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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Ask a mod

    Uh... can people change thier votes? I relised I screwed one up the second I sent it
  2. Download link doesnt work (inf 1 anyway)
  3. Munk

    Fishing boats

    Wow, looks like the solent, makes me feel right at home
  4. Munk

    Best addon campaigns

    CSLA2, just make sure you drink lots of coffee before the first intro (45mins of pure intro fun) Get it here
  5. Munk

    What are you think about campaign "street"

    Im slowly getting somewhere. Im going to have a friend translate some of it back to Russian then back into English because I cant work out what your trying to say eg If I talk too him soon it should take me much longer...
  6. which pbo tool are you using? I use PBO Decryptor 1.3 and everything works fine. Get it from here...
  7. Munk

    New bas thread

    Didn't get any lag yesterday whilest flying my brand-spanking-new pavehawk through the streets
  8. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    Now that looks like a cool little gun I want 10
  9. Munk

    Coca colas new water dasani

    Reminds me of that episode of 'only fools and horses', Peckham Spring water anyone?
  10. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

  11. Munk

    Bas huh

    Here's everything that should be in theTonal+OPFOR.rar: tonal.jpeg opfor.jpeg JAM2_readme.php BAS_TonalFile.php BAS_OPFOR_readme.txt BAS_Isle_readme.txt ResAddons folder containing: BAS_I1.pbo BAS_I2.pbo BAS_o.pbo BAS_OPCPP.pbo BAS_OPFOR.pbo JAM_Magazines.pbo JAM_Sounds.pbo BAS_Isle_Anim folder MPMissions folder with 12 MP missions (bugger off if you think im listing them all!) Missions/Tonal folder with 2 sp missions (rebel road and jungle ops), tonalmissions.paa (ofp picture file) and overview.html Campaign folder with insurgency_01.pbo inside If you dont have all of that there's a good chance you got a screwed .rar file and you'll have to download it all again (not good if your a 56k'er). If you have then whats the point of this thread?
  12. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    7.00483% - Insult To Music Nerds They didnt have that many questions about the kind of music I listen to (the good kind! ) Stupid quiz, you go squish now
  13. Munk

    Ofp forum hostel program

    If you come anywhere near Portsmouth we have 'the ultimate water front experience' (Gunwharf Queys) but we'll, its shit A loads crappy shops full of shite. The best thing there is burger king Oh, and there's an HMV there. Thats about as exciting as it gets unless your into the navy and old boats etc. @ran My mum owns a house near Bernay, thats around Chatellerault somewhere isn't it?
  14. Munk

    Bas pavehawks

    They came with the BAS Blackhawks which you also need to have. You can find it at this site Edit: Fixed URL Edit2: Change URL again to make your life easier
  15. Munk

    Vip awards

    If you add all the votes up you get 100 (13+87 right now...), thats good enough isnt it?
  16. Anybody feel like helping me out? (question of page 19)
  17. Munk

    C4 bomb

    Yeh, it came with the game I saw a pic of a bomb but I can't remember if it was released or who made it (might have been from the everon cartel) Sorry
  18. Munk

    Fishing boats

    I vote that it should be included in the next version
  19. Munk

    New bas thread

    You think at school? I just went to sleep unless I was in electroincs, it was the only interesting lesson (and the teacher was slightly evil and twisted...)
  20. Munk

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    The Spark has some good quizzes on it, I recommend the Bastard Test. Im 55% a bastard
  21. Munk

    Ofp two, ii or 2

    Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Yet Again? Operation Flashpoint: Guba Strikes Back? Operation Flashpoint: The Bitch Is Back?
  22. Munk

    New bas thread

    If I remember correctly (havent used the CH47 for a while) you can only move freely inside when you've told the pilot to 'hold position' via the action menu and wait for the chopper to completely stop. I had the same plan when it was first released but then I read the readme Atleast you can 'pack' the krl in the back and para drop it back to earth. Maybe jump out a the same time and try to hop onboard?
  23. Munk

    Ofp two, ii or 2

    How about Operation Flashpoint 3? Just to confuse the hell out of everyone?