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Everything posted by MiG2003

  1. MiG2003

    Ardennes island v1.0 by reinhard

    I'll check it again reinhard66 and fix whatever the prob is:) Just start working on those tomatoes and might finnish vegetables next weekend cause have to go for a long and worky week. Meanwhile here a shot of the first OFP ingame tomatoes
  2. MiG2003

    World war 1 mod

    Who said that ? Check this page for nice OFP trenches  Colonial Wars I'm making a trench complex for Unsung (Vietnam mod) You have here ww1 soldiers i've made some time ago.
  3. MiG2003

    PMC_Euro 25km Terrain + Campaign

    No kidding, and now you talk, remember Marshall Plan as well to make us feel that we real own America
  4. MiG2003

    Farmland objects pack!

    Thanks, Snake for your nice compliment
  5. MiG2003

    Ardennes island v1.0 by reinhard

    I'll try to find some good vegetables pics, then Just tested my stonewall (MiG_wall1, MiG_wall2 and MiG_wall3.p3d) edited in a wrp file and units can't fire through it. Are we talking about the same stonewall or is it a house wall?
  6. MiG2003

    Custom gui

    That's great Tutorial TakanoFukada It is very well done and easy to understand so today i've made a couple of changes in my ofp Gui... and no words... Thanks MiG
  7. MiG2003

    Ardennes island v1.0 by reinhard

    Thanks M8, i'll check that stonewall.  I'll add then different types of wood fences  and some more small no enterable houses to save file size. If you remember any more needed small object let me now   Final version will come up in two weeks.
  8. MiG2003

    Ardennes island v1.0 by reinhard

    Amazing Pics reinhard66 If you have any special need related with farm stuff just let me know and i add it to my pack with pleasure. Version 1.10 is out but still with some minor bugs to fix (invisibility prob in the cornfields) so i have time to work. Info:FML_objects 1.10 Dusand has uploaded Version 1.10 of this pack at ofp.info. Size (5217Kb) Download from Mirror #1 Mirror#2
  9. MiG2003

    PMC_Euro 25km Terrain + Campaign

    Why are always the Russians the bad guys? I'm becaming fed up of playing with American Soldiers One suggestion: Someone could create a UE force to run the americans away from Europe and put them on the place they belong: USA
  10. MiG2003

    Operation farmland objects

    Hi Snake and Zombi_Mod There is a new thread at Addons & Mods : complete so let's post it there for corrections  About the grassfields i'm trying to solve that invisible bug but what conserns to wrptool use of doors and animations are working very well for me. I'm making my own Island and everything  works fine except that transparent bug you point Snake. Check the position of houses and barns in your island using Object Inspector: The prob i have with small house (house nş2) was that wrptool didn't load the P3d but i've added it to the objects.ini and after that it was recognized. I had the same prob with the walled cornfield, but not anymore.
  11. We are working on some farm stuff in order to improve the realism of OFP maps. We are opening this threat for suggestions or new ideas (including pics) for this objects pack  Here some screenies: Barn and windmill Barn (inside) Cornfield
  12. MiG2003

    Farmland objects pack!

    Dusand has uploaded Version 1.10 of this pack  at ofp.info. Size (5217Kb) Download from Mirror #1 Mirror#2
  13. MiG2003

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    Maybe someone can find out how to create a melee atack, too
  14. MiG2003


    Thanks Snake Man, i didn't knew that with binarization 4WVR turns into OPRW format, always learning You are right, i didn't read the manuals, as usual ( i hate tutorials )
  15. I've got a working lighthouse but it's not working the way i want so, if anyone improve it i'll give credit in the official release. note: edited and changed BIS model Download from here Important: don't use any download acelarator or the server will reply an error message
  16. MiG2003

    Working lighthouse

    That is nice effect Grizzlie Maybe you can make the script i need I need something that works not only in mission editor but in the Island directly. Must be inserted in my pbo.
  17. MiG2003

    Creating lamp

    Try this thread from OFPEC Forums
  18. MiG2003

    Footsteps sound

    With land textures it is possible to, but that must be present, i think, in the island cpp. Here is the entire class from Res config CPP (do't care about those smilies!) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSurfaces { class Default { access=2 files="default"; rough=0.075000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="normalExt"; }; class Roadway { access=2 files="silnice*"; rough=0.005000; dust=0.010000; soundEnviron="road"; }; class Asfalt: Roadway { access=2 files="asfalt*"; rough=0.010000; dust=0.050000; soundEnviron="road"; }; class Cesta: Roadway { access=2 files="cesta*"; rough=0.080000; dust=0.150000; soundEnviron="gravel"; }; class Grass: Default { access=2 files="tn???"; rough=0.110000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="normalExt"; }; class GrassAbel: Default { access=2 files="tt???"; rough=0.110000; dust=0.250000; soundEnviron="grass"; }; class SandAbel: Default { access=2 files="pi???"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.600000; soundEnviron="sand"; }; class RockAbel: Default { access=2 files="sh???"; rough=0.200000; dust=0.200000; soundEnviron="rock"; }; class BetonAbel: Default { access=2 files="bt???"; rough=0.050000; dust=0.030000; soundEnviron="rock"; }; class GrassHigh: Default { access=2 files="tv???"; rough=0.120000; dust=0.050000; soundEnviron="grass"; }; class Forest { access=2 files="pl???"; rough=0.120000; dust=0.050000; soundEnviron="forest"; }; class Sand: Default { access=2 files="ps???"; rough=0.120000; dust=0.500000; soundEnviron="sand"; }; class Field: Default { access=2 files="pol"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.300000; soundEnviron="dirt"; }; class Village: Default { access=2 files="bah"; rough=0.080000; dust=0.200000; soundEnviron="normalExt"; }; class Runway: Roadway { access=2 files="rw*"; rough=0.001000; dust=0.006000; soundEnviron="road"; }; class Rock { access=2 files="s????"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="rock"; }; class Water { access=2 files="more_anim*"; rough=0.000000; dust=0.000000; soundEnviron="water"; }; class Wood { access=2 files="podlaha_prkna*"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="wood"; }; class Metal { access=2 files="plechprolis*"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="metal"; }; class Beton { access=2 files="kameny.pac"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="rock"; }; class Carpet { access=2 files="dum_mesto_koberec*"; rough=0.150000; dust=0.100000; soundEnviron="wood"; }; class SandBuilding: Default { access=2 files="pisek01*"; rough=0.120000; dust=0.500000; soundEnviron="sand"; }; class MudBuilding: Default { access=2 files="hlinasterk*"; rough=0.120000; dust=0.500000; soundEnviron="rock"; }; };
  19. Well, we must see several situations: I can accept self-extract exe files in demos, mods or addons collections. I hate this pack method in single addons. I never used Addons at ease but i think that an independent folder is created and all addons go into there. If so it's a good solution cause don't overload the regular bis addons folder. I think that the regular addons packed in rar or zip are the best solution, but that's my oppinian and i know where to place the addons. For a regular ofp player that don't understand much about game structure the best solution is self-extract exe or Addons at easy
  20. MiG2003


    Thanks [ZG]BUZZARD but we are talking in two different wrp editors: Wrpedit that was developed by OfPInternals and Wrptool that was developed byPCM Tactical: I was searching for a newer version of WRPedit, who was made by the same creators of the hated and loved ultra-secret P3dedit, available only for some lucky folks during long time (fortunatly PCM Tactical has released Odol Explorer 2 to end with this disgusting situation) OFPinternals is no more, then and as i think, Wrptool saves only in 4WVR format, at the least the version i have (0.906), and i need to save a file as OPRW. Never mind... Metalmalte: That is very easy, You can convert bin to cpp using Amalfi Unpbo_13. You can find a mirror in ofp.info, i think.
  21. MiG2003

    Working lighthouse

    Sgt. Stryker and MEDICUS: A watch tower with searching spot light it is a very good possibility and ECP lighthouse script allows that parcially, just have to move the spot in different ways. As i say, i can make those addons, but without scripting assistance is very hard for me. My major limitation in OFP business are scripting tasks ( i don't understand absolutely nothing about it ) So find me someone else to do that script job and i'll release those addons in a week  Meanwhile i'm finnishing Farmland Objects pack (final version) that will be release here next Tuesday:) redface: That's a real problem !
  22. Everything is explained here
  23. MiG2003


    Anybody knows if OFP internals have released a version of WRPedit after the famous v. 0.93? If so, is it available in any place for download?
  24. MiG2003

    Footsteps sound

    I've added sounds to all my objects using Master_Chief suggestion and it works just fine . The secret is texture the roadway lod with the texture defined in the config as ag_smith said. Basic sounds are the BIS standard ones but that's enough to supply my needs
  25. If you are using old wrp file just refresh Buldozer and it will work , unless you are using new wrp format.