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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Co-Op Mission Pack

    Lost my USMC Coops then
  2. Munk

    RHS Aerosan NKL-26

    Mirror from OFPCentral
  3. Munk

    Sig 552

    Looking good mate
  4. Munk

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    That was just a side project for Mr T that'll probably never be used by him... Also I'd like to point out that mr_dna is the mastermind behind this crap
  5. Munk

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Got some alcohol from my secret santa at work...
  6. Munk

    Pirates; Age of Sail

    Mirror from OFPCentral
  7. Munk

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    Lol, thats great Hopefully we'll be able to use it, if we ever get around to working out how to change animations without editing the original Anim.pbo (we're all a bit slow you see...)
  8. Munk


    As I understand it the full conversion mod is dead but they're still be making addons... that how it is?
  9. Cos I'm chillin oot!!! This is no time for zombies or talking about OFP... this is Xmas... time for beer and erm... more beer! Â But I cant show you all my little side projects *cough*pimp*cough*
  10. Munk


    I assume your stay with the OFPCentral hosting
  11. Mr T, why arent you on MSN anymore?
  12. Munk

    Vietnam town

    Mirror from OFPCentral
  13. Munk

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    Jesus christ mate, its just a bit of fun! With all this ultra-realistic stuff being released every two minutes it makes a change to have a 'fun based' mod. Normally we'd release a few demo missions to go with an addon but how do you do demo missions for a sky pack? I'd also like to point out that we're not just creating things for no reason, we have goals just like other mods. All will be revealed at a later date, until then enjoy our christmas present or dont, not like im holding a gun to your head *hides n00b M93R*
  14. Munk

    Glad or Sad?

    Agreed, damn Hollywood to hell!
  15. Munk

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    Whoops, cheers mate. This is what happens when you rush things... Original link fixed Edit: Nice avator, nightmare before christmas ay?
  16. Munk

    TcM Crap Sky 1.0

    Aye, an island is planned along with several other projects but it'll take a while seeing as im (still!) the only modeler. More info will be released later, we're currently reorganising ourselves right now. You can check out our new forums here and the temporary site (not much) here...
  17. Munk

    Long live the Huey!

    Mirror from OFPCentral
  18. Munk

    Operation Farmland Mod

    I believe there'll be 1 in the vehicle pack
  19. Munk

    14 year old boy tries to sell bomb

    Im sure somebody will blame it on computer games eventually...
  20. Munk


    Thats too good for us
  21. Munk

    Shrimp Mod

    Its comments like this that keep me working hard...
  22. Munk

    The youth of today

    Fuck off you miserable old bastards! Around the age of 15/16 the little bastards started pissing me off aswell
  23. Munk

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Mirror from OFPCentral
  24. Munk

    the ofp sites aren't working for me

    Its probably because nobodys made any...