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Everything posted by MasterSiggi

  1. MasterSiggi

    Problem with oygen

    Hmm, isn't still working. I've reinstalled it 2 times, but nothing happened. Should i know some things about O2, that i don't know, like install-path or something like that? mfg
  2. MasterSiggi

    Problem with oygen

    Hi erverybody! i've a big problem with my oxygen. if i want to start the viewer, there is an error: bin\config.bin.cfgworlds What is this? I've already copied the flashpoint.cfg in the Bulldozer-Folder, but nothing changed. I've still this big problem. Can somebodey help me with the bad thing? mfg Schackal
  3. MasterSiggi

    Problem with oygen

    Hi! EUDEF is dead, had only been alive for 3 months or so... I'm now workin' on other things for Ofp. Hmm, no, i'm not working on other things for Ofp, because i can't, 'cause of this f*ckin' error. mfg
  4. MasterSiggi

    Texture convert error

    Hi! I've a big Problem with o2 (ones more). Everytime, wehn i Want to import new textures, o2 shows this setence: cannont convert 'temp$$$.tga' Please, help me! I've already have a T90 ingame, but without textures! thx! MasterSiggi
  5. how can i do that my weapon shot straitahead?
  6. MasterSiggi

    [problem] weapon error?!

    Can anybody say me, how i can do this? I'm a newbie at o2! Please say it detailed. thx! bye MasterSiggi PS: Sorry for my bad english!
  7. MasterSiggi

    [problem] weapon error?!

    My Weapon fires 90° to the rigth side. How I can make it right? My weapon should fire straid ahead! But it didn't. bye MasterSiggi
  8. MasterSiggi

    [problem] textur-error

    i've a big problem with o2: wehn i want to import an gif-file for textur, my pc always shows me this words: cannot convert 'D:\FNC\fnc.gif' to 'C:\o2_light\data\fnc.pac'. What's wrong? Please help me! I'm going to kill my pc! bye MasterSiggi
  9. MasterSiggi

    [problem] textur-error

    Yeah, now it works! I hope it works in the game too Kampfmerschwein, you are my hero