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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    I blame Denoir and his 'predictions'
  2. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    He's already got to it, nobodys safe!
  3. Munk

    Gas Prices

    The price of a bit of hose pipe and a bag of mints for me
  4. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Wouldnt that mean banning most of the BIS team though?
  5. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Czech Rep 100-0 Greece
  6. Munk

    Voice Acting Needed

    Its a long shot but I'd put my money on German...
  7. Munk

    Nogova 2004 released!

    Just for laughs... FULL STEAM AHEAD!!! Erm... no steam?? Oh, yeah, right, this ain't a Sierra product, thank god... it's Philcommando's nice big ship, cruising at the comfortably realistic speed of 116 km/h... [mg]http://img39.exs.cx/img39/6245/GCS0089.jpg[/img] Haye-o Silver, awaayyyyyy!!! Â Â Â Â Â Looks like somebodys due for a time out
  8. Munk

    Nogova 2004 released!

    I got my baseball bat out for nothing I'd like to point out theres room for a pub in Vidlakov, to keep the local fishermen happy
  9. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Congrats to Portugal.... You bastards
  10. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    For the last time you sent the English home, the rest of Britian were too crap to get to Euro2004 After two nights with nothing to do all I can say is... Footy footy footy footy footy footy footy footy footy footy footy footy! I hope the hosts get thier ass kicked good style but im a little bias towards them for some strange reason  Edit: After player fifa abit more I've decided to get something new, something that actually responsed when I press a frickin button and doesnt make your team mates run at your heals 24/7. Shite game
  11. Munk

    How would I advertise

  12. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    I have the solution to your problem, MP
  13. Munk

    Nogova 2004 released!

    Not sure if anyones picked up on this but should there be a 'new' bridge to replace the that was blown up?
  14. Munk

    Hi res sarugao......

    Aslong as you do that I dont see the problem
  15. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Heh, guess what I've been playing most of the night Every football loving gamer knows Pro Evolution football 3 is the best football game on earth .... Why Fifa ... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  Because im too cheap to buy anything else
  16. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Heh, guess what I've been playing most of the night
  17. Munk


    Damn thats a great idea! All my ghost stories start with 'I was pissed' (actually, make that all my stories) so I dont think they'll be very helpful
  18. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Well done Czech Rep.
  19. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    But that means Denoirs prediction will be right
  20. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    I FECKIN MISSED IT! Edit: Stupid dogs, they go squish now!
  21. Munk

    Are You colourblind?

    Im downloading a campaign so the sound came about 5 minutes after the picture
  22. Munk

    UEFA Euro 2004

    Czech Rep. 2-1 Denmark
  23. Munk

    Player options

    Radio menu, dialogs piss me off and I hate a cluttered action menu
  24. Munk

    Kolgujev Patrol v1.0

    Ah you bastard Now I gotta get Acid to host
  25. Munk

    Kolgujev Patrol v1.0

    MP or SP?