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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Everon, its the only one with a pub in (almost) every town
  2. Munk

    Let's see you

  3. Munk

    Canadian Submarine in Distress

    Now you know how the average British tax payer feels
  4. Munk

    UEFA Champions League 2004/05

    Chelsea 2 - 0 CSKA Moscow I was at work so I missed it (even though I left 40 minutes early) Edit: Just caught the match on the news, seems like if you find Terry with a cross you've got a goal
  5. Munk

    How many forum members does it take..

    1 to post pointless spam
  6. Munk


    and stray from the pub? I dont think so Paddy
  7. Munk

    Ask a mod

    What Scotty was meant to ask was... 2 images - 105kb and 110kb, problem if he posts them or should he stick to using links?
  8. Munk


    Nice one Paddy, you've just volunteered to host a game later
  9. Who cares if jack can jump over it Can you murder somebody in the conservatory with it?
  10. Take Pete's car, go to mums, kill Phil, go to Liz's and save her then go to the winchester have a pint and wait for the whole thing to blow over.
  11. I dont mind hosting anything zombie related
  12. Im going to make you your own download page, try to shrink your sig
  13. Munk

    I'm interested in moving to Canada..

    Depends where about you move to, I'd suggest somewhere closer to London or another major city. Å4.85 for over 18s I think, Å4.10 for 17. Depends on the job, most are 7-8 hours a day.
  14. Munk

    I'm interested in moving to Canada..

    Can you point me in its direction, away from this damn ghost town?
  15. Munk

    "OFF the WALL Team" Continue making missions?

    When has anyone ever taken what he's said seriously?
  16. Munk

    "OFF the WALL Team" Continue making missions?

    I've created a few non-purposely-crap missions. I'm talking about them. Which were crap...
  17. Linkage BTW it was in Zombie Mods sig all along
  18. Munk

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    A few days late but... Mirror from OFPCentral
  19. Munk

    Pukf dpm pack 1.0

    Mirror from OFPCentral Glad the bayonets fixed, that action menu bug pissed me off big style
  20. Munk

    Pukf dpm pack 1.0

    Im no expert but im guessing... 'When its done'
  21. Munk

    The Iraq thread 4

    Sorry, im too lazy to go round the shop and buy a (decent) paper so I just wait for somebody else to do it and nick it when they're done