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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Easy and quick way for completing "scrap"

    I just got in a tank and blew everything back to hell. If that isnt simple, what is?
  2. Munk

    Red dawn changed?

    Well here's a solution, wait for the t80 to show, kill it, then get Guba
  3. Munk

    Greatest generals in all of history

    General Guba
  4. Tried it, didnt work. Think its because of my download manager though, couldnt be assed to turn it off, I was in a hurry
  5. Could you send them to ofpbase or something? I cant get the site to work
  6. Munk

    Ofp 2 slogan

    OFP2: Brave Are Those Who Face The Fear Check the E3 video
  7. It also says it requires 'Gaz24w'. ofp.info lists a Gaz24 as being in the pack, any thoughts? I want riot cops damnit! Â Captain Aye sorry, I always forget about that one Here you go. Edit: Does seeing how effective a new zombie-whooping weapon is against them count as doing something with them?
  8. Munk

    Need help identifying a rifle

    Well no thanks to you guys I think I narrowed it down Closing...
  9. Anybody know what the rifle used in Shaun Of The Dead is? There's a 99.9% chance its a Winchester (seeing as thats what the pub was called) but you know what films are like, just look at TOS with its backwards aimpoint I found a pic but its kind of crappy... http://www.freewebs.com/ofpmunk/winchester.jpg Any idea's?
  10. Munk

    Need help identifying a rifle

    Great but that still doesn't help me... Edit: Think this is it?
  11. Munk

    Need help identifying a rifle

    Nope, this is the British version of it 'A romantic comedy. With Zombies.' http://www.romzom.com Its the best pic I could find (had to steal it from the trailer) but I know there's loads of gun nuts here
  12. Police Pack Requires JAM2 Did you check out the priest from that game?
  13. Off-topic - mick78, if you mean DMX_Police then they're the ones. Dont you agree the riot guys would look great as zombies though I've never noticed the police zombies, I always just shove down a few groups and play. For the Priest, how about this guy... Kick some zombie ass Priest style I might have something I can 'donate' to the pack, not sure yet but I'll PM you when I know. Have you guys got a private forum? I'll sign up as a mission editor if there's somewhere to swap ideas more privately
  14. I hope you plan to or have done police zombies. Maybe you could contact Deadmeat about using the ones from his police pack, that would look damn good!
  15. Munk

    Lets talk usmc

    Ditto. yep Uh huh...
  16. Page not found With the new zombies will there still be all that radio crap?
  17. Munk

    Chernobyl island

    Would all the cars be where people left them or did they all get moved? Happy Birthday btw
  18. A few days ago I had a CTD whilst playing MP and I returned to the game all my user info (face, voice, xml) had reset back to default. I didnt think it was important until I went to check something in my user/missions folder, which has vanished I havent checked save games yet but I was wondering if this has happend to anyone else and if you managed to get all your missions back. I had some missions close to being fit for public release and now all my hard work was for nothing (except recenly pbo'd ones, I love unPBO )
  19. Munk

    Brothers in arms

    There were other countries in WWII I thought it was just the US and a angry mob
  20. The bodies disappear to reduce lag. Its part of the script so you can remove it if you want, unfortunatly my user/missions folder seems to have vanished off th face of the earth so I cant check the script
  21. Munk

    Brothers in arms

    Did you just forget the British?
  22. Munk

    Chernobyl island

    I think those Zil130&Zil131 trucks would look good with this island, check the thread for them + that website posted on the first page
  23. Munk

    Request: search and rescue missions.

    I just remembered a good nam mission I found on the OFPEC beta boards, I'll see if I can find it Edit: found it, get it here
  24. Munk

    Girls playing ofp?

    What about Sigi...