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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    I need some ideas

    This is something I'd though of doing myself, started planning it and all, then my life went through a few changes and the idea was left 64 miles away . Maybe the guy could save the life of an important bloke in the resistance and asked to join the resistance? If you want I'll offer my services to you free of charge, just PM me
  2. I44 Mod (including the above post) For some reason when addng these weapons to the player in the editor it won't work for me. I've put all the above into the description.ext they work fine. Anybody know why? Haven't tried adding to ai yet.... Â Edit: Doesn't work with ai either Got all allied weapons done
  3. WW2EC Brit Pack (seeing as the readme's screwed up)
  4. Munk

    Ozzy´s heart has stopped !!!

    He admitted he was on drugs whilst filming the osbournes before the happened. He use to take 40 pills a day (cant remember what though)
  5. Munk

    The lost lion v2.1

    I did follow orders, I was told to wait for further orders which I decided to do it away from the body incase his killer was still around. I didn't 'run away', I decided not to get into a contact so early on in the mission because it would make my life a lot harder and risk the lives of my men. Technically, I crawled away anyway Do it! Atleast add a cut off group in the fields around the original extraction point, I'd want to have all area's of escape covered if I had an island of soldiers and was planning an ambush Forget it then, I want to play the final version and get my WWII version before I leave for the army. Maybe try re-wording the part with the code to make it shorter or break it up. There's a script somewhere that makes the enemy move to your last know position but without comms it makes sense to leave it out. Consider yourself PM'd
  6. Munk

    C130 v2 release

    Now all we need are some good Brit Units (hurry up UKF!) Good job mate
  7. Munk

    Havoc's fighter campaign progress thread

    Thanks for the PM havoc. I've got most of the addons lying around on my harddrive so you can put me down for beta testing it I was just worried about my poor old 56k, its just gone through almost 24 hours straight of downloading fun getting the FDF mod (v1.0 + v1.1 patch), I dont think it can survive much longer
  8. Munk

    Havoc's fighter campaign progress thread

    Could you post a list of addons required (with url if yu really want to be helpful). I need to know what im getting into
  9. Munk

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.1

    There screwed up? Not sure how to explain it but i'm putting i down to my shite computer. Santa's got a few things in his sack to help me out though I got a WWII mission in the works to keep me entertained until then
  10. Munk

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.1

    Anybody having problems with graphics or is it just my shit pc? (took me just under 24 hours to get the both v1.0 and the patch )
  11. Voted yes, Nam Pack 2's got boring after all this time
  12. Munk

    Ofp goes gta!

    God Damn! Thats a lot of addons!
  13. Munk

    The lost lion v2.1

    Have you thought about using the Edge's retextured guerilla's and using some HD weapons from Jam2 (needed for the guerilla's)? Plus the fact you'll get the winter version for Christmas  Mind if I make a ww2 version?
  14. I've been making a mission using these for a while buts its one I work when I get pissed with my other missions. Won't be ready for christmas What if I send you a very, very early beta?
  15. Munk

    Ofp goes gta!

    Could we get a list of the addons maybe?
  16. Munk

    Danish recon units

    Looking good! (Im not talking about the addons)
  17. Munk

    The lost lion v2.1

    Great work! I think it would make a good MP mission aswell but thats just me. Anyway... Intro There was too much time between Lions saying 'I'm colonel...' and the Lt being shot, which killed the atmosphere. When your being told whats happening the CO says something about destroying the comms, the line made no sense to me (sorry I can't remember the exact line). I went into the briefing thinking I had to do it. Briefing I found it well laid out, with my instructions nice and clear and the whole comms issue was cleared up. The 3rd page of the notes is blank  I didn't see the point to the battle notes, seem like my objectives just worded differently. As for weapons, plenty to choose from and allowing the choice for a covert or overt approach to the mission, nice I'll add the rest later, right now I need something to eat  A toblerone and fosters later... Mission I liked the fact the person was hidden by bushes on the approach, it mean't I had to get close before I could identify the target. The ambush came a bit to late to catch me though, I was already waiting for the new orders from a safe distance. I decided against using transport because I feel travelling by road behind enemy lines is a bit on the stupid side so I spent a long time patrolling through the hills expecting spot an enemy patrol. Maybe add a few enemy patrols tasked with cutting off our escape if we headed that way? When I approached the village (from the south) the lights looked like they were flashing, is that because of the streetlamp addon used? I crawled towards the new contact, with a bush between us, he started talking to me. There was no way he could have seen me because of the bush and a gravestone? I didn't quite catch the whole of the line where I was told the code. This and moments later on made me think you needed some voice actors. I'd do it but my mic's in London and I'm not  Maybe mention that the *'s are needed in the code? By the time I'd done it I was stuck in the cabin, surrounded by loons Second time around I was in and out in 20 seconds. Again I moved to the officers position by foot without trouble, maybe have a group chasing, there are loads of scripts to do this. I think the BMP's in the villages should be unlocked. I took out the crew of one with the plan of mowing everyone down using the MG but when I got to it it was locked. The fact I couldn't get in was unrealistic because the former crew where hanging out of it. No more problems unit I'd got to Lion, getting him out of the castle was a bugger, he kept getting stuck in walls. I stole the near by APC and drove him out eventually. Outro Is it meant to be a green screen at the start? Maybe we could see the chopper go down in flames?  Final score - 24400 Took 2 hours, 41 minutes with 81 infantry kills, 4 APC's, a boat and a MG. Only lost one man, got shot whilst covering the rest of the team getting in the boat. Lets have a moments silence for poor ol' 5 Great mission, looking forward to the next one Â
  18. Munk

    Troops bogged down playing at marines

    PML! Wouldn't you stop when you saw what happend to the first bloke?
  19. Here are some screenshots of Scuds, from OFP Generations, Battle of Britain Island. It will consist of two islands, each in an opposite corner, with one working airfield and many landing strips. We are also looking for help with designing our website which is pretty incomplete at the moment. Email sneaky6_productions@yahoo.co.uk for more info
  20. Munk

    Battle of britian

    Here's a screeny of Scuds Vosper MTB for the BoB island. So far you can drive it and shoot from the machine gun. Scud is working on adding torpedo's and depth charges aswell. The mod still needs help with addons and the website as Scud is still doing it all on his own
  21. Munk

    Unfinished addon bank

    I thought about just getting a crappy freewebz site and putting links in this topic, then I read the other topic and was put off by Klinks 60 unfinished addons
  22. Munk

    Ssg_sole fn f-2000 & sd

    I think there's handgun with flashlight somewhere? I'll look.... Edit: There use to be one on opflashpoint.org, really there was
  23. Munk

    Ssg_sole fn f-2000 & sd

    I think there's handgun with flashlight somewhere? I'll look.... Edit: There use to be one on opflashpoint.org, really there was
  24. Munk

    The unsung sky pack released

    For some reason the sky just stopped working for me, I didn't change anything after installing it. Wierd
  25. Munk

    Battle of britian

    Here's a pic of Scuds static cargoship... Also planned are U-Boats, LCM's and other vessel's.