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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Operation dragon horn

    Havent played an SP mission in ages but I think I'll give this one a go. Do the terrorists use JAM HD?
  2. Munk

    Shooting-range 1.0

    Does this work in MP? Would be good for squads etc.
  3. Munk

    Swat 4

    Police Quest was one of my first PC games and I still love it. Unfortunatly Sierra fucked up the Police Quest Collection (1,2,3,4 + Swat), didnt include the password majigen for Police Quest 2 and none of the controls worked for Police Quest 3
  4. Munk

    Irish army

    Happens at the end of every game with my squad Edit: Except on crappy publess Malden, get some pubs you POS island!
  5. Munk

    Irish army

    Only part thick? Would be nice to have some Irish troops, using Edges Retextured Guerrilla's as the -insert three letters here- Everon is Ireland enough for me, plenty of Pubs
  6. I recommend 'Bridge Fight' by Winters. Search in 'user missions' for it
  7. Munk

    Soviet shotgun pack

    Good luck Fubar, hopefully your shotguns wont be as shite as my Winchesters Clicky Clicky
  8. Munk

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    Well I couldnt be assed to download the video so I wouldnt know that would I
  9. Munk

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    Will there be a way to stop them doing it? It'll be damn annoying if you've spent ages sorting out an ambush to have the crazy AI run out to stab someone
  10. Munk

    Addon request: sucheys navy seals

    How about he releases a patch for the Marines first, removing stupid bugs like desert corpseman not working
  11. Munk

    Resistance single mission laserguide

    The A10 actually did a fly over then came back and hit the bridge on a second attempt. What version are you running? Worked fine on 1.96 for me. Your actually calling the planes in right
  12. Sexellent, Getright didnt kick in when I started the download and I couldnt be assed to copy and paste the URL
  13. Doob, you the man! Downloading the SFX Pack now Im having a great blody day! Does warfaregames.com support download managers?
  14. Munk

    How yoy can spoy cheaters

    That movie fucking rulez! Uh... cheaters suck
  15. Munk

    Post your desktop

    My Laptop, http://www.freewebs.com/ofpmunk/desktop.jpg After about 20 ctd's from various programs fucking it up I just gave up on having one My PC's is the sae but covered with ofp mod folder shortcuts
  16. Munk

    Signs pack

    AH! THEY'RE ONTO ME! Anyway, nice pack, maybe some islands will be using these soon
  17. Munk

    Resistance single mission laserguide

    I just played this mission (was bored), I lighted up the middle of the bridge and called in the A10's. Your keeping the designator on right (diamond thing showing)? I completed this in 10 minutes without engaging anything or firing a single shot, pretty damn easy if you ask me...
  18. Munk

    Most time spent playing a game non stop?

    Game: Some Batman thing/ Red Faction/ XIII n loads of other crap Platform: PS2 Type: 2 player co-ops, DM's etc. # of hours: 12-14 Explanation: Was bored one night at Christmas, my brother was down, we had loads of beer and various other alcoholic beverages, a bog about 2 meters away and too much chinese for our own good. Passed out eventually I nomally spend from 12pm-4:30pm in the editor, the from around 8pm-11pm playing with my squad
  19. I'll need beer and tools
  20. You dont need the sfx pack to use the addons, I know Im not bothering to download a 19mb file at 1kb/sec For the love of god someone do it! Edit: Have you guys thought about getting opf.info or someone to host a site?
  21. IMHO the face on the pilot looks a bit cartoonish, but with that being said I know how much effort goes into texturing, modeling etc and how often is the bugger gonna get close enough for someone to get a look at it (especially if I've got a nice SAW in my hands ) Also it looked like it didnt fit onto the head very well. I'll check the new one out in a bit. Just one question though, baby got back? Edit: To anyone who's seen Shaun Of The Dead, I'd like to see a mission like the end when the Army pulled up and started kicking ass all over the place (cant wait untill im in )
  22. Are you still going to be sending private beta's if people are going to make missions etc. with them?
  23. That's being done too by: falklands mod the malvin island mod and project uk forces. isnt it great, 3 mods making exactly the same shit  From different time periods?