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About MikeODonnell

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  1. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    Thanks Schroeder...I will try throwing away addons...but I have only official in RES addons folder...did you deleted even them? Maybe that the problem still occures, but less frequently...sometimes I am able to play 1-2 hour before the problem appears...
  2. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    I am sorry, but no reply from BIS. Since I have written to them, I tried to move my sound card or to replace old memory stick by a new one, Apacer or to thow away PCI modem, but I am still getting this error... I have also found more and more people, experiencing this kind of bug in OFP in this board... Somebody from BIS: is it possible that the problem is caused by a scratched CD or damaged by other way? If there is a small hope, I will buy a new copy, probably from GOTY edition if it is still sold in Czech Republic.
  3. MikeODonnell


    bad...some of my games restarts computer too...do you have problems with other games or only with OFP?
  4. MikeODonnell


    Hi, garcia, I have same problem. I have already maked a thread about this and send an e-mail to BIS, but unfortunately without any response. Maybe you should send me your flashpoint.rpt file so I can find out, if our problems are just same... Please, try to re-install OFP with only 1.92 version installed, that worked me fine. I will give my computer to some real expert and I hope that problem will be solved...if yes, I will tell you...
  5. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    Thanks for help, all of you, i found on VIA ARENA a forum, with very much people with same problems as me. Now I am convinced, that problem is in HW configuration...BIS, pls, update your troubleshooting FAQ so users with same problems can search directly on this forums...
  6. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    That sounds possible, that my problem is in this windows "achievment". And C000005 ACESS VIOLATION might mean that windows have not found a specific part of this file...so, i will try to use microsoft KB to search some more info...
  7. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    I barely know what swap file mean (or that pagefiles, what does it mean?)...so, could you explain me that? I also tried some procudure, discribed on this pages and on microsoft pages, but it didn't work. Thanks for you help Mr_Tea...
  8. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    There is no difference between OFP with a OFP without nomap atribute for me at all. OFP crashes again and again...
  9. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    You should add more RAM to your System. There is definitely not enough RAM to run WindowsXP. Don`t ever think about running a Game with this Hardware combination. Remedy me please if I am wrong, but I thought that required hardware configuration for running OFP: Res is 256MB RAM. I know lots of people with WinXP (e.g. from CSLA MOD) and 128MB and OFP is running them without any problems...I don't think that this problem is caused by size of RAM. Thanks Suma, I will send it now.
  10. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    1) Yes, but it frozen after 1% because I am using only default windows disk utilitis...do you have some which you prefer?...but I have installed OFP even on clearly formatted disk... Well, don't you find it a bit strange that your disk integrity check freezes after 1%? It's not a good sign. But i tried a disk check utility Western Digital Data LifeGuard diagnostic 1.0 or windows ScanDisk, and no errors have been found...I thought, that error is in windows defragmentation utility... EDIT: I tried defragmentation program O&O Defrag 2000 Free...after defragmentation of disk C: (WinXP) windows defrag utility runned without problems. But error still remains.
  11. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    1) Yes, but it frozen after 1% because I am using only default windows disk utilitis...do you have some which you prefer?...but I have installed OFP even on clearly formatted disk... 2) about 230MB, resistance addons only.
  12. MikeODonnell

    Possible OFP v1.96 problem

    I have encountered an possible error in Operation Flashpoint version 1.96 ... When I am running OFPv1.96, OFP always crash back to OS (wallpaper size is often reduced to resolution of OFP) without any bug report after random time peroid, even if I am playing with original OFP Resistance CD in my CD-ROM (this necessary since version 1.92B I think). This problem didn't occure when I had version 1.91, so I think that problem might be latest Stability and Security changes in 1.96, quote from OFPPatch_191_to_196_readme.txt: "More improvements in virtual address range handling. This should prevent error messages like "Out of memory (index buffer)". I tried following procedures... 01) Re-install graphics driver (tried: nVidia ForceWare 61.77, nVidia Detonators 44.03, default graphics driver in Windows XP PRO) 02) Re-install DirectX (tried: 8.1B, 9.0B, 9.0C) 03) Re-install OS (tried: Win98, WinXP PRO - clean installations) 04) Flash BIOS (because I can´t install WinXP with my old BIOS, some bug when you are installing WinXP with QDI KuDoz 7-A and GeForce 2 MX 400) 05) Change resolution or refresh rate or color depth in OS 06) Change resolution, refresh rate or color depth in OFP, or disabling W-buffer, multitexturing or T&L or some other atributes in-game. 07) Change value of Hardware acceleration in Windows Display properties 08) Searched web with google and keyword C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION, even I found miserable person on AMD forum, who had same problem in OFP as I have and nobody helped him. 09) Re-install sound card driver (the one which I get with my sound card) 10) Close all programs, even if they were running on background (except system processes) 11) Run OFP on clear installation (only OS installed) 12) Searched all local drives with two antivirus softwares (AVG 7.0.290a393 TRIAL and AVAST 4.5 HOME with current virus database 3th December 2004 18:00) 13) Re-install OFP 14) Forbiding or unnistalling some system services in service.msc (like Telnet, UPnP, ...) 15) Re-install VIA_Hyperion 4in1_v455vp1 driver 16) Defragmentation of whole HDD drive, scan this drive for errors with O&O Defrag 2000 Free or windows default defrag utility. 17) Change settings of pagefile with regedit (problems with VIA and AMD described on miscrosoft pages and oficial OFP forum) 18) Choose Fail-safe defaults in BIOS 19) Running with -nomap or without -nomap 20) Changing IRQ settings to minimal sharing ...but everything without succes. OFP crashes again during any mission or in menu. When I opened Flaspoint.rpt file I saw, that the there is always same problem: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0012F84D. Somewhere on the internet I read that this problem migh be caused by damaged memory modules, so I tried MemTest-86 v3.2 and Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic (BETA), but no problem have been found. Because I tried all SW procedures, which I know, so I believe that problem is in HW. As well, I have spotted another problem with my PC, which can help you in solving my problem with OFP. Another game, Return To Castle Wolfenstein v1.1.0, returns similar error as OFP, C0000005. It might contain some other useful informations for you, but unfortunately, OFP crashes are not written in this file...this error (C0000005) occured too with EXPLORER.EXE or other aplications (taskmgr, winword, nero, svchost, wmplayer), as you can see in drwtsn32.log . I think, that this error makes aplications filling quite a big memory...like game demos... That's all, If you have some additional questions or you have solved my problem with OFP, use this thread or write to my e-mail: smejkal.peta@tiscali.cz or contact me on ICQ, #215943245. This problem is disturbing me from work on CSLA MOD Lacerta update Current PC configuration: ------------------------- Processor: AMD Athlon XP 1600+ (1.4Ghz, 128 primary cache, 256 secondary cache, NOT OVERCLOCKED) Main board: Legend QDI KuDoz 7-A version2 (Chipset VIA KT266a)(flashed AWARD BIOS to version v3.9 - latest version on QDI pages) Memory: Hyundai 256Mb DDRAM  PC2100 Display: ASUS AGP-V7100 Pro/T 32MB (nVidia GeForce 2 MX 400, NOT OVERCLOCKED) Sound card: SoundBlaster PCI 128 CT4816 Monitor: Hyundai ImageQuest P910+ HDD: Western Digital WDC WD400BB 7200rpm. 40GB, 5BG free space in drive C: (where OFP files and OS are located) CD-ROM: ASUS CRW-1610A Logitech B69 mouse (driver mw960enu), Samsung multimedial keyboard (WinXP driver), Canon S330 Photo printer OS: Windows XP Professional (5.1 build 2600, without any hotfixes or service packs) DirectX: DirectX 9.0C Dispay driver: nVidia ForceWare 61.77 WinXP English OFP: Original Operation Flaspoint Resistance v1.96 (installation 1.00>>1.75>>1.91>>1.96) Purchased: 15/12/2001, AT Computers a.s. Attached files* (I send them only if somebody of BIS ask me) ------------------------- 1) context.bin in 1/2.zip 2) Flashpoint.cfg in 1/2.zip 3) Flashpoint.rpt in 1/2.zip 4) FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE.pf in 1/2.zip (I don't know for what exactly this file is) 4) drwtsn32.log in drwtsn32.zip (deleted entries which are not related with C0000005) *all of them are in two variants of OFP installation, for both versions was same configuration as current system configuration
  13. MikeODonnell

    Csla 2

    I thought that Ruprt (leader of campaign) has made a script to change a setting of language. Please, if anyone has different ofp version than czech and has subtitles & briefings in english, tell us your language setting and version of ofp. Thanks. Because I plan to remake burn-scripts, which are present in this version o CSLA MOD till next update, I will welcome all your comments to this stuff. TIP: If you don't like the new anims for islands, simply delete Dta folder in your csla directory and all anims will be set as res default. I apologize for my bad english, particularly spelling...:)