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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Tcm crates

    Thanks mate, not quite up to par with your crap though @void Thats exactly what happend last night (3am and very pissed), you spyin on me or did I just leave my webcam on again? Edit: All the other craps on hold for now, my craptops decided to bugger up
  2. Munk

    Tcm crates

    Ah... i love to sleep on Mediterranean Sea's beach with bottle. Screw the bottle, I prefer waking up with some half naked chick. This morning was great
  3. Munk

    Tcm crates

    Actually they shouldnt be, I havent tested them ingame to tell the truth, this topic was the first time I new they were done. Great team communication there
  4. Munk

    New vietnam campaign

    Id play it
  5. Munk

    Tcm crates

    We could work on crapping up Red Hammer but codemasters did that for us Anyone like the textures? Guess how I made them...
  6. Munk

    Tcm crates

    *Blenches white and starts shaking with fear* We... we can't do something like that! Are you... crazy!? Look to someone else! *Runs off..... then returns again because I just realised I left my car keys behind* *Runs off again* [Gareth Gates must die] Think I put it better my way
  7. Munk

    Tcm crates

    I'd like to point out that this is teh CRAP mud!!!11 So no stuff like that will be made, EVER!
  8. Munk

    Tcm crates

    Thanks, it probably took longer to write the config than it did to make the models and textures Please report anything thats right with these addons so they can be corrected
  9. Munk

    Smoking animations

    Just need a drinking anim and a pint glass now
  10. Munk

    Ask a mod

    Congrats Placebo Two questions... how much you getting paid and can I borrow a few hundred quid?
  11. Munk

    Ofp 1.5 join in progress "jip"

    I wouldnt consider buying it for just JIP (unless it was 20p) but if it had some updates t0 he engine (maybe VBS engine) + new campaign and addons aswell then Id get it
  12. Munk

    Why wait for ofp2..check out this

    Another pointless thread for Hellfish to close, must be his lucky day
  13. Munk

    How about a forum night?

    Check the forums to see what I've been upto the last few days Cant play, some of us have jobs that require us to be up at stupid o'clock 6 days a week
  14. Munk

    How about a forum night?

    Busy my ass! The only thing your busy with hassling me
  15. Munk


    Anyone know some good sites with weapon blueprints
  16. Munk

    Delta storm (sp)

    Grab them here Search for the guerillas, bradleys should be on the front page
  17. Munk

    Delta storm (sp)

    Actually thats a stupid crappy bug that comes with older DKM addons, remove them from your addons folder and it should run fine
  18. Munk

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    Screwthe waiting game, lets play hungry hungry hippo's!
  19. Munk

    Png2pac texture conversion tool

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">A Required .DLL file, mfc70.DLL, was not found
  20. Munk

    U.s. army special forces

    Information page on The Nighstalker site... Not very private is it...
  21. Munk

    U.s. army special forces

    Information page on The Nighstalker site... Not very private is it...
  22. Munk

    U.s. army special forces

    Information page on The Nighstalker site... Not very private is it...
  23. Munk

    U.s. army special forces

    *waits for Pathy to show...
  24. Munk

    U.s. army special forces

    *waits for Pathy to show...