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Everything posted by MaxPower44

  1. MaxPower44

    Capturing a hill

    You can control if the unit isn't in any vehicles like this : activation : this && ((_thislist select 0) == vehicle (_thislist select 0)) I don't know if it works, try !
  2. MaxPower44

    Capturing towns by flags

    try something like this : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _flaglist = [obj1, obj2 ... ,objn] _condition = "(" + name (flaglist select 0) + " distance player <10) " _count = 1 #beginloop  ?(_count < count flaglist): goto "Endloop"   _condition =  " || (" + name (flaglist select _count) + " distance player <10) "   _count = _count + 1   goto "beginloop" #Endloop @call _condition ; (flagpole1 distance player < 10) || (flagpole2 distance player < 10) || ... || (flagpoleN distance player < 10) ;searche the nearest flagpole ; open here the dialog @dialogclose ~10; time to go away goto "EndLoop" <span id='postcolor'> tell me if it works or not ! PS: MFCTI is a very good map, try this, the new version arrived today (V1.0)
  3. MaxPower44

    Setvelocity function

    download the last comref, you should find this command (sure)
  4. MaxPower44

    Slider like azimut

    I know that I can make this with an other solution, but I mean that it was most fun with a circle-slider
  5. MaxPower44

    Slider like azimut

    I would like to create a dialog that allow the player to order others escouades to recon in a direction. I don't want use the onmapclick because the map is not available in the beginning of my mission. Then I have create a combobox with the list of direction (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW) but it will be greater if i can replace this combo by a slider which looks like azimut
  6. MaxPower44

    Slider like azimut

    InqWiper, I just want to create a slider which look like the azimut (see in unit editor). I know how to use a slider Bullz_eye_on_my_back, never mind, you're the first who have understood my question....
  7. MaxPower44

    Slider like azimut

    Excuse me, I don't explain me. When i create a dialog, i would like to create a slider like the Azimut in the editor. How can i do it ? Ask me if you don't understand my question (I'm french, sorry)
  8. I have seen a example that use the image "iskoda" and it works. Where is this picture and where can i found a liste of picture available ?
  9. You should be use addon building that have building for each side, if you want to create and target (with radar) them dynamicly. I've never seen an other solution ... but i can make a mistake !
  10. Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to have the list of all the trigger in a map ? (Be carrefull, I' dont want the command list "name of trigger") it will be beautiful for implement quickly few functionnality. While i'm here, the list of group exists ? Thx to positive reply. for the other reply, never mind
  11. try something like this : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #begin _count = "PipeBomb" counttype magazines ammobox ?(_count == 0):Exit removePipeBomb = false @(removePipeBomb || "PipeBomb" counttype magazines ammobox != _count) ?(removePipeBomb ):goto "remove" goto "tellother" #remove  ; a other player take pipebomb  ammobox removeMagazine "PipeBomb"  removePipeBomb = false  goto "begin" #tellother  ; your player take bomb  removePipeBomb = true  publicVariable removePipeBomb  goto "begin" <span id='postcolor'> this script must turn on each client side and server too but i don't know what happened if two player take pipbomb in the same time Don't tested
  12. MaxPower44

    A new editing site

    I don't that's a great idea because there is still a lot of sites. It would be better to participate to an existing site, i think !
  13. MaxPower44


    I would like that's possible but create EmptyDetector, create only an invisible object which can't be configured. Maybe, in an other Patch, but i don't believe.
  14. I tried to count Guerrila's unit with a trigger (guer countside thislist) but it return always "scalar". I supposed that's the same with civilian. Have I make a mistake or should I use an other way ?
  15. MaxPower44

    Countside don't work with guerilla

    if my player is a resistant, side player =>GUER but to use countside, we should use Resistance countside [player] => 1 I don't try with civilian
  16. MaxPower44

    Countside don't work with guerilla

    Maybe, but with Trigger-Anybody,presente Cond: this activation: hint format["%1", Guer countside thislist] don't work, with activation: hint format["%1", West countside thislist] work
  17. MaxPower44

    How to move respawn zone?

    You can try to create a trigger in the respawn zone an when you respawn you can teleport soldier with getpos function
  18. MaxPower44

    Command menu 0-9

    Anybody can eplain me what is the use of 0-9 in the command menu ? It was always disable ! Thx
  19. MaxPower44

    Propositions toward next patches

    Liquid_Silence, you're right. I'm make the test Yesterday and I'm realize that. That's great because I'm thinking before that we must create in edifor a logic game object and it's trouble me to make dynamic game. COOOOOL !!!!
  20. MaxPower44

    Please help!

    What is chute object ? be sure that jour object have 3 dimensionnal position like a soldier but not like an trigger or marker. ;Vehicle Paradrop ; #PDr bmd setpos getpos chute ?pos3<1:goto Land ~1 goto "PDr" ;Land #Land;
  21. MaxPower44

    Init code error

    RalphWiggum have right, You must delete the first semi colon because the command completed is Cessna = "Cessna" CreateVehicle GetPos Player and not Cessna = "Cessna";CreateVehicle GetPos Player
  22. MaxPower44

    Chopper trouble

    Sorry, I make a little mistake
  23. MaxPower44

    Propositions toward next patches

    It will be great if we have the fork functio  like in C </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> argument fork script Operand types:   argument: Any Value   script: String Type of returned value:   Nothing Description:   Execute script. Argument is passed to script as local variable _this. Script is first searched in mission folder, then in campaign scripts subfolder, last in global scripts folder.   And this function don't stop current Script Example:   [player, jeepOne] fork "getIn.sqs"<span id='postcolor'>
  24. MaxPower44

    Chopper trouble

    chopper2 and chopper3 is the name of chopper. jou can't join vehicle, just unit. Then you must do </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;for driver chopper2 chopper2D join gp ;for gunner chopper2 chopper2G join gp ;for driver chopper3 chopper3D join gp ;for gunner chopper3 chopper3G join gp <span id='postcolor'> if they are in the chopper in the editor or you can do </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;for driver chopper2 driver chopper2 join gp ;for gunner chopper2 gunner chopper2 join gp ;for driver chopper3 driver chopper3 join gp ;for gunner chopper3 gunner chopper3 join gp <span id='postcolor'> that's all.
  25. MaxPower44

    Hide waypoint feature

    you're right, this will be great !