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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Drop Zone

    Add me to msn (Munk_D@hotmail.com) and i'll sort you out a mirror
  2. Munk

    Top 100 games PCGamer Sept 04

    I loved those games, got all 4 of them somewhere
  3. Munk

    Operation L****k removed

    lol Seeing as all this shit is going on, how about updating Lojack to use the latest Delta/Ranger pack and maybe do a Marine Assualt Pack version aswell?
  4. Munk

    Don't worry, be happy.

    I thought I strangely happy lately, managed to do that smile thing yesterday
  5. Munk


    Anybody got any screens?
  6. Munk

    Matrix APU

    I found a way to destroy it without firing a single round. UKF Bayonet, 1 stab and bob's your uncle
  7. Munk

    Matrix APU

    Looking good. Contact Hooahman, he'll sort you out with a mirror (he should be back today) Edit: Slap me on msn (Munk_D@hotmail.com) and I'll sort out a temporary mirror until somebody can provide a better one
  8. Munk

    Metal Gear Solid...

    The link works for me
  9. Munk


    I bought my PC from Dell quite recently, the speakers didnt work and they put the cheapest modem in but still tried to charge me for the more expensive one I ordered. It took about 3 days for them to understnad why I was pissed off, then weeks to send me new speakers. They didnt charge me for the speakers, I kept the cheap ass modem which was free aswell. My brother bought a laptop from them, the dvd player didnt work and he couldnt connect to the internet. They couldnt fix it so they sent him a new one and never came to collect the broken one so he got a free laptop out of them. Dell - They screw everything up but you get half of the computer for free
  10. Munk

    "Off The Wall" Production

    Download the mission and check the readme
  11. Munk

    What new do you want in OPF

    I tried and failed, I got a bunch of lazy good for nothing bastards to join my team and I was twice as bad
  12. Munk

    Metal Gear Solid...

    I think you can get a Soccom in one of the SJB handgun packs. There are also some SJB NVGs around aswell I think. Check thier site here
  13. Munk


    So its a fictional mod then
  14. Munk

    ICBM upgrade

    The bastard survived and killed me aswell
  15. Munk


    Thats nice but that wasnt what I asked... What do they do? Everytime I've used them nothings happend and I've been playing it for hours now... Edit: Enjoy...
  16. Munk

    ICBM upgrade

    Lol, must be a safety feature to stop it falling into the wrong hands....
  17. Munk

    ICBM upgrade

    Nice, will make for some good spec op missions combined with your command center thingy-maboben...
  18. Munk

    Help Wanted

    Nogova... home of the shemale
  19. Munk

    chenowith FAV

    Why not join the USMC mod if you like that idea, they're probably still short on numbers and could do with a hand
  20. Munk

    USCG Pack Release

    Col. Klink was working on some, search for his 'fishing boat' thread
  21. Munk


    Finally got around to having a go... About 2 minutes after starting that punjabi mc's song came on the radio (dont know the name, the 1 they used a sample from the nightrider theme tune in) which set the mood I was having a great time. Nuked my jeep flying off the side of a cliff chasing down an afgan that made a break for it, the cunning bastards In the end the hunter became the hunted and I was under constant AK fire until I finally caught him running down a slope firing wildly. I finished him off but bled to death a few minutes later Maybe add a javelin or 2, and a few more vehicles for the multiplayer version. Edit: Got gunned down fleeing the advanced area this time What exactly do the calls and cover scent do?
  22. Munk

    Massive multiplayer level in development

    Hey, who doesnt like Everon? Why not do both? No idea, aslong as it can be done with around 16 (infantry + pilots) Marine Assualt Pack
  23. Munk

    MEC Beta testers needed

    I have my reasons for not seeing it then (a very painful reason)