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Everything posted by Munk

  1. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Upload it to the RAAB server, edit the missions to use the updated version, upload them and have a few games. That a good enough answer?
  2. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Its worth the wait...
  3. Munk

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    Well im getting somewhere
  4. Munk

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    It worked for me. Make sure your not saving the new pbo to the same directory as the older version, its the only time I get that problem.
  5. Munk

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    Its Munk... Anyone know how to get the fookin handguns to show ingame?
  6. Munk

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    Handguns dont show aswell... Ive been playing with the config (making a JAM version) and noticed all but 1 of the wound textures are in the .pbo... RE: The yank flag, the jackets appear to be 'borrowed' from the US so having that there makes sense.
  7. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Can we not turn this topic into an 'I know more about the SAS than you' slagging match. Some of us want to be kept updated about this addon, not have the topic locked...
  8. Munk

    Addon cd from ebay

    Like I said those CDs are 10 for about Å4, he's charging Å3 + shipping for 1. Look like he's trying to make a profit to me
  9. Munk

    Addon cd from ebay

    Those CDs are 10 for about Å4 in Asda, my brother uses them and I nick em off him
  10. Munk

    New vietnam campaign

    Worked fine for me
  11. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Cant you release it seperately? Good to see you've fixed most of those bugs already
  12. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Hopefully some who has more time than me will make some missions
  13. Munk

    Bloody Days Mod

    Will there be a release of Lorient Island with an anim folder in the near future?
  14. Munk

    Looking for addon author

    Concept404 was hacked I believe, Id ask Pathy but he buggered off to Ecuador for 6 months this morning.
  15. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    He's sent them to the beta testers tonight
  16. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    You mean today right? RIGHT!?!? Edit: You'll probably be better off sending it all over msn (munk_d@hotmail.com) and as Pathy said below, you can trust the lads...
  17. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Like I said, Im sure RAAB wouldnt mind helping out with MP testing
  18. Munk

    Blackblood's desert grunts

    Im sure RAAB wouldnt mind giving these some MP beta testing...
  19. Munk

    Doomsday - Part IV

    On the OFPEC forums...
  20. Munk

    Doomsday - Part IV

    Play the mission, find out...
  21. Munk

    Doomsday - Part IV

    10 minutes isnt enough Edit: Completed it after driving it to the final objective A few things... The Mayor's a talking corpse also the cutscene trigger caused me to crash after I had a few runs, using my FFARS on the zombies which was great. Just firing off a rocket and watching bodies fly everywhere The choppers fuel suddenly dropping is instant death for low fliers, maybe a slower leak would give you a chance to get the bastard down. There's a chopper at the airport, why cant I escape in it? The yanks at the airport say they're leaving, I went back to nick thier chopper and they hadnt moved.
  22. Munk

    BioHazzard - Apocalypse!

    Have you thought about using the Farmland NBC guys?
  23. Munk

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Could we get a list of required addons please