wow very realistic. That'd make the wings tear off in real life. Actually, that'd be AWESOME! Simulate "G-Force" so if you go too fast you pass out and so on, and wings and whatever break off if you exceed the aircrafts limits! (all selectable in the difficulty menu obviously. Have recruit, veterain, and simulation or something, the latter having everything as realistic as possible!)
  10. Madus_Maximus

    1970 vs 2010

    "Stealth" doesn't work I thought I'd let you know. It can be picked up on 70's Soviet radar, and when it rains it doesn't work (at least on the F117's). Even the F-22's and F35's. I'd really REALLY love to see an air campaign without using nukes and WMD's take out "most SAM threats". Russia has the most dense AA field on the planet. Why do you think NATO has so many "advanced" aircraft? It'll be next to impossible to destroy the majority of Russian armour. They have more tanks than ALL of the NATO nations combined. The only way it'd be feasable would be again, to use nukes. Three letters... E.M.P. Set one off big enough and most American "superior" technology no longer works. Only "stealth" technology vehicles are able to withstand EMP because EMP's are on a similar wavelength to radar. That and it was first developed to deliver a nuclear warhead into enemy territory and they give off a HUGE EMP. The USA could never take Russia without using WMD's. A ground war would be suicide against all their armour and infantry, an air war would be suicide with all their AA batteries, and a Naval assault almost impossible because of the lack of places to attack. As big as Russia is it doesn't have much of a coast line.
  11. Madus_Maximus

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    A real soldier has respect for his enemy. Â If there's one thing you should know about the Army, you should know that. US Army respecting the enemy? You've not seen the US Marines in Iraq on the news have you.
  12. Madus_Maximus

    Armed Assault info for modmakers

    Look for "XSi Mod Tool 4.2". You can get a free unlimited trial, it's an offer that was introduced for modders of Half Life 2, although you don't need the game to use it, and it doesn't ask you to prove you have it. Anyway, check it out, it's a proper full blown professional 3D suite, with modelling, animation, the lot. Can't go wrong for free, and it's about Å6000 to buy the full licence for! You can export was quite a few formats too, and there's a plug in on their site for 3DS format, which you could export as then use in 02. It's very easy to use aswell when you get past the initial workings.
  13. Madus_Maximus

    What type of worlds would you like to see?

    It's more down to the person making the island than what the engine can handle. If someone is good at making islands and spends the time to make them nice and detailed (think Newland) then that's a bonus. I'm sure performance will be much smoother in OFP 2 if you consider how much nicer VBS1 is and how much smoother it plays than OFP. I'd be happy if they made it possible to make much larger maps than Everon with little performance hit, and as much detail as Newland (or more), then the community will take over like we have now and create our own things that suite what we want. It'd be silly for BIS to make the new version of the engine support smaller maps than we have now. The best in between thing would be to let it support bigger maps so we can then take advantage of it if we wanted.
  14. Madus_Maximus

    LSR Deltas/Rangers/Weapons 2.0 Released

    Duh, VBS1 units were made by fully paid professionals with a contract with the military they're recreating them for so they can be as accurate as possible. Why you even had to say this is beyond me.
  15. Madus_Maximus


    Proven failure..?? Â The M16 is one of the proven, reliable and flexible guns made -- with variants in use since the 1960's. The reason they haven't found a replacement rifle is because despite all the advancements in technology, still nothing comes close to it -- when comparing things like cost per unit and ease of use Go find me another gun that's seen almost 50 years in service and prove me wrong... The OICW -> http://world.guns.ru/assault/as40-e.htm The OICW project is dead -- the weapon was too expensive per unit and too heavy to use in any real combat situation --> it spawned the XM8 project... The XM8 -> http://world.guns.ru/assault/as61-e.htm The last I heard was the Special Forces didn't want this gun either -- reports of the plastic shell overheating and melting.... The favoured gun now is the FN SCAR: http://world.guns.ru/assault/as70-e.htm I certainly would like to see some official campaigns centred around these new types of guns. I'm sure BIS won't dissapoint... AK-47. There's been many AK varients in service since it's introduction in 1949. The M16 hasn't been replaced because of several factors. Such as cost, pride (the Americans have a certain pride in saying "we made all our own stuff", and the fact the Americans haven't managed to make anything viably better than it (related to pride). They swallowed that pride a few years ago when they handed the contract to HK for their next generation assault rifle instead of the all American Colt like their current issue rifle. The M16 jams a lot, unless its cleaned very regularly, which is something not easy to do in combat. Recent events in Iraq and Afghanistan have made the DoD fast track a replacement because of its failures in sand.
  16. Madus_Maximus

    Malvinas Mod Open Beta 3 released

    Actually this isn't the first time they've used other people's work and not credited the proper people. I'll leave you to work out who I'm talking about.
  17. Madus_Maximus

    Malvinas Mod Open Beta 3 released

    I'd like to say on behalf of Tales of War... what happened to crediting original authors of some of the work in this pack? You modified our CH-34 Choctaw without my knowledge, and didn't even bother to credit us for the base model and have the audacity to rename the model name! I wouldn't have bothered if you simply included a read me with a simple "Thanks ToW", but I have searched the files included in the install to no avail. The closest I see to a read me is the "armas" text file with the class names for the small arms! I hope people don't think we're being too harsh here, but I'm not a fan of something we spent a lot of time on being changed and then presented in the way it is without so much as a thank-you, or any kind of say what so ever to the original authors. This is similar to the time this MOD used models from another MOD (not saying which, but guess. They're doing the same conflict) without their consent. I for one am appalled people are either arrogant or simply too lazy to ask for something which would take a few moments of their time.
  18. Madus_Maximus

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    That Eurofighter is an April Fools addon by Hardock, check gamezone haha!
  19. Madus_Maximus

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Hardocks New Eurofighter!!! (Little bit of Photoshopping) Although... DAMN HE FOR PLAYING SUCH A FOUL TRICK UPON US!
  20. Madus_Maximus

    ECP version not Released!

    This coupled with Hardocks little joke gives the community a cardiac! How come it wasn't this bad last year? DAMN YOU APRIL FOOLS DAY!
  21. Madus_Maximus


    The XM29 (OICW) has been scrapped because it was too expensive and complex to issue as a standard weapon. The ONLY people who MAY get to use it in the field are spec ops, but I'm sure they'll make custom SOPMOD versions of the XM-8 for SOCOM when it enters proper service. If the campaign will be set within the next decade I'm sure they'll at least give them XM-8's, although I imagine they'll set it either now, or recent history, like CWC, and if they're sticking to old plans probably Vietnam.
  22. I think the waypoint thing on Tonal could be to do with the size of the island. It's outside of the regular supported coordinate grid. If you check the map on the hawks in the cockpit you'll see you're not always where you really are. I don't think there's any way to fix this without upping the grid size support in the source code.
  23. Madus_Maximus

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Just checking out Philcommando's new Destroyer. Very nice addon! Oh and the last one is from a WGL CTI mission. I love the smoke column in the background of the exploded resistance BTR-80. Addons: WGL, WGL CTI, PC Destroyer, DXDLL
  24. Madus_Maximus

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    I'd personally like to see everything WGL values (ie massively realistic) with JAM compatibility. I'd like to see real muzzle velocities used, real ranges, real dispersion (on the regular ones obviously) real damage values and the like. Timed hand greandes would be nice too, and better sounds. It'd be nice to have an unbalanced so to speak side in terms of firepower (ie 5.56 being weaker than 5.45, like in reality), because that would mean you'd have to use tactics more for a start. And maybe it could be possible to hard code into the magazines more effective AI shots? Like engaging with single shots at x distance, and blah blah (thinking about it I think that has to be coded into the units themselves, not the weapons/ammo). Anyway, I'd like to see realism but balanced (balanced in the sense that if you were to compare the two rounds, 5.45 with 5.56 for example in real life, they'd act in similar ways within JAM even if one is more potent than the other.)
  25. Madus_Maximus

    Starforce and Steam

    I find with these kinds of system there is a huge dose of irony involved. The system is meant to "stop piracy", yet those who have pirate copies don't have this copy protection, for obvious reasons. The irony is, that those who have the legal version sometimes have issues installing and getting them to work. Example. I currently reinstalled Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. In order to do so, I had to uninstall about Å100 worth of 100% legal Nero burning software, because it had a protection software built in to the install system whereby it doesn't let you install if it detects applications which give you the ability to make a copy of the game. In my opinion this isn't on. Everything you own and do is legal, even under law, you have the legal right to make ONE backup copy of your games, which technically makes copy-protection illegal in that sense. It just doesn't work. They say Steam is to stop pirating and cheating. The thing is, those who have pirate copies no longer have Steam registration dependency in order to play their game! So in short, those who have a copied version of say Half-Life 2 will have less issues than those with a legal version. I had one from a friend before buying a proper copy, and I had no problem installing it (With the lagal copy it took 40 minutes to install and "activate the files", even on 512k broadband. Don't even bother with 56k), it ran smoother (I had the "stutter bug" with the legal copy), it crashed less, (the legal copy always checks for "updates" when you load a level, and if you're not connected to the net at the time (eg your connection dropped) or it can't access the servers for some reason (overworked or soemthing) then it crashes the game!). Steam is a load of shit IMO. It's a good idea in principle, but poorly executed. I'm just waiting for the time someone hacks the system and makes it so you "auto-update" a virus which screws over your computer. I'm sure someone will do it. Imagine the law suites then against Valve? They should leave publishing to publishers, and stick to developing things, which is what they get paid to do. They're just overly greedy. You get jack in the "Silver" and "Gold" pakages you have to order through Steam you know. Wow, you get the "back catalogue of games" and Day of Defeat: Source and Half Life: Source... ok, HLS is a less than half assed port, and DoDS looks the same. It looks aweful! Wow, makes you feel good for paying that extra money! The mods made by amateurs look more impressive then the official stuff. The remake of HL 1 by an un pro team (Black Mesa Source) looks 10 times more impressive than the crap Valve made then forced people to pay for for the privalge. Anyway, rant over. In short, copy protection doesn't work. The only thing I've noticed to have any success is "FADE". The rest work fine when cracked, ironicly with less problems then those that are legal. Ah well. I just hopy BIS doesn't go the same way with a Steam like system, and if they do, make it so it's simply an update platorm where you can have the option to download an update when it becomes available, rather than simply get the option of "auto update and install" or "don't do jack, dont'e even tell me when there is one" like Steam does right now.